Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

The SJWs and progressives absolutely hate the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Been that way for a long time.

Listen to Bruce Dern on his role in the movie "The Cowboys" in which he killed John Wayne. He received death threats after that, role but listen here, and he's right. Berkley is a cesspool of libstain fools.

Actually, not a huge surprize, in fact, intolerance to free speech died long ago in the Bay Area.

It's all about the hate and lawlessness for the extremist alt. left Democrats nowadays.

Rioters Damage Property at UC Berkeley, Downtown Berkeley, Paint 'Kill Trump' Graffiti
I hope that the rioting continues, from the liberal/progressive/Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Socialist Party, as all it does is move more people to the right, where civility and community are the rule of law, not lawlessness and "diversity" rule the day. But, and with liberals rioting, they always are big butts, if this shit escalates, Trump may have to declare Martial Law, and then anyone who is out rioting will be considered terrorists. Gitmo has been emptied, but could be filled with home grown terrorists, called liberals.

Bill Ayers - Obama's Communist Terrorist Bomber Weather Underground Friend


Bill Ayers Has Ties to At Least Ten People in The White House Administration

Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis.

So when they were burning effigies of Oblama hung by the neck in a tree you thought free speech was alive and well?

Was that preventing anyone else from speaking? No it wasn't.

Carry on, dipshit.
I'm sorry your love of a gay man has brought you to the point of name calling...
I remember Moon that you said you didn't commit violence, but it sure makes your side look like the radicals that they are with this shit going on in Berkley. Just like the radical Fundamentalist Muslims make all the religion of peace look bad. Why is it you both are working together to get rid of the Capitalist way of the west?
Why do Liberals tend to defend Islam?
Why water cannon trucks aren't used on this anarchists scum?

Use the bloody things for heaven's sake!
The answer is the riots happen in big cities, or uber left ones, and the mayors are leftists. And probably in the crowd wearing a mask throwing bottles.
ANTIFA is not an "organization".

All black is the "uniform" of black bloc anarchists.
One of them is waving a Soviet flag.

They're not anarchists, they're goddamn commies.

There are many more black flags thanot Soviet flags.
I saw the black/red flags. What are they supposed to stand for?

I can't even pronounce that.

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