Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

I've been saying it for months, Dem's your party is being taken over, you need to stand up and take your party back.

I also said about the women's march that it's been stolen by other groups. I said about this riot last night that they have been infiltrated by foreign entities, anarchists, and violence. You Dems /must/ not let these people take over your party, you need to fight back and take a stand against /wrong/ things, even if they are against someone you disagree with or you're party /will/ die.

This guy's a lefty so there is some bias and I can usually find a few holes in his reporting, but he tries very hard to give both sides of issues when he talk's politics and generally had a decent head on his shoulder.

(FYI In this particular discussion about UC Berkley he "missed" or "ignores" the fact that the campus police and in fact the city police were basically told to "give them space to destroy" by the school administration - which is why President Trump tweeted that, as far as MANY right and even now left folks are concerned the schools themselves are condoning this violence through their inaction.)
Milo isn't all that "alt-right." Even the other alt-right fags don't want him hijacking their name. I've listened to his podcast and his guest appearances on Joe Rogan's podcast. He seems to have two or three hot buttons -- feminism, gender studies and censorship. He's been lumped in with the alt-right because he gave their ideas good presence on Breitbart, but really he's just an internet troll who likes to piss people off, spew ignorant hate speech through his articles, and write gay clickbait headlines for his hate site. Protesting against this troll will only elevate his status.
and he knows the left will accommodate with violence. But, why is that? why do accept the violence? He has a right to say his peace according to the 1st amendment right?

Yes, he does. I agree.
The word you're looking for, Pupps thinks, is anarchists. They want absolute total control and the self aggrandizement that goes along with power. Philosophically, they are to the left of the typical RaT but their lust for absolute power is straight down the party line.


If you think anarchists want "absolute total control", your level of cognitive dissonance is mindblowing.
....... But what are all the Satanists you hang with saying?

About what?

The riots in Berkeley? I haven't asked, but I imagine they're laughing.

That's their reaction to almost everything.
It seems to be yours, too.

You are nothing but a sociopath who doesn't give a shit about who gets hurt. Your acting as if you are above it all masks some pretty fucked up pathology.


Your powers of armchair psychology are as pathetic as your "argument" style.

As for "caring about people getting hurt", I have no doubt you'd be cheering deliriously if the police had opened fire on the crowd - so save the sanctimonious bullshit.
No. I simply want them to grow up and learn to respect the rights of other people

.......much like I want you to develop a humanistic conscience instead of operating on pure , malignant ego.
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The word you're looking for, Pupps thinks, is anarchists. They want absolute total control and the self aggrandizement that goes along with power. Philosophically, they are to the left of the typical RaT but their lust for absolute power is straight down the party line.


If you think anarchists want "absolute total control", your level of cognitive dissonance is mindblowing.

Care to tell that to your idols of Lenin and Stalin? Better yet, say it to the ghosts of those that fell to anarchists. The street anarchist is but a mere expendable pawn to the powers of revolution. The objective is overthrow, create the ensuing chaos and capture power in the aftermath.

C'mon Doc, you can't be that naive and gullible. What is the objective of those that "you know many of" and "took pepper spray" with?

To fuck shit up. To destroy the state, not make it all-powerful.

Lenin and Stalin are no "idols" of mine, clown shoes.
what is the plan after the state is destroyed if not power? wow, you're out there. And your a mod on here? holy fk.

Yep. Obviously, the end product of anarchy is rule by sheer, brute force and ruthlessness. It can't be anything else.

Their behavior already indicates that they have no social conscience whatsoever, and so as far as WHO they think will be in control, their own disregard for anybody but themselves answers a good part of that particular question.
Gads, this merge sure put the thread completely out of context ... ruined .. :ack-1:

Oh well, movin on ...
Difference between hippies of yesterday and today's radical left is hippies actually stood for something, and they developed great music.

What does the modern liberal stand for? Absolutely nothing. They're not progressing, they're dumbing down and they're fragile.
And they're not liberals.

30 years ago, when all the right wing radio talk show hosts in this country were demonizing the word "liberal", what they were actually attacking was the most radical left but CALLING them liberals. A funny thing has happened since then, for instead of real liberals (such as the other than the rare exceptions like Mill Maher here in the states) standing up to proclaim, "no, that is NOT liberals you are describing", what actually happened was that most of those who call themselves liberal simply grew into the role that was being described.

By now, and if this forum is any indication, there are almost no liberals left. They are pretty much ALL authoritarian leftists these days.
The word you're looking for, Pupps thinks, is anarchists. They want absolute total control and the self aggrandizement that goes along with power. Philosophically, they are to the left of the typical RaT but their lust for absolute power is straight down the party line.


If you think anarchists want "absolute total control", your level of cognitive dissonance is mindblowing.

Care to tell that to your idols of Lenin and Stalin? Better yet, say it to the ghosts of those that fell to anarchists. The street anarchist is but a mere expendable pawn to the powers of revolution. The objective is overthrow, create the ensuing chaos and capture power in the aftermath.

