LMAO!! The globe has been "COOLING" since the 1930's!!!

Even though this is data for only the US, if the data was fudged for the US, what other countries is the data being fudged?

The key word in this sentence is "if". It's your side that is blindly buying into the word of an anonymous cheetos eating blogger as if he's the holy bible.

Perhaps a little skepticism instead of always believing what you want to believe.

Fox News Cites Birther To Claim NASA "Faked" Global Warming | Blog | Media Matters for America

However, the libertarian magazine Reason noted that even climate "skeptic" blogger Anthony Watts said that Goddard made "major errors in his analysis" and criticized the implication that "numbers are being plucked out of thin air in a nefarious way."
Anyone who cites MediaMatters has no business criticizing others for blind belief.
Do you not know that America is much cleaner today than it was a few decades ago?

Thanks to the liberals. Who you fought tooth and nail on every environmental issue.

You've spent decades fighting for polluters, and are now developing convenient amnesia about it. Go sell that to your fellow cultists, the only ones dumb enough to buy it.
Anyone who cites MediaMatters has no business criticizing others for blind belief.

I don't think this Dave-thing is human. It appears to be some kind of computer program designed to power-sulk at people. Calling it "artificial intelligence" would clearly be wrong, being it displays no intelligence.
Sorry, guys - It's getting warmer. Even I can see that from the mid sixties to now, quite a bit of warming has occurred.

How would you explain rising sea levels and melting ice caps?
Reversion to the mean. Temperatures prior to the 1883 Krakatoa eruption should be available since the thermometer was invented by Fahrenheit in 1714. However they are not used, do you ever wonder why?

It has to be a liberal conspiracy that is keeping any random person from looking them up and using them.

And "reversion to the mean" would make sense if the globe was cooling as we've had hundreds of ice ages in the last few million years.
Do you not know that America is much cleaner today than it was a few decades ago?

Thanks to the liberals. Who you fought tooth and nail on every environmental issue.

You've spent decades fighting for polluters, and are now developing convenient amnesia about it. Go sell that to your fellow cultists, the only ones dumb enough to buy it.

From my neck of the woods. Conservatives are going all out to destroy the Delaware river by setting up underground fracking within yards of the river itself.

It was completely insane, and thankfully overruled by those with the ability to think clearly. The conservatives had a chance at winning thanks to the blind sheep that follow every thing they say solely due to the fact they just don't like liberals.
Anyone who cites MediaMatters has no business criticizing others for blind belief.

I don't think this Dave-thing is human. It appears to be some kind of computer program designed to power-sulk at people. Calling it "artificial intelligence" would clearly be wrong, being it displays no intelligence.
Yes, progressives tend to dehumanize those who disagree with them.

It makes putting them into mass graves easier.
Is that the best you got? I don't even like mediamatters. But they blow your douchebag anonymous blogger out of the water .

Respond to me if you actually have an argument or don't waste my time.
Okay, here's my argument:

Eat shit. I say what I like, when I like, to whom I like.

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Understand? Or do you want to flap the shreds of your pitiful ego around some more?

Is that the best you got? I don't even like mediamatters. But they blow your douchebag anonymous blogger out of the water .

Respond to me if you actually have an argument or don't waste my time.
Okay, here's my argument:

Eat shit. I say what I like, when I like, to whom I like.

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Understand? Or do you want to flap the shreds of your pitiful ego around some more?

Am I permitted to start a betting pool as to when this guy goes perma-ban?
Is that the best you got? I don't even like mediamatters. But they blow your douchebag anonymous blogger out of the water .

Respond to me if you actually have an argument or don't waste my time.
Okay, here's my argument:

Eat shit. I say what I like, when I like, to whom I like.

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Understand? Or do you want to flap the shreds of your pitiful ego around some more?

Am I permitted to start a betting pool as to when this guy goes perma-ban?
He doesn't quite seem to grasp his impotence here, does he? :lol:
Do you not know that America is much cleaner today than it was a few decades ago?

Thanks to the liberals. Who you fought tooth and nail on every environmental issue.

You've spent decades fighting for polluters, and are now developing convenient amnesia about it. Go sell that to your fellow cultists, the only ones dumb enough to buy it.

From my neck of the woods. Conservatives are going all out to destroy the Delaware river by setting up underground fracking within yards of the river itself.

It was completely insane, and thankfully overruled by those with the ability to think clearly. The conservatives had a chance at winning thanks to the blind sheep that follow every thing they say solely due to the fact they just don't like liberals.

One question, do you follow what the liberals say? Just asking.
One question, do you follow what the liberals say? Just asking.

The liberals are right once in awhile. The conservatives are right once in awhile. The centrists are right most of the time.
Doctored Goddard

I have shown how poorly qualified Steven Goddard is to analyse climate related data but I’d like to give him the honorific of Doctored Goddard, because doctoring the data to suit his bias is what he does. Unfortunately he isn’t very good at it and much of it becomes embarrassingly obvious with just a little sceptical research. Maybe he should be Struck Off?

Piss on the fire and call in the dogs boys ... they got somebody credible again.
Guys, keeping the air clean is important weather you believe that the earth getting warmer is due to man or not.

We cannot just pollute the environment as much as we want with no repercussions.

Do you really think right wing Americans WANT to pollute the planet?

Do you not know that America is much cleaner today than it was a few decades ago?

Stupid fools once claimed Lake Erie was dead for a thousand years...funny...just a couple decades after those fools made that claim, fisherman were catching vast amounts of fish from the lake. Claims by radicals, like the AGW cult, should never be listened to and roundly denounced.

So, the Earth is far more resilient than the radical left (warmers) want you to believe.

BTW the AGW cult claims CO2 is causing warming. CO2 is not a pollutant. So, if you believe these idiots, pollution is not the cause of warming.

Yes, some folks (mostly corporate, money grubbing, POS soulless, would-be world-conquerors) would love nothing better than to make all the money there is to make regardless of how much damage they inflict in the process.

Even where I live, every time a piece of legislation comes along that would actually help the environment, it gets slaughtered even before it makes it to the Senate. Why? Because money supersedes EVERY other consideration ... because the earth is expendable where the almighty dollar is concerned.

I don't really believe that the Earth is getting warmer due to CO2, but you are wrong about it being completely benign; just like you guys are wrong about man not being able to change the weather.

Anyone remember the Dust bowl of the 30's? Read up on it - man certainly CAN affect the weather - it's been done.

Sorry, guys - I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but the climate is changing - quit deluding yourselves.
I have a suspicion that many nutters.....even some who post here....do understand that humans can and have impacted climate change. They just can't discuss the matter honestly because it would mean breaking with the social conservative base on an issue. That is a no-no.

The social issues rule the nutter roost.
humans can and might have impacted the climate; you just havent made your case left-wing nutjob

if you had there would have been no need to LIE; and lie you did; and got caught doing it
Where are the usual suspects? They'll be here smearing whoever dared to blaspheme the Cooked Books.

Good question, where is [MENTION=31132]Lakhota[/MENTION] my Beta Male Bitch. [MENTION=42946]Howey[/MENTION] is my Alpha Male bitch

Do you have anything to contribute aside from snarky comments about liberals?

You'll have to wait until Alex Jones gives him his next set of instructions.

By the way.....he isn't intelligent enough to be snarky. That he thinks anyone here....and I mean anyone....is his bitch......is damned funny, ain't it?

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