. LIVE! DeSantis vs. Newsom

franco you have posted this so many times it should be in the "famous quotes by board members who have repeated the same shit more than 23 times " section......
and FACT. And absolutely unknown to the brainwashed GOP base...
Ladies and gentlemen, this is how fucked in the head the retarded left actually is… Despite all the statistics and data that was shown during the debate, they still want to believe, somehow someway that Gavin Newsom won because he says some cool LefTard shit….Twilight Zone!
Too bad too bad the statistics and data were biased and BSGOP garbage. That's why this whole thing was a bit of a joke.
so you think Newsom has done a great job in CA eh ?
It's a big cost for liberal states to do what the GOP federal government policies screw up all to hell through lack of investment and give away to the rich tax rates
So what? What do you know about him? I don't know shit about the Detroit Mayor and I still live in MI. You USED to live in Cali and you didn't live in SF so I doubt you were keeping track of how their mayor was doing.

Here's what we know

Majorities of California adult voters (58%) approve of Governor Newsom’s handling of his job. Governor Newsom’s approval ratings among adults have not gone below 50% since his first year in office, when many were still on the fence about their new governor. Since then, majorities of adults have consistently said that they approve of the way that Gavin Newsom is handling his job
vote for him bobo.....he is a dipshit like you....you guys will get along great....
Federal tax dollars don't exist to prop up failed liberal states. Nor has the DNC been powerless since Reagan. Sad.
Your love and admiration for lying scumbag mega rich GOP slime is noted. Taxing the rich is so overdue now it's ridiculous. 40 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP has given us the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness ever anywhere by far in the modern world.
Where should the top federal income tax bracket start and what should the rate be?
Yet another GOP base dupe who can only think in terms of federal income taxes, our only progressive tax. However if you count all taxes everyone is paying on average 27%- billionaires and you- thanks to GOP crap tax rates, it's a huge giveaway to the rich. Do you want a diagram? That's why we're the only country in the modern world that has a flat tax for all practical purposes what a scam....
Where should the top federal income tax bracket start and what should the rate be?
More, it's not like it's science. Should pay about 10% more so we can invest in America and Americans again.... Local and state taxes fall twice as hard on the non rich, so they should be changed.... No One is talking about taxing the non-rich more, they're paying too much already. About 80% of the country believes the rich should be taxed more yet somehow it doesn't happen. Job!
One thing Ron DeSantis needs is a damn smile coach. He keeps trying to smile, and you can see where he decides it is time to paste one on, but it always comes off as a bizarre grimace. Surely there must be someone capable of training him to smile more naturally.
Yet another GOP base dupe

(Insert gereric reply insult here)

who can only think in terms of federal income taxes, our only progressive tax.

That was my frist question. Which, by the way, like ALL liberals I ask that question of you too denied to answer.

However if you count all taxes

I wasn't counting Jack $h!t, I asked a simple question.

everyone is paying on average 27%- billionaires and you- thanks to GOP crap tax rates, it's a huge giveaway to the rich.

How does one give to someone that which is already theirs?

Do you want a diagram?


That's why we're the only country in the modern world that has a flat tax for all practical purposes what a scam....


monica 1.7.jpg

flow chart 1.3.png

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