Live organ harvesting an inevitability for millennials


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A new poll From The YouGov–Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that 7 in 10 American millennials would vote for a socialist. The poll also found that 50 percent of millennials and 51 percent of Generation Z have a somewhat or very unfavorable view of capitalism.
Live Organ Harvesting An Inevitability For Millennials

This is the results of your sixties idiots raising bigger idiots and these are the 3rd generation dysfunctional idiots who still have to grow omg they could lead the nations one day doubtful though they are to mentally weak on way to manny levels. That;s why the elite can take such advantage of these lower un informed parasites..
Well, if they are looking for a brain to harvest you are safe.
A new kidney isn't going to make anything better when you were too stupid to prevent socialism-communism from taking over your country. In fact, socialism-communism will just let you die because you're a liability to the collective. Komrade.
I always wanted a clone, myself.

Hang it in the back of the closet till I need a liver or something. ;)
A new poll From The YouGov–Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that 7 in 10 American millennials would vote for a socialist. The poll also found that 50 percent of millennials and 51 percent of Generation Z have a somewhat or very unfavorable view of capitalism.
Live Organ Harvesting An Inevitability For Millennials

This is the results of your sixties idiots raising bigger idiots and these are the 3rd generation dysfunctional idiots who still have to grow omg they could lead the nations one day doubtful though they are to mentally weak on way to manny levels. That;s why the elite can take such advantage of these lower un informed parasites..

These are the people teaching Americas kids

Teachers’ Union Halloween Horror
No Halloween horror could be scarier than Chicago public school teachers reenacting an old video by an infamous child molester as they demand even more money than leftist Lori Lightfoot is willing to go into debt to cough up:

The insatiable greed of public sector workers is literally bankrupting Illinois. The situation is already so bad that you can teach for 1 day and stand to collect $1 million in retirement. Yet the overpaid babysitters I mean teachers want more.

Meanwhile, as the teachers prance around and shout slogans, classes are canceled. The kids they are supposed to be teaching are doing something other than learning — not that this is unusual in Chicago schools.

On a tip from Troy H.

What could possibly go wrong
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