Lockdowns Cause Havoc and No Relief

Like I've posted before, we will never know how many or how few lives were actually saved with the lock down of the country. We don't have a time machine that we can roll back to January and do things differently and see what happens. What we know for certain is that the shutdown came with a massive cost in both lives lost AND livelyhoods lost. It wasn't just the warm fuzzy "stay safe, stay home" message being drilled into us every god damn minute. It was "stay home, lose your job, teach your kids even though your not a teacher, line up at the food bank, and start drinking again".
“What should we conclude?” he added. “Strike that. What can we conclude? Only one thing: We cannot conclude that lockdowns worked.

Unless our lying government is asked.....~S~
Up here in the northeast, the epicenter of lockdown insanity, they have created a partnership among the governors of assorted blue states. I don't know whether they're all ignoramuses or if they're intentionally trying to tank our economy in order to help beat Trump in November. But it doesn't matter if they're ignorant or just evil. Results matter and the results say that Pa, Mass, NY and NJ are all members of that partnership and they're all ranked among the worst 5 states in the country. These losers are hurting this country as bad as our evil MSM who continue to sow the seeds of fear and hatred against our great President.
Up here in the northeast, the epicenter of lockdown insanity, they have created a partnership among the governors of assorted blue states. I don't know whether they're all ignoramuses or if they're intentionally trying to tank our economy in order to help beat Trump in November. But it doesn't matter if they're ignorant or just evil. Results matter and the results say that Pa, Mass, NY and NJ are all members of that partnership and they're all ranked among the worst 5 states in the country. These losers are hurting this country as bad as our evil MSM who continue to sow the seeds of fear and hatred against our great President.
This thread was originally from March 23 but I had to restart it because censors dumped it into the rubber room. It’s to your point...


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