Lloyd Austin threatens to send troops to Ukraine if they can't steal anymore $$$.

Hilariously all these idiots keep commenting and being outraged at the false information that OP spit out, instead of actually reading the link.

Spewing misinformation works with reactionary people who are puddle deep intellectually.
I only post the truth.
Send the trannies first.

I agree 👍
Cannonfodder kickback give us more or we will send some abroad to die, wow.

Austin Warns Congress Failing to Pass Ukraine Aid ‘Very Likely’ Leads to US Troops on the Ground In Europe​

Many Republicans were unmoved by the briefing; 'I don't think we got the clarity that we've been requesting,' Speaker Mike Johnson told The Messenger​

If we send troops anywhere, send them to Guyana, as Venezuela is threatening that nation with invasion and the disparity between their armies is huge. Guyana has about 3600 troops, whereas Venezuela has about 147,000 troops, tanks, artillery and fighter jets.
Cannonfodder kickback give us more or we will send some abroad to die, wow.

Austin Warns Congress Failing to Pass Ukraine Aid ‘Very Likely’ Leads to US Troops on the Ground In Europe​

Many Republicans were unmoved by the briefing; 'I don't think we got the clarity that we've been requesting,' Speaker Mike Johnson told The Messenger​

Your OP title is incorrect. He said:

"Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress Tuesday that if lawmakers fail to pass more aid to Ukraine that it "very likely" will lead to U.S. troops on the ground in Europe defending NATO allies in other countries Russia may target next."

His point was that if Russia takes over Ukraine, NATO countries could be next. That would be considered an attack on all members trigger a response due to the treaty.

A far different scenario than the title infers. Would you like to debate the US response should Russia attack a NATO country? I think we would be obligated under the treaty to respond. How about you?
Do you not think that if Ukraine falls to Russia that we will not up our troop strength in Europe as nobody really thinks that Vlad will stop at Ukraine.

Seems he is just telling the truth, if Ukraine falls we will have to do something to stop Russia from going after other countries

Russia BARELY prevailed over Ukraine...a third rate military power.

What we've learned from this conflict is Russia is a paper tiger that isn't capable of sustained ground military operations against even a second rate defender...and the EU's military is far from second rate.
Cannonfodder kickback give us more or we will send some abroad to die, wow.

Austin Warns Congress Failing to Pass Ukraine Aid ‘Very Likely’ Leads to US Troops on the Ground In Europe​

Many Republicans were unmoved by the briefing; 'I don't think we got the clarity that we've been requesting,' Speaker Mike Johnson told The Messenger​

“Steal more money?” How are they stealing money??
And Ukraine had the backing of pretty much the whole world sending them every thing but troops.
Give a third rate mechanic the best, most expensive tools in the world...and you still have a third rate mechanic.

It takes time and training to glean the experience necessary to put those tools to work properly and effectively.

IOW...the troops are the most important component of war fighting.

Russia had the same issue with their conscripted soldiers.

What we learned is the Russia military machine will be outmatched by the professional, well trained European Armies of the first world military machine.

I think Russia learned that too.
Ukraine isn't stealing anything.
Sending troops anywhere to fight someone else's war should be reprehensible to all Americans.
So no troops in WW2, just leave Europe to the nazis?

It isn't uncommon for countries to come to the aid of others being invaded and USA has a long history of doing so, why do you think it should be reprehensible? Military and political alliances have advantages much bigger than what those who spew the myopic "not our problem" chant. Over 40 countries were in the coalition in Kuwait to repel Iraq, from Romania to Singapore to Egypt to New Zealand to Argentina, should the citizens of all those countries feel disgust that they were fighting someone else's war? Of course not.
So no troops in WW2, just leave Europe to the nazis?

It isn't uncommon for countries to come to the aid of others being invaded and USA has a long history of doing so, why do you think it should be reprehensible? Military and political alliances have advantages much bigger than what those who spew the myopic "not our problem" chant. Over 40 countries were in the coalition in Kuwait to repel Iraq, from Romania to Singapore to Egypt to New Zealand to Argentina, should the citizens of all those countries feel disgust that they were fighting someone else's war? Of course not.
Speaking of America's current invasion ... name all the countries that have come to our rescue. I'll wait!

I rest my case!

As for Europe and WWII, USA was a much more moral nation at that time. Our men fought and died to protect a continent that doesn't give two hoots about the USA. So what did we gain? It's a said day when Russia lives by a higher moral standard than most European nations and, dare I day, the USA. We let men beat women in up the boxing ring. We let grown men use the little girl's room. We need to clean up our own backyard before telling others how to clean up theirs.
It's cute, or stupid, that you think we still should.
All they need is a nice little false flag (you’ll believe it’s real) and blame Russia. Then dumb Americans like you will gladly support sending in American troops.
All they need is a nice little false flag (you’ll believe it’s real) and blame Russia. Then dumb Americans like you will gladly support sending in American troops.

Where, in all of my posts, have you ever seen me support the military industrial complex?

You stupid idiot, you are the moron supporting them.

Not me.

You fool.
Where, in all of my posts, have you ever seen me support the military industrial complex?

You stupid idiot, you are the moron supporting them.

Not me.

You fool.
Why would a supposed rabid Trumper like you fully support the Biden administration’s warmongering, unless you’re a liar.

In a sane nation, War Secretary Austin would be fired. At least you love him.

Watch this and learn something today.
Why would a supposed rabid Trumper like you fully support the Biden administration’s warmongering, unless you’re a liar.

In a sane nation, War Secretary Austin would be fired. At least you love him.

Watch this and learn something today.

You are simply full of shit. Not surprising given your abject cowardice.
Not surprising you’d support Joe Biden. So, why keep lying about being a Trumper? Has dementia set in?

And still you lie.


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