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Bush is ahead with 249, with Kerry closing in at 242 and nobody's willing to call a winner...will the provisional ballots be the finish line?
I'm going to call it 286/252 in favor of Bush. Bush will carry Alaska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and Iowa, but he won't get Minnesota, Wisconsin, Hawaii, or New Hampshire. John Kerry will be dragging this through the legal mud for weeks, but the result will stand, and I just can't wait to see the Oscars this year.
One more thing I just heard about Ohio: Along with the provisional ballots, they still haven't added the overseas military ballots either.

All together now...
NightTrain said:
No, Grasshopper.

Bush : 269

Flipper : 242

Just 1 more vote, and Alaska's 3 will go Bush.

Bow to your Leader!

One problem, Ohio has more provisional votes than the current vote margin. Voting experts, on all three major networks, suggest that at least 75% of them are for Kerry.

Does "Dewey Defeats Truman" ring a bell?
CNN is saying Bush is about to call victory. I think he should as the gap is too big to help Kerry! Thank God!
hylandrdet said:
One problem, Ohio has more provisional votes than the current vote margin. Voting experts, on all three major networks, suggest that at least 75% of them are for Kerry.

Does "Dewey Defeats Truman" ring a bell?

I don't know what "major network" you're watching, but NBC and Fox have both said it's not going to happen. Bush is leading by 140,000 votes in Ohio right now. It's over.
also being reported..... a 'drift' is developing in the DNC. Many are urging Kerry to concede, but he is holding out. Funny how it is the dems that are dividing the nation, but you know tomorrow (after Bush declares victory tonight) the libs will be screaming that Bush called it too early and as we have seen on DU, they will be screaming for GOP blood.

Now tell me.... who is dividing the country?
Well, with 87% of precincts reporting, it would appear that the Shirefolk candidates for ruler of Middle Earth have taken a strong lead as they have kept their traditional states of Shire, Rivendell, and Rohan, while clinching the battleground states of Rohan and Gondor, both worth a large number of electoral votes. Mirkwood, while close, has sided with the Shirefolk this year, possibly due to the decline in giant spiders. The traditionally Nazgul states of the East and the South have, expectantly, gone to the Nazgul party. Mordor is still too close to call, but doesn't have enough votes to give victory to the Nazgul party. The Shirefolk have declared victory, but the Nazgul are planning to file legal action in both Rohan and Mirkwood, along with pending legal action in Mordor.
hylandrdet said:
Rhetoric refers to long winded speech making; I'd told you what I'd voted for and why; in other words my little ignorant friend, it's my way of saying keep your posting simple. Well, at least I'm not running around the forum, like a little b#$ch, screaming like I need to be b#$chslapped. Here, let me solve that for you.

"Stupid is as stupid does!" -Forrest Gump


When it comes to the facts, whose your daddy?

freeandfun1- Hylandr!!!!

Hey fuckface, this statement:

The two greatest administrations of our generation were the Reagan and Clinton presidencies
is rhetoric. How you can put the words "greatest presidency" and Clinton in the same sentence? That is NOTHING but PURE rhetoric!

Tell me (hell, tell us all) what was so great about Clinton? What did HE do that was so great? The economy? Nope. It was Reagan's spending on defense systems, that were commercialized in the 90's, that drove the economy of the 90s. Oh, perhaps you mean Clinton's constant ignoring of terrorism, which led to the attacks (the terrorist became more bold) of 911 as his greatest leadership quality.

See, you did use rhetoric. I still can't believe you put Clinton and Reagan on the same plane. You must be about, say 25? as you obviously do not remember or know what it was like to have a President as great as Reagan leading this nation!

So fuck off!
i have this to say about daschale

he does more for his STATE than the great majority of senators have in the past 25 years.

it is a mistake for south dakotans to vote him out, they're a tiny state and their influence will wane severely as a result of this loss.

i say with senators you vote for leadership and character for one senator, you vote for your own neighborhood's (state in this case) naked self-interest in the other
Jimmyeatworld said:
I don't know what "major network" you're watching, but NBC and Fox have both said it's not going to happen. Bush is leading by 140,000 votes in Ohio right now. It's over.

As of this moment, the secretary of state of Ohio has declared that the results of Ohio will not be official for several days. Now check this out; Ohio has the same voting system Florida had in 2000; Ohio's law: If the initial margin of victory is within one quarter of one percent... RECOUNT!
Iowa, New Mexico and New Mexico and clearly for Bush why the heck wont anyone call them to put the President over the top?
hylandrdet said:
As of this moment, the secretary of state of Ohio has declared that the results of Ohio will not be official for several days. Now check this out; Ohio has the same voting system Florida had in 2000; Ohio's law: If the initial margin of victory is within one quarter of one percent... RECOUNT!

1/4 of 1% of the total votes cast. At 6 million cast, that means that it has to be within 15,000 votes. Ain't gonna happen!
hylandrdet said:
As of this moment, the secretary of state of Ohio has declared that the results of Ohio will not be official for several days. Now check this out; Ohio has the same voting system Florida had in 2000; Ohio's law: If the initial margin of victory is within one quarter of one percent... RECOUNT!

The count isnt even within 2%. You guys couldnt fabricate 500 votes in Florida. How the heck do you plan to fabricate 125,000?
hylandrdet said:
As of this moment, the secretary of state of Ohio has declared that the results of Ohio will not be official for several days. Now check this out; Ohio has the same voting system Florida had in 2000; Ohio's law: If the initial margin of victory is within one quarter of one percent... RECOUNT!

I don't know where your getting your news, but the only people declaring it to close to call are the Kerry campaign and maybe CBS.
besides the fact that the President has run away with the popular vote that we heard so much about in the last election . As of 2:49 central time , President W is ahead of Heinz err I mean Kerry by almost 3,800,000 votes . Remember how much mileage the Dims got out of the smaller half million votes Gore supposedly got?
The President has broken the record held by President Reagan for the highest number of popular votes . . . EVER! :clap: :clap: :clap:
sitarro said:
besides the fact that the President has run away with the popular vote that we heard so much about in the last election . As of 2:49 central time , President W is ahead of Heinz err I mean Kerry by almost 3,800,000 votes . Remember how much mileage the Dims got out of the smaller half million votes Gore supposedly got?
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!
4 MORE YEARS (of whining)!!!!!!!

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