Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

So. This is a college where you go to learn. A speaker is coming. You don't think you'll like what he has to say, so you trash the campus. That's some high level learning.

The Leftist Maniacs are illustrating just how Fascist they are, don't like a differing opinion, get violent and shut down Free Speech.

We stand for the rule of law and order and discipline, and the Leftist Maniacs don't, we stand for Free Speech, and the Leftist Maniacs don't.

The thing is the Leftist Maniacs are so stupid they don't even realise they are providing the rope, they are providing the excuse that law enforcement imminently under the direct order of Jeff Sessions will use to crack the whip on their nasty buttocks.

Within days Jeff Sessions will be confirmed as US Attorney-General and he's not an Agitator Supporting Pussy like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were.

Jeff Sessions is hardcore, he will give law enforcement Zero Tolerance to get these Leftist Maniacs under full control and some of them will have to be made a public example of as a warning to others.

I also don't support wild exaggerations about it, a form of propaganda.

What exaggeration? A gay jew went to speak at Berkley and fascist pigs decided they would use brown shirt shout down tactics and violence to silence political opposition, that is not an exaggeration that is exactly what happened you fucking idiot.
Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

I'd be protesting too.

It seems like you are another communist terrorist sympathizer supporting destruction of property and injuring people who happen to have opposing views from yours.

I agree with them.

Gfys you fascist pig.
He knew exactly what would happen and Bannon probably told him to do it to cause an uproar.
Can you actually argue the point being made?

Being that I'm not brainwashed into spouting one point, like all of you, I can argue multiple points. I can see why that upsets you, as it illustrates you intellectual limitations.

Here is a question. Do you support mobs of people silencing people who disagree with them? Yes or No.


I also don't support wild exaggerations about it, a form of propaganda.

So, who are the ones crying hysterically here, across multiple threads that all say the same thing?

You. And only you.

That makes you the snowflakes. This thread is about snowflakes, so you shouldn't avoid that topic.

What exaggeration? There was a violent attempt that was successful in shutting down a speech event.

You are trying to stretch the snowflake thing and failing miserably. If these leftists wanted to protest outside Milo's speech, none of us would have an issue. If they attended Milo's speech and confronted him during a Q and A session, none of us would have an issue. We listen to the other sides argument without trying to suppress them or stop them. Partially because most of us are strict fans of the constitution, and believe in free speech, but because most of us know your sides positions are idiotic, and we should be happy for your to broadcast your drivel throughout the land.

We don't need to run to other people when confronted, we confront, in this case on a message board.
Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

I'd be protesting too.

It seems like you are another communist terrorist sympathizer supporting destruction of property and injuring people who happen to have opposing views from yours.

I agree with them.

You agree with the destruction of property and injuring people, okay, good, it's noted.
The Trump thugs certainly are well-trained. When the orders go out, they all run to the board, to repeat whatever the latest talking points are. This is at least the third thread on this.

The funniest thing is they don't even realize they're being played.

So, Trump thugs, got any other reasons to impose martial law and end democracy in the USA that you want to give us? What, you thought your fascist agenda wasn't that obvious?

Can you actually argue the point being made?

Here is a question. Do you support mobs of people silencing people who disagree with them? Yes or No.
No. Brown shirts. We don't need or want them. Milo makes his living poking people with a stick; he got lots of free publicity last night for talking trash and getting people hopped up. But the kids who wanted him there had the right to hear him speak.
The University says it was off campus agitators, not college students, who caused the violence. What I want to know is, how do they know and why didn't they do anything, since I haven't heard of any arrests. Those people were close enough to chuck barricades through the windows. The police (in their riot gear, fully loaded for bear) couldn't grab a few by the scruff of the neck?
Maybe California really will secede. They seem to be pretty nuts.
Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

It can't be that much longer before these Leftist Maniacs when they have their next violent tantrum are going to be given the Kent State Treatment.

The only way to stop the freak alt right from speaking, good for them.

At least you're honest about opposing freedom of speech.
Can you actually argue the point being made?

Being that I'm not brainwashed into spouting one point, like all of you, I can argue multiple points. I can see why that upsets you, as it illustrates you intellectual limitations.

Here is a question. Do you support mobs of people silencing people who disagree with them? Yes or No.


Now, snowflake, what's that got to do with the way you wet yourself on command?

Who are the ones crying hysterically here, across multiple threads that all say the same thing?

You. And only you.

That makes you the snowflakes. This thread is about snowflakes, so you shouldn't avoid that topic.
What makes you "special" is your unwavering support for terrorist riots to suppress freedom of speech and then you turn it round to disparage decent people for disapproving it.

But he said he doesn't "support it", he just supports the end results, i.e. the suppression of speech he doesn't like.
So. This is a college where you go to learn. A speaker is coming. You don't think you'll like what he has to say, so you trash the campus. That's some high level learning.

The Leftist Maniacs are illustrating just how Fascist they are, don't like a differing opinion, get violent and shut down Free Speech.

We stand for the rule of law and order and discipline, and the Leftist Maniacs don't, we stand for Free Speech, and the Leftist Maniacs don't.

The thing is the Leftist Maniacs are so stupid they don't even realise they are providing the rope, they are providing the excuse that law enforcement imminently under the direct order of Jeff Sessions will use to crack the whip on their nasty buttocks.

Within days Jeff Sessions will be confirmed as US Attorney-General and he's not an Agitator Supporting Pussy like Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were.

Jeff Sessions is hardcore, he will give law enforcement Zero Tolerance to get these Leftist Maniacs under full control and some of them will have to be made a public example of as a warning to others.
His approval is delayed at the moment by the GOP because his votes are needed for the approval of other cabinet appointees...It is a planned delay
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Actually, not a huge surprize, in fact, intolerance to free speech died long ago in the Bay Area.

