Live: President Trump & First Lady In Youngstown

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

I sure hope he is our first REAL president we finally get in office that serves the people instead of the bankers and does not put a lighter to the constitution that every president from LBJ to Obama has done. The last real one we had that served the people and followed the constitution instead of serving the bankers paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963.

thanks for posting the video.
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Sorry can't stand his voice. He lies and brags nonstop.
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Sorry can't stand his voice. He lies and brags nonstop.

We survived 8 years of Obama. You'll survive 8 years of Trump.
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Sorry can't stand his voice. He lies and brags nonstop.

he is doing what most presidents in recent years has done,doing what he said he would do which the last time we had one that did that would be carter,our last decent president we had. He put an end to the evil CIA's program of attacking syria,he has turned back illegal immigration.when was the last time we had a president anything like that?
If you count each "we" and the "I" in his speeches, the "We" words will outnumber the "I" words.

"We will make America strong again, we will make America wealthy again, etc... We will Make America Great Again.
If you count the "we" and the "I" in his speeches, the "We" words will outnumber the "I" words.

"We will make America strong again, we will make America wealthy again, etc... We will Make America Great Again.
Tremendous improvement over this one.........


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The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

how do you worship this crook, who said he would not touch Medicaid,

and now bragging and do a HI victory lap, when all he is after is a huge tax cut for him, his family and his rich buddies. He is a disgusting human being.
Notice his comments on NAFTA, he could be me writing that particular portion of the speech lol. Good for him and right on point.

I will reach out to the president and his team some more and cc PM Trudeau and the Premier Wynne of Ontario, Mayor Tory of Toronto, to further make the point clear, Canada has ruined my life and my family in the most fascist and abusive fashion because I have spoke and will continue to speak the truth, the FACTS about Canadian abuses of the current NAFTA agreement. Former PM Harper really had a chance to correct this and didn't, siding with self serving agencies rather than liberty loving Canadians.

Now we pay the Piper...
Notice his comments on NAFTA, he could be me writing that particular portion of the speech lol. Good for him and right on point.

I will reach out to the president and his team some more and cc PM Trudeau and the Premier Wynne of Ontario, Mayor Tory of Toronto, to further make the point clear, Canada has ruined my life and my family in the most fascist and abusive fashion because I have spoke and will continue to speak the truth, the FACTS about Canadian abuses of the current NAFTA agreement. Former PM Harper really had a chance to correct this and didn't, siding with self serving agencies rather than liberty loving Canadians.

Now we pay the Piper...

Oh is Canada hurting because of Nafta?
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Sorry can't stand his voice. He lies and brags nonstop.

We survived 8 years of Obama. You'll survive 8 years of Trump.

Trump will not survive 4 years , hopefully.
Notice his comments on NAFTA, he could be me writing that particular portion of the speech lol. Good for him and right on point.

I will reach out to the president and his team some more and cc PM Trudeau and the Premier Wynne of Ontario, Mayor Tory of Toronto, to further make the point clear, Canada has ruined my life and my family in the most fascist and abusive fashion because I have spoke and will continue to speak the truth, the FACTS about Canadian abuses of the current NAFTA agreement. Former PM Harper really had a chance to correct this and didn't, siding with self serving agencies rather than liberty loving Canadians.

Now we pay the Piper...
God bless you and keep you, Canadian. I'm going to keep you and your loved ones in my prayers for protection. I'm sorry they have treated you so wickedly. May God judge them swiftly for causing you such grief!
If you count the "we" and the "I" in his speeches, the "We" words will outnumber the "I" words.

"We will make America strong again, we will make America wealthy again, etc... We will Make America Great Again.
Tremendous improvement over this one.........

Too bad he doesn't know geography, we are the US of America. He is such an idiot.
Excuse me but wasn't it your president who referred to the US of A as 57 states? And what about his televised statement referencing Hawaii as part of Asia? What about his calling the Marine Corps the Marine CORPSE...... there isn't enough time in a day, Penelope.
Notice his comments on NAFTA, he could be me writing that particular portion of the speech lol. Good for him and right on point.

I will reach out to the president and his team some more and cc PM Trudeau and the Premier Wynne of Ontario, Mayor Tory of Toronto, to further make the point clear, Canada has ruined my life and my family in the most fascist and abusive fashion because I have spoke and will continue to speak the truth, the FACTS about Canadian abuses of the current NAFTA agreement. Former PM Harper really had a chance to correct this and didn't, siding with self serving agencies rather than liberty loving Canadians.

Now we pay the Piper...

Oh is Canada hurting because of Nafta?

No, we are hurting America through abuses of NAFTA.
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

how do you worship this crook, who said he would not touch Medicaid,

and now bragging and do a HI victory lap, when all he is after is a huge tax cut for him, his family and his rich buddies. He is a disgusting human being.

You are confusing Trump with Obama who took $500 billion from Medicare to fund the deadbeats getting free or subsidized Obamacare while working Americans lost their doctors and paying quadruple health care insurance payments.

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