Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

Biden has nothing to do with what Trump and Company did on 1/6th..
Please tell us what Trump did. The energy that is being poured into this; Where we’re the DEMO-RATS when buildings , police Cars, other establishments were set on fire, people killed and Millions of dollars in Property Damage including looting and tearing apart stores? Forgot; what about the PEOPLE that were MURDERED as a result of those riots?
You and the rest of the DEMO RATS can F..K yourselves

She claims to have evidence showing Bannon and Trump planned that attack and says that Bannon's efforts to use Executive Privilege are just more fuel on the fire

Here's a question. We all know Trump Humpers wouldn't care if Trump shot someone on Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

Would showing he knew about or helped plan the 1/6 Insurrection matter to them?
It's not like Short Timer Liz has a vendetta against Trump does it?
Sure he was. Jan 6 was a legitimate sanctioned demonstration with all the permits. Accusing the former president of orchestrating spontaneous violence is ludicrous. Funny that nobody ever linked Bernie Sanders to the guy who shot up the republican baseball team even though evidence leaned in that direction.
Spontaneous? LOL. Tell that to the Proud Boys facing conspiracy charges for Jan 6th. 20 year minimum if convicted.

She claims to have evidence showing Bannon and Trump planned that attack and says that Bannon's efforts to use Executive Privilege are just more fuel on the fire

Here's a question. We all know Trump Humpers wouldn't care if Trump shot someone on Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

Would showing he knew about or helped plan the 1/6 Insurrection matter to them?

Heres the evidence once more for all you Retards. listen to the words closely and try to understand , this
is what trump was planning.

Would showing he knew about or helped plan the 1/6 Insurrection matter to them?

Spontaneous? LOL. Tell that to the Proud Boys facing conspiracy charges for Jan 6th. 20 year minimum if convicted.
Do angry lefties really think the former president personally recruited street punks who called themselves the "proud boys" to foment violence? More likely they were recruited by black bag democrat activists.
Do angry lefties really think the former president personally recruited street punks who called themselves the "proud boys" to foment violence? More likely they were recruited by black bag democrat activists.
I was just making a point that jan 6th violence was hardly "spontaneous". And it will be proven in a court of law.
You seem to know more about it than I do, so I just thought I'd ask the question. Oh wait, Trump is supporting Harriet Hagemen, who once called trump "racist and xenophobic".
I see your MO is to deflect, have a good day, Spanky
Weren't we talking about Short Timer Liz? :dunno:
Why do you Trumpers fear the truth so much? Why are you going after Liz when it is Steve Bannon hiding in the corner with his tail between his legs because he is so afraid to testify? If Bannon and Trump have the courage of their convictions why don't they testify? What is it that has you Trumpers so terrified of discovering the truth of 1/6?
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Why do you Trumpers fear the truth so much? Why are going after Liz when it is Steve Bannon hiding in the corner with his tail between his legs because he is so afraid to testify? If Bannon and Trump have the courage of their convictions why don't they testify? What is it that has you Trumpers so terrified of discovering the truth of 1/6?
It's Liz's OPINION....period.
She can't stand Trump
You fucking lunatics claimed to have "direct evidence" of Trump being in cahoots with RUSSIA! to steal the '16 election for over three years.

Just cry "WOLF!" a few times more....You'll be more credible.
Talking about being credible and crying, Wolf! ... You still believe the election was stolen, right?

She claims to have evidence showing Bannon and Trump planned that attack and says that Bannon's efforts to use Executive Privilege are just more fuel on the fire

Here's a question. We all know Trump Humpers wouldn't care if Trump shot someone on Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

Would showing he knew about or helped plan the 1/6 Insurrection matter to them?
She's like the ultimate disgruntled employee lol.

Career in flames so throw mud everywhere. Why not? Lefties are dumb enough to believe anything she says as long as it is anti Trump

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