C'mon Doc, you can't be that naive and gullible. What is the objective of those that "you know many of" and "took pepper spray" with?

To fuck shit up. To destroy the state, not make it all-powerful.

Lenin and Stalin are no "idols" of mine, clown shoes.
what is the plan after the state is destroyed if not power? wow, you're out there. And your a mod on here? holy fk.

You'd have to ask them.

As far as I can tell, they don't expect to be successful, they just want to watch the world burn.

Sounds to me like people who should be held in GITMO indefinitely as terrorists.. They respect no one and no law. They are therefore a danger to all and need to be removed from society.
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....... But what are all the Satanists you hang with saying?

About what?

The riots in Berkeley? I haven't asked, but I imagine they're laughing.

That's their reaction to almost everything.
It seems to be yours, too.

You are nothing but a sociopath who doesn't give a shit about who gets hurt. Your acting as if you are above it all masks some pretty fucked up pathology.


Your powers of armchair psychology are as pathetic as your "argument" style.

As for "caring about people getting hurt", I have no doubt you'd be cheering deliriously if the police had opened fire on the crowd - so save the sanctimonious bullshit.
Blood pressure rising, getting pissed off being beaten, eh leftist? You got anything on topic? If so, bring it. Otherwise, your attacks are in violation of FCT's warning...are they not?

Nope, they're not.

You support the anarchists, that is your right. Most Americans don't - pure and simple. You don't like the way things are, hit the ballot box but not other Americans. Disrupt the lives of your ilk all you want...but leave the rest of us out of your sordid game plan.

Who said I "support" anarchists?

In fact, I'm fairly sure I've already said I think they're fucking morons.

Agree. Up until this past year I never even was aware of them as an organized group, but now they seem to be involved in a lot of disruptions and rioting.
The word you're looking for, Pupps thinks, is anarchists. They want absolute total control and the self aggrandizement that goes along with power. Philosophically, they are to the left of the typical RaT but their lust for absolute power is straight down the party line.
The thugs assaulting, burning, and vandalizing Berkeley were NOT anarchists, they are communists falsely flying the black flag.

Those cowardly little pussies wouldn't want to come anywhere near real anarchists. We'd fuck them up.
Berkeley was the birthplace of free speech on campus. I think we can officially declare its death.


Progressives murdered you. What a legacy for left wing whackos. You accomplished what no government agency could. Kill the First on campus.

The Way We Were Wasn't

They were nasty scumbags even back then. The Flower Children were Venus Flytraps.
I have been ridiculed by the Progs here every time that I point out that the protests in the Oakland-SF-Berkeley are that turn violent are hijacked by professional anarchists. Well, this is a classic example of one. I can see the Campanile from my front windows, so had a good view of the helicopters flying over the campus during this act of domestic terrorism/civil war. I'm sick of seeing my home under attack by Anarcho-Fascists.


1. The UC Berkeley police chief stated that the violence was started by a black clad paramilitary style group. She did not believe they were students (they weren't).
2. The police DID NOTHING. Absolutely shameful that no arrests were made.
3. The young woman who was assaulted and pepper sprayed was wearing a "Make Bitcoin Great Again" hat. I would have thought Anarchists would support Bitcoin, but go figure. Perhaps they think Red means "Assault Me".
4. The burning object spray painted with "MILO" was a food cart. Bancroft Avenue alongside Sproul Plaza is populated with such carts, most of which are operated by first generation immigrants. So the Anarchists destroyed the livelihood of one of the immigrants they accuse conservatives of being against.

Occupy Oakland has taken credit for this Act of War. The Federal Government should charge and prosecute the Occupy terrorists and their financial sponsors (Soros) under RICO. This is organized crime. Or, they should be declared traitors and tried under military law.

You are mostly correct, but I have a few notes.

1. The fire was not a "food cart" - it was a mobile generator/spotlight.

2. "Occupy Oakland" is not an actual organization, and the black bloc anarchists that destroyed downtown Berkeley were not "sponsored" by anyone, let alone George Soros. They existed long before the Occupy protests - these are basically the same guys that trashed the WTO protests 17 years ago. Anarchists don't generally take corporate sponsorship.

Again, you are a brainwashed Prog who has no idea who the Master is you serve.

The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.
According to its most recent 990 tax form, Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016.

One of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, a non-profit funded by billionaire progressive philanthropist George Soros. Tides gave AfGJ $50,000.

Other notable donors include the city of Tucson and the United Steel Workers labor union. The former gave $10,000 to AfGJ while the latter contributed $5,000.

Charities associated with several major corporations also donated., the outdoor apparel and equipment company, gave $40,000. The Ben & Jerry Foundation, the charity associated with the ice cream maker, gave $20,000. And Lush Cosmetic gave $43,950.

Another bit of irony is seen in the $5,000 contribution from the Peace Development Fund, a group that claims to support organizations that fight for human rights and social justice.

Another major donation came from a group that was chaired by Hillary Clinton during the 1980s. The New World Foundation gave $52,000 to AfGJ....

Look Who Funds The Group Behind The Call To Arms At Milo’s Berkeley Event

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