Lockdowns Were Pointless: Lives destroyed for nothing

The New York Times is a POS anyhow, they are the Original Traitors From Within, they from the beginning have NOT been loyal to America but loyal to shall we call them "Outside Interests"

The New York Times is a POS anyhow, they are the Original Traitors From Within, they from the beginning have NOT been loyal to America but loyal to shall we call them "Outside Interests"
It's not the only place doing this, but it's great seening the left eat their own

The New York Times is a POS anyhow, they are the Original Traitors From Within, they from the beginning have NOT been loyal to America but loyal to shall we call them "Outside Interests"
It's not the only place doing this, but it's great seening the left eat their own

Yes and they should be encouraged to eat their own, I mean by Infiltrating the Left en masse the damage that can be done would be off the charts, as I said Destroy them from Within. You can only do that by joining them, they won't know you are a Rightist all you have to do is shout the same slogans with them, they shout "Black Lives Matter" so do YOU, they call EVERYONE a "Racist" so do YOU etc essentially they are weak and stupid, they are NOTHING without getting the daily orders from whoever their Central HQ is then they babble whatever like the Sheep they are....and so ALL Rightists who are Wolves put YOURSELVES in the MIDDLE of the Sheep and destroy them from WITHIN.

Also other things like if you are a Rightist then RUN for LOCAL ELECTIONS but run as a Democrat and be as Far Left as you can and then if elected begin to ROT them from WITHIN.

I mean you should ALREADY know in America there are a TON of Republicans who are ACTUALLY Leftists eg. Mitt Romney, that Lisa whatever her name is from Alaska, Colin Powell, Jeff Flake etc THEY Infiltrated the Republican Party, it's TIME that a TON of Rightists Infiltrated the Democrat Party.
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Is there a list of these "health experts"? I would like to see the people that support social distancing but only when it doesn't interfere with George Floyd support rallies and riots.
Is there a list of these "health experts"? I would like to see the people that support social distancing but only when it doesn't interfere with George Floyd support rallies and riots.

Over 1.000 of these "Health Experts" aka Total Human Scum Commie POS they signed a letter vomiting their support for the feral zoo animals right to riot and loot but but but NORMAL Americans aka Anti-Communist Patriots must ALL still adhere to the Hoax of social distancing and stay under effective House Arrest.


FIRST: Can we all just take a moment to agree to the UGLINESS of this ugly waste of skin bitch Mallory Simon, wow ALL the big nosed wimmens of her ilk are all so fucking ugly, the only ones who are not so ugly are the ones who have had the Nose Job but they are STILL going to return to their god their father Satan in Hell, uh I just thought is this below Jesus Christ REJECTING and HATING Satan's Spawn even a woman or is it a Tranny. ROFLAO REMEMBER Normies, REMEMBER WHITE MEN AND WOMEN, REMEMBER WHITE CHRISTIANS the below waste of human skin ilk is our SUPERIOR or SO these creatures THINK look at this "PRINCESS" ( :abgg2q.jpg: ) that's what they call themselves apparently :abgg2q.jpg:) "PRINCESS" of WHAT exactly, of HUMAN SHIT that's what, a PRINCESS MADE FROM HUMAN SHIT:


In the article the 1.200 of these Commie supporting wastes of human skin are not named except an Abby Hussein, what do you want to bet that a majority of this scum are Mooselimbs like Abby Hussein or fellow Jesus Christ HATERS of the same ilk as the above ugly scum Mallory Simon.

Here read the ONLY parts of the letter that NEED paying attention to by NORMAL peoples:


ROFLAO White Supremacy is RESPONSIBLE for COVID-19, this crowd are maniacs and need to be DESTROYED:


Hey Evil WHITEY, stay at home don't forget that:


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Is there a list of these "health experts"? I would like to see the people that support social distancing but only when it doesn't interfere with George Floyd support rallies and riots.

Here they are, well this is my Screen Shot of the first four pages of these filthy Communists, what you will notice is that MANY of these POS are just STUDENTS and the ones who have ZERO next to their name are the "Community Stakeholders" who are aka Leftist Activists and so the 1.200 number from ALL the headlines them is again complete HORSECRAP, what you have is about 350 Commie supporting Health Professionals and about 938 Leftist Activists who have ZERO to do with Healthcare.

This is the first four pages of the names:









Is there a list of these "health experts"? I would like to see the people that support social distancing but only when it doesn't interfere with George Floyd support rallies and riots.

Here they are, well this is my Screen Shot of the first four pages of these filthy Communists, what you will notice is that MANY of these POS are just STUDENTS and the ones who have ZERO next to their name are the "Community Stakeholders" who are aka Leftist Activists and so the 1.200 number from ALL the headlines them is again complete HORSECRAP, what you have is about 350 Commie supporting Health Professionals and about 938 Leftist Activists who have ZERO to do with Healthcare.

This is the first four pages of the names:

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Eric Arthur Blair I have just PMd you the FULL list of the above Commie supporting POS.
There were about 5 of us right from the start who recognized the stats did not match the panic. Liberals and agenda pushers can’t or won’t do math
Let’s review.
0.05% of all the American population has died and likely did all along and will continue to die from this.
22 million tests with 2 million cases positive so one in every 11 has/had it. Of those 2 million positives, approximately 1.5% have it serious/critical and face a high probability of dying -no less than 25%. So 9% of the population has it and 1.5% of 9% are in grave condition.
So since there is no factual statistical support for any lockdown, why did we do it.?
I did notice a good number of the signatories were students of one sort or the other.
Obviously you don't need to be any sort of medical wizard to sign this list but a child could
tell you that if are worried enough about the Covid virus to be in quarantine the virus does not go into
"time out" when you are out protesting and demonstrating.

That's not how disease works. It's mind boggling how many people willingly signed this document.
I did notice a good number of the signatories were students of one sort or the other.
Obviously you don't need to be any sort of medical wizard to sign this list but a child could
tell you that if are worried enough about the Covid virus to be in quarantine the virus does not go into
"time out" when you are out protesting and demonstrating.

That's not how disease works. It's mind boggling how many people willingly signed this document.

"It's mind boggling how many people willingly signed this document."

Blame the Kool-Aid and Group Think.

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