"Living Wage" for Everyone?

First we have to have jobs for everyone. When our mega lord Obama can do that then we can talk about a "living wage" for everyone.
First we have to have jobs for everyone. When our mega lord Obama can do that then we can talk about a "living wage" for everyone.

I'd love to see Obama executive order the $100T corporate America is hoarding placed back into the economy for jobs.
I've done the math and $23.50/hr is the number.

To completely crash the economy worse than the 1930s? I think you're right.

Employers can't afford it?

Lets reduce employer taxes and employee expenses to 30% of revenue which is currently over 50%!

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2015 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 500 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
Ok then, why not make it $30/hr?

Because $30.00/hr is more than needed to provide a livable wage, $23.50/hr is the number.

Well if $23.50 is good, then $30.00 must be better. $40.00 must be best.

If you're greedy. I've done the math and $23.50/hr is the number.

It doesn't mean you're right. DumBama said it should be $10.10. Some cities in America said it should be $15.00.

What you don't understand is that such a huge increase would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and such an inflation shock that it would make the last recession look like a warmup act.

You can't raise wages for one group of people without the domino effect kicking in. If you raise wages for one group, it effects all other groups.

Why did our jobs move to China? Well.......for many reasons, but at the top of the chart was employee wages and benefits. So what do you suppose manufacturers would do if they had to double or triple the wages for all their employees?
No one should ever be forced to work for more than what they consider a minimum acceptable wage.
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It doesn't mean you're right. DumBama said it should be $10.10. Some cities in America said it should be $15.00.

What you don't understand is that such a huge increase would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and such an inflation shock that it would make the last recession look like a warmup act.

You can't raise wages for one group of people without the domino effect kicking in. If you raise wages for one group, it effects all other groups.

Why did our jobs move to China? Well.......for many reasons, but at the top of the chart was employee wages and benefits. So what do you suppose manufacturers would do if they had to double or triple the wages for all their employees?

I am right, and I'll prove it.

Eighty percent of the US population lives within 200 miles of water. Average the cost of living in those areas and you'll have your answer for the whole country.

Why did our jobs move to China? Greed. Why make 20% net when you can make 30%.
It doesn't mean you're right. DumBama said it should be $10.10. Some cities in America said it should be $15.00.

What you don't understand is that such a huge increase would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and such an inflation shock that it would make the last recession look like a warmup act.

You can't raise wages for one group of people without the domino effect kicking in. If you raise wages for one group, it effects all other groups.

Why did our jobs move to China? Well.......for many reasons, but at the top of the chart was employee wages and benefits. So what do you suppose manufacturers would do if they had to double or triple the wages for all their employees?

I am right, and I'll prove it.

Eighty percent of the US population lives within 200 miles of water. Average the cost of living in those areas and you'll have your answer for the whole country.

Why did our jobs move to China? Greed. Why make 20% net when you can make 30%.

No, that's not why they moved. They moved because they couldn't compete with global competition; mostly because of wages and benefits.

But even if what you say is the truth, then raising minimum wages would give them much more incentive to move more jobs overseas. Why make 10% when you can make 30%?

Riddle me this: Currently in X city, rent is about $650.00 a month. A big mac combo is $5.75. A hammer at the hardware store is $12.00. Your electric bill is about $60.00 per month.

Okay, so now we force your minimum wage idea onto X city. Now your rent is $1,200 a month. Now your big mac combo is $11.00 per meal. Now your hammer from the hardware store is $25.00. So tell me, how did you make out with your new minimum wage?

When your wages go up, all wages go up, and now you are back to square one. The only thing you accomplished in the long-term is to make foreign labor more valuable to the manufacturers which they will take advantage of.
For those who support a "living wage" minimum of $15 per hour, how about applying that standard to everyone? We could then do away with other "entitlements" and just guarantee every adult $2500 per month. That would be a lot cheaper than what we are spending now.
How about we stop everyone from making more than 2500 a month by taking their money and giving it to the people who don't make 2500 a month. Sounds good huh? Even better we can redistribute everyone's assets to make if all fair. ROFL Just image no one would ever have to work again! It will be just like when we were kids and mommy took care of us only now we get a bigger allowance.
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How do you figure "generation of new wealth" causes job growth?

