Lmafo on MSNBC..morning joe saying trump was wire tapped

Watching it now, haven't heard anything close to the wiretapping claim. They did discuss the illegal unmasking and leaking, but made it quite clear that there is no evidence of illegal surveillance. They just broke down the series of event from Flynn lie till today.... damn makes the Trump admin look careless and stupid

The actual Surveillance illegal or legal actually exonerated Flynn, and so far has actually protected The Trump Administration from baseless accusations.

All that is occurring is the Left digging their own grave over a witch hunt that will lead to their own demise.:dig:
How many times are we going to hear the term "witch hunt" this week? What y'all don't realize is that the witch hunt is this scramble to justify Trumps insane tweets. The legit investigation into Russia which the FBI has been probing since July is gaining more and more steam with each lie that the Trumpsters keep feeding it.

We have recordings of every single conversation anyone in Russia had with The Trump Team.

The Head of National Intelligence who represents all 17 Intelligence Agencies went on record under oath stating THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

The best thing that every happened to The Trump Administration was the surveillance, because there is nothing there.

You, and your party are totally phucked by the very Surveillance you tried to say Never Occurred.

Good Luck Unfucking Yourselves in 2018!




The lefties keep trying to spin, and spin, and spin some more. They are getting the most push back I have ever seen from the right, and while I was disheartened to see their narrative was working somewhat, I now see that it is finally collapsing on them. The problem for them is-------->usually they jump from narrative, to narrative. This time, they painted themselves in a corner, and the narrative is not only NOT going away, it is being reversed on them.

I don't know if Trump is brilliant and played them like a fiddle, or he is the luckiest SOB on the planet, but from everything I am reading, he and the republicans have them, and their own narrative is going to be the impetus to bury the far left! We even see the media reports changing, and when that happens grudgingly by the MSM, it is always bad for democrats!

Can you imagine if there had been NO SURVEILLANCE to Refute their lies?

The accusations would have went on forever.

Wonder why they claimed their was NO SURVEILLANCE AT ALL?

It is because I think they knew that The Surveillance would ultimately exonerate Flynn, and the Trump Administration, and this is exactly what occurred if you are to believe The FBI and The Head of National Intelligence who stated that There was NO COLLUSION.
Watching it now, haven't heard anything close to the wiretapping claim. They did discuss the illegal unmasking and leaking, but made it quite clear that there is no evidence of illegal surveillance. They just broke down the series of event from Flynn lie till today.... damn makes the Trump admin look careless and stupid

The actual Surveillance illegal or legal actually exonerated Flynn, and so far has actually protected The Trump Administration from baseless accusations.

All that is occurring is the Left digging their own grave over a witch hunt that will lead to their own demise.:dig:
How many times are we going to hear the term "witch hunt" this week? What y'all don't realize is that the witch hunt is this scramble to justify Trumps insane tweets. The legit investigation into Russia which the FBI has been probing since July is gaining more and more steam with each lie that the Trumpsters keep feeding it.

We have recordings of every single conversation anyone in Russia had with The Trump Team.

The Head of National Intelligence who represents all 17 Intelligence Agencies went on record under oath stating THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

The best thing that every happened to The Trump Administration was the surveillance, because there is nothing there.

You, and your party are totally phucked by the very Surveillance you tried to say Never Occurred.

Good Luck Unfucking Yourselves in 2018!




The lefties keep trying to spin, and spin, and spin some more. They are getting the most push back I have ever seen from the right, and while I was disheartened to see their narrative was working somewhat, I now see that it is finally collapsing on them. The problem for them is-------->usually they jump from narrative, to narrative. This time, they painted themselves in a corner, and the narrative is not only NOT going away, it is being reversed on them.

I don't know if Trump is brilliant and played them like a fiddle, or he is the luckiest SOB on the planet, but from everything I am reading, he and the republicans have them, and their own narrative is going to be the impetus to bury the far left! We even see the media reports changing, and when that happens grudgingly by the MSM, it is always bad for democrats!

With Flynn trying to sing, it's not the lefties collapsing.

Watching it now, haven't heard anything close to the wiretapping claim. They did discuss the illegal unmasking and leaking, but made it quite clear that there is no evidence of illegal surveillance. They just broke down the series of event from Flynn lie till today.... damn makes the Trump admin look careless and stupid

The actual Surveillance illegal or legal actually exonerated Flynn, and so far has actually protected The Trump Administration from baseless accusations.

All that is occurring is the Left digging their own grave over a witch hunt that will lead to their own demise.:dig:
How many times are we going to hear the term "witch hunt" this week? What y'all don't realize is that the witch hunt is this scramble to justify Trumps insane tweets. The legit investigation into Russia which the FBI has been probing since July is gaining more and more steam with each lie that the Trumpsters keep feeding it.

We have recordings of every single conversation anyone in Russia had with The Trump Team.

The Head of National Intelligence who represents all 17 Intelligence Agencies went on record under oath stating THERE WAS NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

The best thing that every happened to The Trump Administration was the surveillance, because there is nothing there.

You, and your party are totally phucked by the very Surveillance you tried to say Never Occurred.

Good Luck Unfucking Yourselves in 2018!




The lefties keep trying to spin, and spin, and spin some more. They are getting the most push back I have ever seen from the right, and while I was disheartened to see their narrative was working somewhat, I now see that it is finally collapsing on them. The problem for them is-------->usually they jump from narrative, to narrative. This time, they painted themselves in a corner, and the narrative is not only NOT going away, it is being reversed on them.

I don't know if Trump is brilliant and played them like a fiddle, or he is the luckiest SOB on the planet, but from everything I am reading, he and the republicans have them, and their own narrative is going to be the impetus to bury the far left! We even see the media reports changing, and when that happens grudgingly by the MSM, it is always bad for democrats!

