Living on Less Is Something Everyone Has to Do at Some Point


Feb 3, 2011
This is relating to the union strikes in Wisconsin. For a long time we've paid government employees more than we can afford. We can't continue to spend more than we have and go further and further into debt, common sense. The workers have to see a reduction in pay or benefits, or else some of them have to be laid off. That's just the facts.

The government employees of Wisconsin don't want to take a pay cut. They don't want to have to adjust and live on less. But this is something that virtually everyone has to do at some point. Downsizing your lifestyle is hard--very hard--but it's not impossible. Just like it's hard to break an addiction, people are used to spending a certain amount of money and it's hard to break that addiction and pay less. But it's necessary if the money just isn't there to spend.

The state of Wisconsin is broke, and the public union workers need to learn to live on less. But instead of taking it like men (or women), they're whining and crying. What do they want? They don't really want anything. They want to continue getting paid the same even though there's no money for it, which doesn't make any sense. They're just whining and crying to the government because they have to make an adjustment, just like everyone has to do at some point. I find it to be pretty rotten of those workers. They're whining to get more money, even though it would be irresponsible. There's no higher cause to their protests, just "I want", give more money to me. It's pretty pathetic.
I agree with syrenn here, Jillian. Why does any worker need both civil service and union protection?
I can't help but wonder if a lot of these protestors in Wisconsin favored cuts in the State / Federal budgets before it affected them personally.
I've lived on less, and I've lived on more.

I liked the living on more better.

But you do what you can.
they've already admitted that they're doing it to break the unions.

They're trying to make it so that it's not mandatory to be in a union in order to work for the government, which seems like a totally common sense thing to do. People can still join the union voluntarily if they want. I might have missed it, though--where did they say that they're trying to "break" the unions?
It was a unionized teacher system that denied my wife tenure, after she (we) invested thousands on her education. It was also a union system that gave a 2nd grade teaching position not to one of the well-experienced in-district applicants (my wife being one of them), but to a newly graduated out-of-district female applicant who's family is personal friends with the head administrator.
Screw them screw that. Nepotism, favoritism, cronyism. Jizm ism.
In Michigan only unions are allowed to work on government contracts.

If your a small business roofer, you can not bid on contracts offered by any government agency. Further the union will run you off jobs if they know your non-union.

Unions have been good in many cases but the abuse and corruption has destroyed many unions.

We have too many government employees, I say lay off 90% of them, cuts, cuts, and more cuts.

That is all we need, to cut government and our problems disappear
they can change future employment agreements. But the govt must honor ones made up to this point. IN other words if you have worked for 10 years your retirement beneftis must be vested in the amounts promised, they can however change them for the future.
they've already admitted that they're doing it to break the unions.

I hate to say it, but breaking the unions is a good thing. I hope Wisconsin sticks it out and fires them all. I am sure there are many people who would love to have the jobs vacated by the unions workers.

yeah, it's a good thing...

unless you're actually a government worker.

sorry, there's nothing good about taking away people's collective bargaining rights. they treat you like garbage the second they can.

true story.
they've already admitted that they're doing it to break the unions.

I hate to say it, but breaking the unions is a good thing. I hope Wisconsin sticks it out and fires them all. I am sure there are many people who would love to have the jobs vacated by the unions workers.

yeah, it's a good thing...

unless you're actually a government worker.

sorry, there's nothing good about taking away people's collective bargaining rights. they treat you like garbage the second they can.

true story.

Yes they do. Unions will make a comeback when things get and stay worse.

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