Dude WTF are they teaching in public schools :laugh:

Oh, so you're just talking out of your ass. Got it....

Here's some tough love for you, pull your head out of your ass.

Dividing up the existing wealth won't work, there's not enough to go around. If you confiscated all the wealth of the so called 'rich' and divided it up that's like shooting spit wads at the problem they just don't have enough money when spread across 300 million people. Stop drinking the government koolaid talking points about how if we only make the 'rich' pay their fair share that will fix anything. That talking point is designed to fool you into thinking its the rich who are the problem, its not its government.

The only long term solution to bringing our poor out of poverty and growing the middle class to a higher standard of living is generating new wealth via new businesses and more jobs. Sound simple except government is doing all it can to destroy existing jobs and stifle new business and job growth. Via corruption, debt, allowing millions of poor illegals into the country, driving existing jobs out of the country with ridiculous taxes and regulations or stupid trade deals with other countries.

So....still talking out of your ass. Generating new wealth does not cause job growth. Job growth is created by an increase in demand for existing labor.

For example, my hotel is currently on track to beat last year by approximately $1 million. That's alot of new wealth. Nothing therein creates new jobs. I'm not hiring new staff members, or hiring more staff than before. In fact, my contribution to that new wealth comes from me finding ways to reduce overall labor. We've create wealth by eliminating jobs.

Only a fucking idiot would ever claim that creating wealth creates jobs.

I see you are the poster child for dumb liberal. I drill 50 new oil wells hiring 500 workers and sell it on the world market for $80 million, new wealth, new jobs. I hire 1,000 workers to build the Keystone pipeline, suppliers hire 500 workers to provide the materials, their suppliers hire 250 workers to provide the raw materials, new wealth new jobs. Its not rocket science even your average idiot liberal should be able to get it.

Moron, you just proved your own point wrong. Creating wealth does not create jobs. It's the spending on goods and services that helps to create jobs.

Money can be spent without creating any new wealth. And new wealth can be created without spending it.
For those who support a "living wage" minimum of $15 per hour, how about applying that standard to everyone? We could then do away with other "entitlements" and just guarantee every adult $2500 per month. That would be a lot cheaper than what we are spending now.
I don't understand what point you are trying to make. If we raised the minimum wage, millions of people would no longer be eligible for programs like food stamps and public housing.
No..The income thresholds would be increased in direct proportion to the inflation these artificially created wages would cause.
Dude WTF are they teaching in public schools :laugh:

Oh, so you're just talking out of your ass. Got it....

Here's some tough love for you, pull your head out of your ass.

Dividing up the existing wealth won't work, there's not enough to go around. If you confiscated all the wealth of the so called 'rich' and divided it up that's like shooting spit wads at the problem they just don't have enough money when spread across 300 million people. Stop drinking the government koolaid talking points about how if we only make the 'rich' pay their fair share that will fix anything. That talking point is designed to fool you into thinking its the rich who are the problem, its not its government.

The only long term solution to bringing our poor out of poverty and growing the middle class to a higher standard of living is generating new wealth via new businesses and more jobs. Sound simple except government is doing all it can to destroy existing jobs and stifle new business and job growth. Via corruption, debt, allowing millions of poor illegals into the country, driving existing jobs out of the country with ridiculous taxes and regulations or stupid trade deals with other countries.

So....still talking out of your ass. Generating new wealth does not cause job growth. Job growth is created by an increase in demand for existing labor.

For example, my hotel is currently on track to beat last year by approximately $1 million. That's alot of new wealth. Nothing therein creates new jobs. I'm not hiring new staff members, or hiring more staff than before. In fact, my contribution to that new wealth comes from me finding ways to reduce overall labor. We've create wealth by eliminating jobs.

Only a fucking idiot would ever claim that creating wealth creates jobs.

I see you are the poster child for dumb liberal. I drill 50 new oil wells hiring 500 workers and sell it on the world market for $80 million, new wealth, new jobs. I hire 1,000 workers to build the Keystone pipeline, suppliers hire 500 workers to provide the materials, their suppliers hire 250 workers to provide the raw materials, new wealth new jobs. Its not rocket science even your average idiot liberal should be able to get it.

Moron, you just proved your own point wrong. Creating wealth does not create jobs. It's the spending on goods and services that helps to create jobs.