Can you imagine if there had been NO SURVEILLANCE to Refute their lies?

The accusations would have went on forever.

Wonder why they claimed their was NO SURVEILLANCE AT ALL?

It is because I think they knew that The Surveillance would ultimately exonerate Flynn, and the Trump Administration, and this is exactly what occurred if you are to believe The FBI and The Head of National Intelligence who stated that There was NO COLLUSION.

Surveilling the opposition's Candidate for President, is very disturbing. Those who ordered and carried it out, need to be held accountable. It wasn't just an awful attack on Trump, it was an awful attack on our Democracy.
Watching it now, haven't heard anything close to the wiretapping claim. They did discuss the illegal unmasking and leaking, but made it quite clear that there is no evidence of illegal surveillance. They just broke down the series of event from Flynn lie till today.... damn makes the Trump admin look careless and stupid

The actual Surveillance illegal or legal actually exonerated Flynn

:rolleyes: So much so that it proved him a liar, cost him his dream job and now makes him ask for immunity to testify.

Yep, he was totally exonerated.
that sounds like hillary.... heh
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.
Sorry, turd, but we don't know that. You're stretching the known facts way too far. All we know is that Flynn and Jared were possibly recording speaking to Russians in the normal course of their duties. No one has denied speaking to Russians after the election, and that is totally irrelevant to the election. It's a big nothing burger.
it's been pointed out that there are no actual wires the modern term is surveilled, which includes wireless... etc.

They were not surveiled, by any stretch of the meaning of those words except well past the line of absurdity.

Russians were surveilled, Trumpsters were talking to Russians and lying about it.

So this story is about how they caught, and the re-direction from them is how unfair it is that they got caught.
You're speaking from ignorance, as always. At this point you don't know how the intelligence was obtained.
The actual Surveillance illegal or legal actually exonerated Flynn, and so far has actually protected The Trump Administration from baseless accusations.

All that is occurring is the Left digging their own grave over a witch hunt that will lead to their own demise.:dig:
How many times are we going to hear the term "witch hunt" this week? What y'all don't realize is that the witch hunt is this scramble to justify Trumps insane tweets. The legit investigation into Russia which the FBI has been probing since July is gaining more and more steam with each lie that the Trumpsters keep feeding it.

Sure it is Snowflake, sure it is.

Pretend for a second that you're not a partisan puppet. Imagine it is clinton in the whitehouse and the same series of events was happening... how big do you think the "lock her up" rally's would be?

What events?
National security advisor lying and getting fired, the VP spreading false info about meetings with Russians, the AG hiding his interactions with russians then recusing himself, the weekly lies and falsehoods getting spread via twitter and in the press room, 5 other staffers found to have meetings with Russia after denying such interactions, the head of the intel committee investigating the situation getting fed information from the people he is investigating (the WH) and attempting to cover it up. The list goes on... why are you playing dumb? Pay attention, all these things really happened. So just imagine if it was under Clinton and the size of the cow you would be having right now.
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

Him and that snobbish bitch changed their tune after day after day of saying trump lied no way in hell was he wire tapped...
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

They shouldn't have denied it, but to leak the TRANSCRIPTS of the call with the Americans named is crime.

But there are REASONS to denying, people don't just lie to Vice Presidents and FBI because they feel like it. They lie and take those risk because telling the truth is worse.

And the reasons for denying can range from embarrassment to not wanting to get into trouble with your boss to trying to hide criminal behavior. But, leaking the transcripts (showing there was surveillance) with American citizens identified is ONLY a crime.
What does that have to do with the OP's blatant lie?

What lie fuck head they are back tracking now....

Look at how he back trackd

How do I look at something that isn't linked?
Wake up early... What are you retired or something..

I wonder if it is on you tube it was hilarious....

All I heard from him and that dumb snobbish bitch the past few weeks was Trump out right lied.


Yeah, I am retired and early is no longer my thing.

Lol that's what I thought lucky you..

It was in response to the post I was responding to, that there was a "reason" for denying.
Well, if you're asserting it's 100% certain that Flynn being named was illegal, you are wrong.

In the way it happened, it is 100% certain that releasing Flynn's identity to the general public was illegal.

No that's not correct. If Flynn was legally unmasked prior to a NSA intercept being released there's no crime. And it's not !00% true that a person under investigation or being in nalt sucuruty work has an right to non-disclosure.

It is true that there's been an moving rule on masking.

Barack Obama changed how NSA intercepts of Americans like Donald Trump could be shared

Not to the general public, ben. Only to other agencies within the Administration.
Well, that's two separate issues. 1. Flynn's name was properly unmasked in the intercepts. Flynn's communication with the Russian Kislyak (sp) were caught up, and the importance of the communication requires knowing who Flynn was. That info is properly shared inside the US intelligence. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/24/...-surveillance-practices-and-privacy.html?_r=0
2. How this information got in the press would be a differnent issue. That is was there some llegal leak? I don't know.

However, there's a hypocrisy here. Trump loved illegal hacking and leaking when it involved the other side. And there's even a larger hypocrisy. American democracy is seldom hurt when truth is shed on dirty dealings: Manning, the pentagon papers, etc. That cuts against both parties. But what Russia was doing with assange and Guccifier was pushing "fake news" and Trump was touting it. So the gop is coming very close to being at the least a stooge for a country that is an existential threat. So, claims of somehow being the victim of US intelligence are more like a whore claiming her reputation is being sullied.

I would feel differently if the issue was someone leaked the name of a plumber in DC a Russian called about a leaky faucet.

The public "unmasking" is the only issue we've been talking about as far as a crime so for you to claim it was legal was incorrect. Sorry. And, as far as "fake news", as far as I know, to this day, the information from the hack has not been denied, so how can it be fake?

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