Lmafo on MSNBC..morning joe saying trump was wire tapped

No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

They shouldn't have denied it, but to leak the TRANSCRIPTS of the call with the Americans named is crime.

But there are REASONS to denying, people don't just lie to Vice Presidents and FBI because they feel like it. They lie and take those risk because telling the truth is worse.

And the reasons for denying can range from embarrassment to not wanting to get into trouble with your boss to trying to hide criminal behavior. But, leaking the transcripts (showing there was surveillance) with American citizens identified is ONLY a crime.
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

What the "wiretipe" was referring to was the fact that trumps people were illegally unmasked by obama administration, which is a minimum 10 year prison sentence.

How the fuck does "illigaly wiretapped" turn into " they inappropriately let the world know we are lying about talking to Russians"?

Trump DID NOT have his wires tapped, he straight lied about that, because presenting the TRUE nature of what happened (lying about talking to Russians) makes him look REALLY BAD.

Illegal unmasking should be persecuted, but it takes away NOTHING from the lies and deceit by this deplorable administration.

The US does NOT WIRETAP ANYMORE, they don't need to for surveillance, they don't hide bugs in lamps and under desks anymore. Certainly not when they're a ton of digital devices listening for them. So either trump is an complete idiot BC he didn't know that and got lucky someone illegally unmasked...Or he meant wiretap to mean general surveillance, although I do think trump is an idiot, the later is much more likely. And if the left wants to ply cheap word games, that's up to them, but there's a real conversation going on around them about this.

So far there is no evidence of collusion of somebody in the trump camp currently. Russia did not directly effect the election. If you whining about the hacking of the DNC and Hillary server and the leaking of that information, THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DID THE EXACT SAME THING, with this illegal unmasking. What the difference?? You're happy for the unmasking, and illegal exposing in our own govt, but are mad when a diff govt does it?

When you post on twitter with limited characters to use, broad short hand has to be used. That's why all this "he lied" stuff is such a distraction. I'm MUCH more upset with the attempt to modify Medicare/Medicaid

And yet Obama's tweeting was never accused of blatant lying, strange that eh :rolleyes:

I'm sure if there was analysis, it would turn out that the "strangeness" is actually based on partisan attitudes. I wish people like you would get upset about REAL issues that affect Americans instead of being all shrill about crap like this. You're like the muckrakers of the late 19th century.
The Russians were under surveillance, and on this I agree. The Obama Bin Lying Administration, and Every Lefty Phuckstain denied that any surveillance at all occurred.

Lol you are retarded, no one ever said that American Intelligence is not spying on Russians. That would be a DERELICTION OF THEIR DUTY.

So, you agree, that The US had Russia under Surveillance, and had all Communications with The US under Surveillance.

You at least agree that this is the case. The intelligence community told us this is standard practice for all incoming communications from Russia to The US to be monitored.

You at least agree this occurred.....right? Seems like you are agreeing with me at least on that point.
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

They shouldn't have denied it, but to leak the TRANSCRIPTS of the call with the Americans named is crime.

But there are REASONS to denying, people don't just lie to Vice Presidents and FBI because they feel like it. They lie and take those risk because telling the truth is worse.

And the reasons for denying can range from embarrassment to not wanting to get into trouble with your boss to trying to hide criminal behavior. But, leaking the transcripts (showing there was surveillance) with American citizens identified is ONLY a crime.
What does that have to do with the OP's blatant lie?
The Russians were under surveillance, and on this I agree. The Obama Bin Lying Administration, and Every Lefty Phuckstain denied that any surveillance at all occurred.

Lol you are retarded, no one ever said that American Intelligence is not spying on Russians. That would be a DERELICTION OF THEIR DUTY.

So, you agree, that The US had Russia under Surveillance, and had all Communications with The US under Surveillance.

You at least agree that this is the case. The intelligence community told us this is standard practice for all incoming communications from Russia to The US to be monitored.

You at least agree this occurred.....right? Seems like you are agreeing with me at least on that point.
All is probably too broad.
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

What the "wiretipe" was referring to was the fact that trumps people were illegally unmasked by obama administration, which is a minimum 10 year prison sentence.

How the fuck does "illigaly wiretapped" turn into " they inappropriately let the world know we are lying about talking to Russians"?

