Lizzy Warren promises mass amnesty for illegals if Harris is elected.

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Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Reason 1,956,359,254,980,546 Kamala has no business being President.

Remember when Republicans said the goal of Border Czar Harris’ mass invasion of illegals is to make them citizens so they can vote, and they were called conspiracy nut jobs?

Turns out we were right.

Spin away…..

Reason 1,956,359,254,980,546 Kamala has no business being President.

Remember when Republicans said the goal of Border Czar Harris’ mass invasion of illegals is to make them citizens so they can vote, and they were called conspiracy nut jobs?

Turns out we were right.

Spin away…..

Put the quote in the thread moronic conspiracy nut job.
That's nervy of Lizzy Warren to be going all-in on the issue. She must be somehow imagining that there's a win in her proposal?

Is she onto something or is she really just out of touch with reality. I don't think it's there for her yet, but might be in a month or two?

Values of both sides are going to start to be closely examined! Maga can't afford to lose on this one.
remind people again how ignorant you are on the qualifications needed in order to becoming president.

You people are defending the right of a convicted felon to become president.
Wrongly convicted is the standard comeback. You could contribute more if you concentrated a bit more carefully.

Trump's chances will depend on the voters coming to accept that it was wrongful convictions.
Reason 1,956,359,254,980,546 Kamala has no business being President.

Remember when Republicans said the goal of Border Czar Harris’ mass invasion of illegals is to make them citizens so they can vote, and they were called conspiracy nut jobs?

Turns out we were right.

Spin away…..

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Not only are they stabbing Legal Immigrants, and Hispanic Immigrants who have a Green Card, in the back -- They're stabbing ALL of America in the back.

They even stabbed their own voters in the back.

Sponge Brains Shits Pants was elected by the most votes in American History, amirite dimocrap scum? Then he gets the nomination by securing 14 Million Primary votes. How am I doing so far, dimocrap scum?

Then, a cabal of criminal SCUM (aka; dimocrap FILTH) lead a COUP against Sponge Brains Shits Pants for the minor sin (to dimocrap scum) of being a blithering fucking idiot. It's not like it just happened. Everybody with half a brain (which excludes most dimocrap scum) knew Joey Shits Pants was an idiot.

Why do you think we call him "Joey Shits Pants"? Get a clue. The only thing he did wrong was -- Show it. You scum were fine as long as you could hide him from the Public. Insiders knew he was a fucking vegetable. I knew he was a fucking cucumber. The entire Foreign Press knew it, everybody knew it including dimocrap scum voters. But as long as you had plausible deniability, you scumbags were fine with a Dementia Patient as President.

Then, horror of horrors....... It couldn't be hidden anymore. So what do dimocrap scum do --

Seymour Hersh: The Big Three -- Pelosi, Schumer, and Obama -- Told Biden That Kamala Harris Was Ready to Invoke the 25th Amendment If He Didn't Agree to the Coupists' Terms​

Geiger Capital @Geiger_Capital
Insane story from Seymour Hersh...
Biden was threatened with the 25th Amendment by top level Democrats.
"Obama called Biden after breakfast [on July 21] and said, 'Here's the deal. We have Kamala's approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.'"


I told you, I told you! But what did you say, you said "aw, it's nothin' but an 'armless little bunny..."

Hersch also reports that the "medical emergency" Biden experienced in Las Vegas caused him to become "deathly pale" and to slur his speech to the point of incomprehensible. (I will preempt your jokes (because I'm an a-hole) and say "day that ends in -y, amirite?")


Via Matt Vespa.

As Matt Vespa notes, Biden's symptoms seem more in line with a stroke than with "covid."

P.S. dimocraps are scum. NOT because I don't agree with their politics but because -- They really are scum
Reason 1,956,359,254,980,546 Kamala has no business being President.

Remember when Republicans said the goal of Border Czar Harris’ mass invasion of illegals is to make them citizens so they can vote, and they were called conspiracy nut jobs?

Turns out we were right.

Spin away…..

We are always right.
Wrongly convicted is the standard comeback. You could contribute more if you concentrated a bit more carefully.

Trump's chances will depend on the voters coming to accept that it was wrongful convictions.
So far, there haven't been any convictions. Just verdicts.
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