It's all about the hate and lawlessness for the extremist alt. left Democrats nowadays.

Rioters Damage Property at UC Berkeley, Downtown Berkeley, Paint 'Kill Trump' Graffiti
I hope that the rioting continues, from the liberal/progressive/Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Socialist Party, as all it does is move more people to the right, where civility and community are the rule of law, not lawlessness and "diversity" rule the day. But, and with liberals rioting, they always are big butts, if this shit escalates, Trump may have to declare Martial Law, and then anyone who is out rioting will be considered terrorists. Gitmo has been emptied, but could be filled with home grown terrorists, called liberals.

Bill Ayers - Obama's Communist Terrorist Bomber Weather Underground Friend


Bill Ayers Has Ties to At Least Ten People in The White House Administration

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis.

I'm thinkin the riots will continue, Americans will reject lawless liberal anarchy in greater numbers but "hope", I'm a nope, too many innocents are getting screwed over.

Trump should cut federal funds to Berkeley or Berkeley should put a stop to bigotry and intolerance on campus starting with pressing charges and extended jail times/fines and expulsions for the domestic thugs and looters..
The Trump thugs certainly are well-trained. When the orders go out, they all run to the board, to repeat whatever the latest talking points are. This is at least the third thread on this.

The funniest thing is they don't even realize they're being played.

So, Trump thugs, got any other reasons to impose martial law and end democracy in the USA that you want to give us? What, you thought your fascist agenda wasn't that obvious?

Can you actually argue the point being made?

Here is a question. Do you support mobs of people silencing people who disagree with them? Yes or No.
No. Brown shirts. We don't need or want them. Milo makes his living poking people with a stick; he got lots of free publicity last night for talking trash and getting people hopped up. But the kids who wanted him there had the right to hear him speak.
The University says it was off campus agitators, not college students, who caused the violence. What I want to know is, how do they know and why didn't they do anything, since I haven't heard of any arrests. Those people were close enough to chuck barricades through the windows. The police (in their riot gear, fully loaded for bear) couldn't grab a few by the scruff of the neck?
Maybe California really will secede. They seem to be pretty nuts.

The police and university fear more any legal action done by hurt protesters (actually from their middle/upper class parents) then any legal action from the people who's speech has been suppressed.
Those kids are idiots.

It hurts their cause when there is rioting and violence.

There is no excuse for it.
I agree. Brown shirts. We don't need or want them. Milo makes his living poking people with a stick; he got lots of free publicity last night for talking trash and getting people hopped up. But the kids who wanted him there had the right to hear him speak.
The University says it was off campus agitators, not college students, who caused the violence. What I want to know is, how do they know and why didn't they do anything, since I haven't heard of any arrests. Those people were close enough to chuck barricades through the windows. The police (in their riot gear, fully loaded for bear) couldn't grab a few by the scruff of the neck?
Maybe California really will secede. They seem to be pretty nuts.
Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

It can't be that much longer before these Leftist Maniacs when they have their next violent tantrum are going to be given the Kent State Treatment.

The only way to stop the freak alt right from speaking, good for them.

Milo isn't Alt-Right, he's already been uncovered as an Infiltrator and also he's just a self-publicist.

You know NOTHING about Milo.

Milo has more in common with the Alt-Left, he's even a cross dressing faggot who engages in buttfucking and dick sucking other men, so the Leftist Maniacs should love Milo.
We need a law against the wearing of masks in public. THe moment the mask goes on, arrest the fucker before he implements his violence.

Clear the fucking streets.
You are trying to stretch the snowflake thing and failing miserably. If these leftists wanted to protest outside Milo's speech, none of us would have an issue. If they attended Milo's speech and confronted him during a Q and A session, none of us would have an issue. We listen to the other sides argument without trying to suppress them or stop them. Partially because most of us are strict fans of the constitution, and believe in free speech, but because most of us know your sides positions are idiotic, and we should be happy for your to broadcast your drivel throughout the land.

Yet you're an enthusiastic supporter of the Trump admin's censorship of science and intimidation of journalists. All of you Trump-thugs are. Not a single one of you anywhere has said a word against such things.

You don't ban free speech yourself. You have the authoritarian big government that you worship do it. You're just as bad as those kids. No, wait. You're a thousand times worse, given the degree of censorship you support. And you're far worse because you're not brave enough to do it yourself.

When any of you Trump-thugs comes out against the Trump admin's anti-free-speech policies, then you won't be laughed at when you pretend you're not anti-free speech.
To bad the girl wasn't armed. She could have justifiably/legally launched a projectile lifting the top of this dudes scalp off

You are trying to stretch the snowflake thing and failing miserably. If these leftists wanted to protest outside Milo's speech, none of us would have an issue. If they attended Milo's speech and confronted him during a Q and A session, none of us would have an issue. We listen to the other sides argument without trying to suppress them or stop them. Partially because most of us are strict fans of the constitution, and believe in free speech, but because most of us know your sides positions are idiotic, and we should be happy for your to broadcast your drivel throughout the land.

Yet you're an enthusiastic supporter of the Trump admin's censorship of science and intimidation of journalists. All of you Trump-thugs are. Not a single one of you anywhere has said a word against such things.

You don't ban free speech yourself. You have the authoritarian big government that you worship do it. You're just as bad as those kids. No, wait. You're a thousand times worse, given the degree of censorship you support. And you're far worse because you're not brave enough to do it yourself.

When any of you Trump-thugs comes out against the Trump admin's anti-free-speech policies, then you won't be laughed at when you pretend you're not anti-free speech.
:confused-84: What are you talking about? Are you drunk?

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