Trump DID NOT have his wires tapped, he straight lied about that, because presenting the TRUE nature of what happened (lying about talking to Russians) makes him look REALLY BAD.

Illegal unmasking should be persecuted, but it takes away NOTHING from the lies and deceit by this deplorable administration.

The US does NOT WIRETAP ANYMORE, they don't need to for surveillance, they don't hide bugs in lamps and under desks anymore. Certainly not when they're a ton of digital devices listening for them. So either trump is an complete idiot BC he didn't know that and got lucky someone illegally unmasked...Or he meant wiretap to mean general surveillance, although I do think trump is an idiot, the later is much more likely. And if the left wants to ply cheap word games, that's up to them, but there's a real conversation going on around them about this.

So far there is no evidence of collusion of somebody in the trump camp currently. Russia did not directly effect the election. If you whining about the hacking of the DNC and Hillary server and the leaking of that information, THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DID THE EXACT SAME THING, with this illegal unmasking. What the difference?? You're happy for the unmasking, and illegal exposing in our own govt, but are mad when a diff govt does it?

There are NO WORD GAMES.

Sitting President of the United States claims that his predecessor has illegally broke in and surveiled his campaign, like Nixon, and then it turns out this was about sitting President's campaign getting caught lying about contacts with our foreign adversaries in the middle of them hacking our political organizations.

This is NOT like Nixon, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Flynn had full security clearances for how long? And how much longer would he have that clearance if it wasn't for the public leaks that FINALLY, after two weeks of administration knowing full well that he was rotten, has forced their hand in removing this sketchy douche-bag.

And Flynn should be investigated separately from the illegal unmasking. And if the obama administration found anything on Flynn, they shot their case in the foot by an illegal unmasking leaked to press, (they did so for short term political gain, it wouldve been better to actually find wrong doing and then charge Flynn the legal way). It's normal for a presidential campaign to have contact with foreign countries, Hillary did as well with Russia. That doesn't mean there is wrongdoing or collusion outside of normal to "overthrow" an election. And since we are in the business on surveilling all foreign contact (including with nationals) is why we mask the national contacts.
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

They shouldn't have denied it, but to leak the TRANSCRIPTS of the call with the Americans named is crime.

But there are REASONS to denying, people don't just lie to Vice Presidents and FBI because they feel like it. They lie and take those risk because telling the truth is worse.

It doesn't matter that he lied. It wasn't advisable, and he most likely should have been dismissed because of that, but The FBI and the Intelligence Community has everything Flynn ever said to anyone from Russia.

And he was exonerated. So until he is charged with a crime....and he won't be unless they can find something anything trivial to pin on him....this is another dead end for your witch hunt.

But we won't stop you. Your party is digging it's own grave, and we are happy to provide you all the shovels you want to complete the task.
Watching it now, haven't heard anything close to the wiretapping claim. They did discuss the illegal unmasking and leaking, but made it quite clear that there is no evidence of illegal surveillance. They just broke down the series of event from Flynn lie till today.... damn makes the Trump admin look careless and stupid
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

They shouldn't have denied it, but to leak the TRANSCRIPTS of the call with the Americans named is crime.

But there are REASONS to denying, people don't just lie to Vice Presidents and FBI because they feel like it. They lie and take those risk because telling the truth is worse.

And the reasons for denying can range from embarrassment to not wanting to get into trouble with your boss to trying to hide criminal behavior. But, leaking the transcripts (showing there was surveillance) with American citizens identified is ONLY a crime.
What does that have to do with the OP's blatant lie?

It was in response to the post I was responding to, that there was a "reason" for denying.
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

What the "wiretipe" was referring to was the fact that trumps people were illegally unmasked by obama administration, which is a minimum 10 year prison sentence.

How the fuck does "illigaly wiretapped" turn into " they inappropriately let the world know we are lying about talking to Russians"?

Trump DID NOT have his wires tapped, he straight lied about that, because presenting the TRUE nature of what happened (lying about talking to Russians) makes him look REALLY BAD.

Illegal unmasking should be persecuted, but it takes away NOTHING from the lies and deceit by this deplorable administration.

