Liz Cheney delivers another gut punch to Donald

/——/ I never once said Trump was a conservative. Neither were GHWB or GWB for that matter. Reagan was our last Conservative president.

You finally uttered a true sentence. Thanks
Now stop cherrypicking - Again, Rump has the worst jobs creation since Herbert Hoover! :)
IT's all aimed at getting the gop to nominate anyone other than Trump.
I dont think they get it, decades in DC does that.....if Trump doesn't get it, well make sure it's someone they hate more, like DeSantis
Donald Trump has been our most accomplished President since Ike. Liz, like all Democrats, feels she needs to criticize Trump because she can't come close to out thinking or out working him. Liz also comes from a greedy, self centered, war mongering family who never thinks of putting the American people first. Trump threatens Democrat's and the Cheney's ability to use our government to rob,. Their philosophy has always been I want mine off the top as opposed to Trump's philosophy of putting America first. The Cheneys are no different from the Bidens or the Obamas or the Bushes or the Clintons or any of the other 'me first' lowlifes who contaminate American politics. But as bad as Cheney is, our media is worse, and our education system is catching up fast.
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Dubya did admit voting for Sleepy Joe.

I think that President Trump's labeling of W's brother as "Low Energy" is the motivation for driving the Bushes in the D category.

No real Republican would vote for Trump.
Why does she stay in the GOP?

Makes zero sense.

What is it about the GOP she likes, or what is it about the DNC she hates?
Gop and DNC one of the same---both crooked working together to get the rest of us...GOP just pushes more of the religious aspect while DNC is more about gay, drugs, and abortion.
No real Republican would vote for Trump.
I would never vote for a Never Trumper.

If the Republican National Convention gives the nod in 2024 to Liz, or Mitt or General Colin Powell, I'll be voting for Sleepy Joe as the lesser of two evils.
Not so much about voters. GWB still has plenty of fundraising muscle.
Lotta wealthy Republicans who LOATHE Trumpy Bear :)
Fundraising is easy, get a few rich folks to give lots of money. That doesn't translate into actual votes as well as people think.
Why does she stay in the GOP?

Makes zero sense.

What is it about the GOP she likes, or what is it about the DNC she hates?
Cause she is a conservative and understand what those values mean...

The GOP is under hostile takeover from a cult... Loyalty to one person... The Cult can't have anything bad said about the Orange One...
No moderate wants to primary Trump, he'll win the nomination by default.

Why doesn't General Powell come forward and run, so he can get the support of moderates?
Cause he would be 87 by the time the election comes up...

How fucking stupid are you?
Cause she is a conservative and understand what those values mean...

The GOP is under hostile takeover from a cult... Loyalty to one person... The Cult can't have anything bad said about the Orange One...
Yes, yes, we know, Orange man bad

Besides, January 6th.

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