Live on CNN: Radical Anarchists at Berkeley, heavily armed with cardboard shields...

Off campus, on Telegraph:


They're not fucking with Moe's are they?

Nah, they only trashed banks, cell phone stores, and a starbucks.
uhm correct me if I'm wrong but isn't breaking into a bank a federal crime?

Not if your "protesting". Protesting is a constitutional right, therefore if you are protesting while committing a crime, you are immune from persecution.
So you're saying that people can steal from a bank, or well anywhere, and be immune? That's completely messed... I think I'll forward that to Trump's peeps and maybe he can remove that immunity.

Also, that sign says "become ungovernable" yea? I noticed the Anarchist symbol as well. Do these kids have any clue what they're following? I mean if Anarchists get their way there will be /no/ socialism, no welfare, no businesses, no taxes, etc... Seems counter-productive as hell.
Seeing those students use violent protests to shut down free speech makes me ill. I just came back from a visit to Moscow and those students would make Putin proud. Russia has free speech written into its constitution and not too long ago free speech was encouraged. But not anymore. Putin has used vague laws on extremism to clamp down on media's free speech and on the right of civilians to protests.

The people of Russia can now only dream of having the freedom of speech that those college students so eagerly protest against. Do they even realize that they're taking from others the very freedoms they themselves cherish?
Wow, and I wake up to see the aftermath. This is ridiculous. I don't know anything about Milos, but I thought America supported free speech, even that they don't like.

The danger as I see it, with the democrats in the House outright abandoning the president and trying to delegitimize him, the alt-left is becoming the mainstream left. This does not bode well for democracy, nor for Democrats chances in the future. They had better take note and realize that when it comes to encouraging violence and unAmerican values, they are leading the way.

Peaceful protests is an acceptable means of expressing disagreement, this type of destruction, violence and shutting down of speech is NOT acceptable! It is a riot, fully illegal; from those encouraging the violence to those participating in it.
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Ahh yes, those intolerants show their tolerance.

They simply didn't want to hear what Milo Yiannopoulos had to say, so they, err, took to the streets for a good time!

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Protesters hurled smoke bombs, broke windows and sparked a massive bonfire Wednesday night, prompting University of California at Berkeley officials to cancel a talk by a polarizing editor of Breitbart News out of safety concerns.

The decision was made two hours before the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos (yuh-NAH'-poh-lihs) because a crowd of more than 1,500 had gathered outside the venue, the university said in a statement.

But officials said it was a smaller group of protesters dressed in black and in hooded sweatshirts that showed up as night fell to break windows with metal barricades, throw smoke bombs and flares and start a large bonfire outside the building with a diesel generator.

"This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers," said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.

Bennet said police determined at that point they couldn't guarantee security, canceled the event and evacuated Yiannopoulos from the building.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries, she said.

Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor

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