The US does NOT WIRETAP ANYMORE, they don't need to for surveillance, they don't hide bugs in lamps and under desks anymore. Certainly not when they're a ton of digital devices listening for them. So either trump is an complete idiot BC he didn't know that and got lucky someone illegally unmasked...Or he meant wiretap to mean general surveillance, although I do think trump is an idiot, the later is much more likely. And if the left wants to ply cheap word games, that's up to them, but there's a real conversation going on around them about this.

So far there is no evidence of collusion of somebody in the trump camp currently. Russia did not directly effect the election. If you whining about the hacking of the DNC and Hillary server and the leaking of that information, THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DID THE EXACT SAME THING, with this illegal unmasking. What the difference?? You're happy for the unmasking, and illegal exposing in our own govt, but are mad when a diff govt does it?

There are NO WORD GAMES.

Sitting President of the United States claims that his predecessor has illegally broke in and surveiled his campaign, like Nixon, and then it turns out this was about sitting President's campaign getting caught lying about contacts with our foreign adversaries in the middle of them hacking our political organizations.

This is NOT like Nixon, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Flynn had full security clearances for how long? And how much longer would he have that clearance if it wasn't for the public leaks that FINALLY, after two weeks of administration knowing full well that he was rotten, has forced their hand in removing this sketchy douche-bag.

And Flynn should be investigated separately from the illegal unmasking. And if the obama administration found anything on Flynn, they shot their case in the foot by an illegal unmasking leaked to press, (they did so for short term political gain, it wouldve been better to actually find wrong doing and then charge Flynn the legal way). It's normal for a presidential campaign to have contact with foreign countries, Hillary did as well with Russia. That doesn't mean there is wrongdoing or collusion outside of normal to "overthrow" an election. And since we are in the business on surveilling all foreign contact (including with nationals) is why we mask the national contacts.

If there was anything on Flynn, The FBI would not have exonerated him based on All The Surveillance Transcripts they had on him.

Get Me?

You guys are digging your own grave by pursuing a witch hunt to no where.
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

What the "wiretipe" was referring to was the fact that trumps people were illegally unmasked by obama administration, which is a minimum 10 year prison sentence.

How the fuck does "illigaly wiretapped" turn into " they inappropriately let the world know we are lying about talking to Russians"?

Trump DID NOT have his wires tapped, he straight lied about that, because presenting the TRUE nature of what happened (lying about talking to Russians) makes him look REALLY BAD.

Illegal unmasking should be persecuted, but it takes away NOTHING from the lies and deceit by this deplorable administration.

The US does NOT WIRETAP ANYMORE, they don't need to for surveillance, they don't hide bugs in lamps and under desks anymore. Certainly not when they're a ton of digital devices listening for them. So either trump is an complete idiot BC he didn't know that and got lucky someone illegally unmasked...Or he meant wiretap to mean general surveillance, although I do think trump is an idiot, the later is much more likely. And if the left wants to ply cheap word games, that's up to them, but there's a real conversation going on around them about this.

So far there is no evidence of collusion of somebody in the trump camp currently. Russia did not directly effect the election. If you whining about the hacking of the DNC and Hillary server and the leaking of that information, THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DID THE EXACT SAME THING, with this illegal unmasking. What the difference?? You're happy for the unmasking, and illegal exposing in our own govt, but are mad when a diff govt does it?

There are NO WORD GAMES.

Sitting President of the United States claims that his predecessor has illegally broke in and surveiled his campaign, like Nixon, and then it turns out this was about sitting President's campaign getting caught lying about contacts with our foreign adversaries in the middle of them hacking our political organizations.

This is NOT like Nixon, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Flynn had full security clearances for how long? And how much longer would he have that clearance if it wasn't for the public leaks that FINALLY, after two weeks of administration knowing full well that he was rotten, has forced their hand in removing this sketchy douche-bag.

And Flynn should be investigated separately from the illegal unmasking. And if the obama administration found anything on Flynn, they shot their case in the foot by an illegal unmasking leaked to press, (they did so for short term political gain, it wouldve been better to actually find wrong doing and then charge Flynn the legal way). It's normal for a presidential campaign to have contact with foreign countries, Hillary did as well with Russia. That doesn't mean there is wrongdoing or collusion outside of normal to "overthrow" an election. And since we are in the business on surveilling all foreign contact (including with nationals) is why we mask the national contacts.

"illegal" is not for you to decide.

