LMAO!! The globe has been "COOLING" since the 1930's!!!

How 'bout we all just respect the Earth and do our best to treat it well, regardless of what the weather is.
That is not the goal of the AGW crowd as witness their blessing of increased use of Mercury (lights), Arsenic (solar panels) and Lithium (cars).


The goal of the leaders of the cult is bigger centralized and more power government run by a small elite.

AGW is not science. It is politics.

Sadly many have been duped by the leftist elite into believing AGW.
Who is computer blogger "Steven Goddard" that is quoted in this article? This dude may be a fictional pseudonym. The name likely chosen to hit on any google searches for "Goddard" Space Institute + "climate"

Climate hack "Steven Goddard" discredited on Real Climate org & posted retraction.

Link fail. Try again.

You Fail, not the link.

From link: Comment by Steven Goddard — 21 August 2008 @ 20:17 - "It is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that the 2007 UIUC maps are not precise enough to be used for quantitative analysis."

"NSIDC has worked with Mr. Goddard to get to the bottom of the issue with the UIUC and NSIDC images and as has been mentioned in the comments above, he has posted a correction. I thank Mr. Goddard for his cooperation in this matter."
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How 'bout we all just respect the Earth and do our best to treat it well, regardless of what the weather is.
That is not the goal of the AGW crowd as witness their blessing of increased use of Mercury (lights), Arsenic (solar panels) and Lithium (cars).
Not to mention a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico the size of New Jersey caused by corn production for ethanol:

NOAA Estimate of Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Is Shockingly Large | TIME.com
That’s what a dead zone—water, essentially, without air. Sealife—including the valuable shellfish popular in Gulf fisheries—either flee the area, much as you or I would if someone were to suck all the oxygen out of the room, or die. That’s why the dead zone matters—the larger it is, the greater the populations of fish that might be affected. With commercial fisheries in the Gulf worth $629 million as of 2009—and still recovering from the impact of the 2010 oil spill—the dead zone means business.

The major factor driving the size of the dead zone—beyond changing flooding patterns—is the use and overuse of fertilizers in America’s rich Midwestern corn belt. The U.S. Geological Survey estimated that 153,000 metric tons of nutrients flowed down the swollen Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers during May—a 16% increase over the nutrient load average seen during the past 34 years. And as James Greiff of Bloomberg points out in a recent piece, those nutrients are used disproportionately to feed one particular crop:

The culprits behind the dead zone are many, but one deserves special attention: corn. Unlike, say, soybeans, which can grow without fertilizer, corn can’t grow without it. It takes 195 pounds of fertilizer to grow an acre of corn.
And the U.S. grows a lot of corn — more than any other country. What’s more, 40 percent of the U.S. corn crop is devoted to making ethanol, which fuel companies must blend with gasoline under a congressional mandate. The Gulf dead zone is yet another reason for Congress to kill that mandate.​
Environmentalists don't give a shit about the environment.
Who is computer blogger "Steven Goddard" that is quoted in this article? This dude may be a fictional pseudonym. The name likely chosen to hit on any google searches for "Goddard" Space Institute + "climate"

Climate hack "Steven Goddard" discredited on Real Climate org & posted retraction.

Link fail. Try again.

You Fail, not the link.

From link: "It is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that the 2007 UIUC maps are not precise enough to be used for quantitative analysis.

Comment by Steven Goddard — 21 August 2008 @ 20:17

So pixel-counting seems quite valid to me, and appears to demonstrate that older UIUC images are simply not accurate.

Since these images are widely linked, shouldn’t they do something about it before more unsuspecting pixel-counters are lured to their death?"

"NSIDC has worked with Mr. Goddard to get to the bottom of the issue with the UIUC and NSIDC images and as has been mentioned in the comments above, he has posted a correction. I thank Mr. Goddard for his cooperation in this matter."
It didn't work when I clicked it.

So, Goddard admitted his mistake and issued a retraction. Good for him. That's far more honorable behavior than is ever demonstrated by AGW cultists.
Sorry, guys - It's getting warmer. Even I can see that from the mid sixties to now, quite a bit of warming has occurred.

How would you explain rising sea levels and melting ice caps?
I agree that it is getting warmer. I just am not convinced that man is causing it yet.

It has not warmed since 1998 even as CO2 is soaring. Also the data shows CO2 lags Temp. So the Temp increase up until 1998 may be the cause for the rising CO2.

Then again we had 35 years of cooling from 1940 to 1975 then the temp went right on up even higher again.
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How 'bout we all just respect the Earth and do our best to treat it well, regardless of what the weather is.
That is not the goal of the AGW crowd as witness their blessing of increased use of Mercury (lights), Arsenic (solar panels) and Lithium (cars).

I don't give a a fuck about the "AGW" crowd.