Money can be spent without creating any new wealth. And new wealth can be created without spending it.
So says the one who paid close attention to his/her left wing moon bat economics teacher
Dude WTF are they teaching in public schools :laugh:

Oh, so you're just talking out of your ass. Got it....

Here's some tough love for you, pull your head out of your ass.

Dividing up the existing wealth won't work, there's not enough to go around. If you confiscated all the wealth of the so called 'rich' and divided it up that's like shooting spit wads at the problem they just don't have enough money when spread across 300 million people. Stop drinking the government koolaid talking points about how if we only make the 'rich' pay their fair share that will fix anything. That talking point is designed to fool you into thinking its the rich who are the problem, its not its government.

The only long term solution to bringing our poor out of poverty and growing the middle class to a higher standard of living is generating new wealth via new businesses and more jobs. Sound simple except government is doing all it can to destroy existing jobs and stifle new business and job growth. Via corruption, debt, allowing millions of poor illegals into the country, driving existing jobs out of the country with ridiculous taxes and regulations or stupid trade deals with other countries.

So....still talking out of your ass. Generating new wealth does not cause job growth. Job growth is created by an increase in demand for existing labor.

For example, my hotel is currently on track to beat last year by approximately $1 million. That's alot of new wealth. Nothing therein creates new jobs. I'm not hiring new staff members, or hiring more staff than before. In fact, my contribution to that new wealth comes from me finding ways to reduce overall labor. We've create wealth by eliminating jobs.

Only a fucking idiot would ever claim that creating wealth creates jobs.

I see you are the poster child for dumb liberal. I drill 50 new oil wells hiring 500 workers and sell it on the world market for $80 million, new wealth, new jobs. I hire 1,000 workers to build the Keystone pipeline, suppliers hire 500 workers to provide the materials, their suppliers hire 250 workers to provide the raw materials, new wealth new jobs. Its not rocket science even your average idiot liberal should be able to get it.

Moron, you just proved your own point wrong. Creating wealth does not create jobs. It's the spending on goods and services that helps to create jobs.

Money can be spent without creating any new wealth. And new wealth can be created without spending it.

Look idiot...ah you libs are hopeless never mind.
Oh, so you're just talking out of your ass. Got it....

Here's some tough love for you, pull your head out of your ass.

Dividing up the existing wealth won't work, there's not enough to go around. If you confiscated all the wealth of the so called 'rich' and divided it up that's like shooting spit wads at the problem they just don't have enough money when spread across 300 million people. Stop drinking the government koolaid talking points about how if we only make the 'rich' pay their fair share that will fix anything. That talking point is designed to fool you into thinking its the rich who are the problem, its not its government.

The only long term solution to bringing our poor out of poverty and growing the middle class to a higher standard of living is generating new wealth via new businesses and more jobs. Sound simple except government is doing all it can to destroy existing jobs and stifle new business and job growth. Via corruption, debt, allowing millions of poor illegals into the country, driving existing jobs out of the country with ridiculous taxes and regulations or stupid trade deals with other countries.

So....still talking out of your ass. Generating new wealth does not cause job growth. Job growth is created by an increase in demand for existing labor.

For example, my hotel is currently on track to beat last year by approximately $1 million. That's alot of new wealth. Nothing therein creates new jobs. I'm not hiring new staff members, or hiring more staff than before. In fact, my contribution to that new wealth comes from me finding ways to reduce overall labor. We've create wealth by eliminating jobs.

Only a fucking idiot would ever claim that creating wealth creates jobs.

I see you are the poster child for dumb liberal. I drill 50 new oil wells hiring 500 workers and sell it on the world market for $80 million, new wealth, new jobs. I hire 1,000 workers to build the Keystone pipeline, suppliers hire 500 workers to provide the materials, their suppliers hire 250 workers to provide the raw materials, new wealth new jobs. Its not rocket science even your average idiot liberal should be able to get it.

Moron, you just proved your own point wrong. Creating wealth does not create jobs. It's the spending on goods and services that helps to create jobs.

Money can be spent without creating any new wealth. And new wealth can be created without spending it.
So says the one who paid close attention to his/her left wing moon bat economics teacher

Only government can create jobs according to these leftwing nutters. I have given up its like talking to a brick wall, nothing penetrates the liberal shell of stupid.

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