There are whistle-blower protections that may be exactly suited to this situation and could make this unmasking legal. Flynn was compromised, Russians knew full well he was lying to Vice President and such was a security risk to the United States that the Trump administration knew about and was unwilling to address.
Last edited:
are we still waiting for evidence they threw the election ? heh

Comey Confirms F.B.I. Inquiry on Russia; Sees No Evidence of ...
Mar 20, 2017 - Comey confirms the F.B.I. is investigating Russian election interference. ... the witnesses did not say Russian hackers had changed vote tallies.
Comey's testimony just killed the 'Russians election hacking' false ...
Mar 20, 2017 - Comey's testimony just killed the 'Russians election hacking' false ... there was noevidence the Russians manipulated election machines to rig ...
John McAfee: No Proof Russians Hacked The Election » Alex Jones ...
John McAfee: No Proof Russians Hacked The Election
Mar 21, 2017 - John McAfee: No Proof Russians Hacked The Election. Anti-Trump politicians and media outlets continue to refer to unverified claims for proof.
Obama aides 'were told to preserve evidence of Russian election ...
www.telegraph.co.uk › News
Mar 2, 2017 - Obama aides 'were told to preserve evidence of Russian election hacking as House to probe Trump campaign links to Moscow'. US president ...
Russian Hackers May Now Be Mucking With European Elections ...
Feb 27, 2017 - When the US intelligence community released a report in early January laying out theevidence for Russian meddling in the US election, US ...
It's hysterical people are still using sources by Alex Jones.
Watching it now, haven't heard anything close to the wiretapping claim. They did discuss the illegal unmasking and leaking, but made it quite clear that there is no evidence of illegal surveillance. They just broke down the series of event from Flynn lie till today.... damn makes the Trump admin look careless and stupid

The actual Surveillance illegal or legal actually exonerated Flynn, and so far has actually protected The Trump Administration from baseless accusations.

All that is occurring is the Left digging their own grave over a witch hunt that will lead to their own demise.:dig:
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What the "wiretipe" was referring to was the fact that trumps people were illegally unmasked by obama administration, which is a minimum 10 year prison sentence.

How the fuck does "illigaly wiretapped" turn into " they inappropriately let the world know we are lying about talking to Russians"?

Trump DID NOT have his wires tapped, he straight lied about that, because presenting the TRUE nature of what happened (lying about talking to Russians) makes him look REALLY BAD.

Illegal unmasking should be persecuted, but it takes away NOTHING from the lies and deceit by this deplorable administration.

The US does NOT WIRETAP ANYMORE, they don't need to for surveillance, they don't hide bugs in lamps and under desks anymore. Certainly not when they're a ton of digital devices listening for them. So either trump is an complete idiot BC he didn't know that and got lucky someone illegally unmasked...Or he meant wiretap to mean general surveillance, although I do think trump is an idiot, the later is much more likely. And if the left wants to ply cheap word games, that's up to them, but there's a real conversation going on around them about this.

So far there is no evidence of collusion of somebody in the trump camp currently. Russia did not directly effect the election. If you whining about the hacking of the DNC and Hillary server and the leaking of that information, THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DID THE EXACT SAME THING, with this illegal unmasking. What the difference?? You're happy for the unmasking, and illegal exposing in our own govt, but are mad when a diff govt does it?

There are NO WORD GAMES.

Sitting President of the United States claims that his predecessor has illegally broke in and surveiled his campaign, like Nixon, and then it turns out this was about sitting President's campaign getting caught lying about contacts with our foreign adversaries in the middle of them hacking our political organizations.

This is NOT like Nixon, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Flynn had full security clearances for how long? And how much longer would he have that clearance if it wasn't for the public leaks that FINALLY, after two weeks of administration knowing full well that he was rotten, has forced their hand in removing this sketchy douche-bag.

And Flynn should be investigated separately from the illegal unmasking. And if the obama administration found anything on Flynn, they shot their case in the foot by an illegal unmasking leaked to press, (they did so for short term political gain, it wouldve been better to actually find wrong doing and then charge Flynn the legal way). It's normal for a presidential campaign to have contact with foreign countries, Hillary did as well with Russia. That doesn't mean there is wrongdoing or collusion outside of normal to "overthrow" an election. And since we are in the business on surveilling all foreign contact (including with nationals) is why we mask the national contacts.