But I do give a fuck about the Earth. All I'm sayin', is that humanity should be like less of a plague upon the Earth, and instead evolve our culture to become more in harmony with it.
Sorry, guys - It's getting warmer. Even I can see that from the mid sixties to now, quite a bit of warming has occurred.

How would you explain rising sea levels and melting ice caps?

Even you can see it....hahahaha....

Well that is good enough for me. So let's have bigger government run by a small elite, solve it. Government always does efficient and effective work...you know.
Sorry, guys - It's getting warmer. Even I can see that from the mid sixties to now, quite a bit of warming has occurred.

How would you explain rising sea levels and melting ice caps?
Reversion to the mean. Temperatures prior to the 1883 Krakatoa eruption should be available since the thermometer was invented by Fahrenheit in 1714. However they are not used, do you ever wonder why?
Sorry, guys - It's getting warmer. Even I can see that from the mid sixties to now, quite a bit of warming has occurred.

How would you explain rising sea levels and melting ice caps?

Even you can see it....hahahaha....

Well that is good enough for me. So let's have bigger government run by a small elite, solve it. Government always does efficient and effective work...you know.

I didn't say all that, but if you think that the world is getting cooler, you're an idiot.
Sorry, guys - It's getting warmer. Even I can see that from the mid sixties to now, quite a bit of warming has occurred.

How would you explain rising sea levels and melting ice caps?
Reversion to the mean. Temperatures prior to the 1883 Krakatoa eruption should be available since the thermometer was invented by Fahrenheit in 1714. However they are not used, do you ever wonder why?

Melting ice caps - not data or numbers....
As is usual, we're getting only conspiracy theories from the denier anti-science cult. It's probably for the best they don't try to talk about science, given how bad they are at it. All they know is how their cult has told them global warming is a vast global socialist conspiracy, hence they BELIEVE!

Meanwhile, temperatures have climbed, and will continue to climb. It's so good to be on the side of reason. All we have to do is simply point at the real world, and the deniers are forced to scurry away to find another conspiracy theory.
As is usual, we're getting only conspiracy theories from the denier anti-science cult. It's probably for the best they don't try to talk about science, given how bad they are at it. All they know is how their cult has told them global warming is a vast global socialist conspiracy, hence they BELIEVE!

Meanwhile, temperatures have climbed, and will continue to climb. It's so good to be on the side of reason. All we have to do is simply point at the real world, and the deniers are forced to scurry away to find another conspiracy theory.

Oh, DO shut up.
OK.....I'm laughing. Turns out, they indeed have been rigging the data and the world has been cooling since the 1930's........top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

The scandal of fiddled global warming data - Telegraph

This is a direct kick to the nutsacks of the AGW religion!!! Skeptics.....including tens of thousands of scientists.......have been saying these people are screwing with the data forever. And the have!!!:D:D

This is great stuff.......:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rock:


The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties

Do you understand the differnece between the 'globe' and the 'U.S.' or are you a total and complete imbecile?

Skeptics.....including tens of thousands of scientists.......
Right. imaginary ones that don't actually exist. tons of them.
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It was freezing cold here in the 1970's. For 3 winters I froze my ass to the bone cutting & splitting fire wood when I was a teen. It was often -15 degrees. Occasionally -20 degrees. Equipment & vehicles would not start, pipes froze, etc. It has not been nearly that cold around here since.
What a great thread! There is no climate change! Let's celebrate!

Nobody said that. The argument is about man's influence or lack thereof.
Apparently man has little or no influence. Let's celebrate!

Yes! We have no impact on the environment and nothing we do can hurt the planet. You nailed it. PARTAAAAAYYYYYYY!

WTF are you talking about? Who said anything about man having no impact on the environment? Who said anything about man being unable to hurt the planet? You're one of those zombie sheeple who have been propagated into confusing pollution with CO2.
Sorry, guys - It's getting warmer. Even I can see that from the mid sixties to now, quite a bit of warming has occurred.

How would you explain rising sea levels and melting ice caps?
Reversion to the mean. Temperatures prior to the 1883 Krakatoa eruption should be available since the thermometer was invented by Fahrenheit in 1714. However they are not used, do you ever wonder why?

Do you have actual thermometer data or chart of the "mid-evil warming period"?

Any from before the "little ice age"?
Sorry, guys - It's getting warmer. Even I can see that from the mid sixties to now, quite a bit of warming has occurred.

How would you explain rising sea levels and melting ice caps?
Reversion to the mean. Temperatures prior to the 1883 Krakatoa eruption should be available since the thermometer was invented by Fahrenheit in 1714. However they are not used, do you ever wonder why?

Do you have actual thermometer data or chart of the "mid-evil warming period"?

Any from before the "little ice age"?


Scientists use boreholes, icecores, tree rings, and all sorts of crazy shit to determine temperature history before thermometers. Science is awesome, right?

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