"illegal" is not for you to decide.

There are whistle-blower protections that may be exactly suited to this situation and could make this unmasking legal. Flynn was compromised, Russians knew full well he was lying to Vice President and such was a security risk to the United States that the Trump administration knew about and unwilling to address.

I think secretly The Trump Administration is Happy They were Surveilled because The Left is being made to look PRETTY UGLY:puke3: if that is even possible for them to look uglier.

This sets up The GOP for a Landslide in 2018.

Trump is playing you all, and I have to laugh.....


Thanks Obama.
Last edited:
are we still waiting for evidence they threw the election ? heh

Comey Confirms F.B.I. Inquiry on Russia; Sees No Evidence of ...
Mar 20, 2017 - Comey confirms the F.B.I. is investigating Russian election interference. ... the witnesses did not say Russian hackers had changed vote tallies.
Comey's testimony just killed the 'Russians election hacking' false ...
Mar 20, 2017 - Comey's testimony just killed the 'Russians election hacking' false ... there was noevidence the Russians manipulated election machines to rig ...
John McAfee: No Proof Russians Hacked The Election » Alex Jones ...
John McAfee: No Proof Russians Hacked The Election
Mar 21, 2017 - John McAfee: No Proof Russians Hacked The Election. Anti-Trump politicians and media outlets continue to refer to unverified claims for proof.
Obama aides 'were told to preserve evidence of Russian election ...
www.telegraph.co.uk › News
Mar 2, 2017 - Obama aides 'were told to preserve evidence of Russian election hacking as House to probe Trump campaign links to Moscow'. US president ...
Russian Hackers May Now Be Mucking With European Elections ...
Feb 27, 2017 - When the US intelligence community released a report in early January laying out theevidence for Russian meddling in the US election, US ...
It's hysterical people are still using sources by Alex Jones.
all part of the new mix.
It is scary to read the neocon nutcases trying to rationalize their insanity.
it's been pointed out that there are no actual wires the modern term is surveilled, which includes wireless... etc.

They were not surveiled, by any stretch of the meaning of those words except well past the line of absurdity.

Russians were surveilled, Trumpsters were talking to Russians and lying about it.

So this story is about how they caught, and the re-direction from them is how unfair it is that they got caught.

No....no one lied about talking to Russians after the election...obama minions have been lying about spying on Trump and illegally unmasking the identities of Americans protected under American laws.....
Watching it now, haven't heard anything close to the wiretapping claim. They did discuss the illegal unmasking and leaking, but made it quite clear that there is no evidence of illegal surveillance. They just broke down the series of event from Flynn lie till today.... damn makes the Trump admin look careless and stupid

The actual Surveillance illegal or legal actually exonerated Flynn

:rolleyes: So much so that it proved him a liar, cost him his dream job and now makes him ask for immunity to testify.

Yep, he was totally exonerated.
No he is not dummy.

Russians were tapped. As they should be. And Trump people were recorded, speaking to Russians, which they denied and denied and de..and oops got fucking caught.

They shouldn't have denied it, but to leak the TRANSCRIPTS of the call with the Americans named is crime.

But there are REASONS to denying, people don't just lie to Vice Presidents and FBI because they feel like it. They lie and take those risk because telling the truth is worse.

And the reasons for denying can range from embarrassment to not wanting to get into trouble with your boss to trying to hide criminal behavior. But, leaking the transcripts (showing there was surveillance) with American citizens identified is ONLY a crime.
What does that have to do with the OP's blatant lie?

It was in response to the post I was responding to, that there was a "reason" for denying.
Well, if you're asserting it's 100% certain that Flynn being named was illegal, you are wrong.
it's been pointed out that there are no actual wires the modern term is surveilled, which includes wireless... etc.

They were not surveiled, by any stretch of the meaning of those words except well past the line of absurdity.

Russians were surveilled, Trumpsters were talking to Russians and lying about it.

So this story is about how they caught, and the re-direction from them is how unfair it is that they got caught.

No....no one lied about talking to Russians after the election...obama minions have been lying about spying on Trump and illegally unmasking the identities of Americans protected under American laws.....
Flynn was subject to an FBI investigation and his activities were relevant to natl sec, so to argue he had any right to his identigy being cloaked is a bit .... of fantasy

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