“Lockdowns worst public health mistake in last 100 years”

The reaction to the Rona virus is a reminder that the public is extremely bad at science, overly trusting of authority and easily stampeded.

Without lockdowns we would probably have a death toll of several million and that's pretty hard on people too.
Sweden had zero lockdowns.
Once again you expose your total ignorance.
Without lockdowns we would probably have a death toll of several million and that's pretty hard on people too.
Pure speculation on your part. We will never know how much "lockdowns" helped to reduce death, especially since the vast majority of deaths occurred in people who had compromised immune systems or underlying health problems.
Average age is, IIRC, 80.
Odd. Quarantine is the only thing that has worked historically to reduce the spread of disease. It’s in the Bible. It is historical fact. The spread of disease is predictable and you can reduce it. But now this historically proven technique is bad science.

Three Stanford doctors are idiots?

in your world fauci is smart but they arent?
The reaction to the Rona virus is a reminder that the public is extremely bad at science, overly trusting of authority and easily stampeded.

Let's be fair-- even to the Dems.

This was an unprecedented event.

We will not know for some time whether the lockdowns helped or did more harm.

Of course, we all know that they did extreme harm to our mental health and to the economy.

But we should remember that Europe also felt that lockdowns were necessary.

As the saying goes: The lessons that are eventually learned from THIS pandemic may help the government when it responds to the NEXT pandemic.


This year, it appears, the question will be: What to do with people who decline to take the vaccine? I hope that the government and private enterprises will resist the temptation to impose draconian measures.
Here in Ireland lockdowns have proved effective.
Sweden had zero lockdowns.
Without lockdowns we would probably have a death toll of several million and that's pretty hard on people too.
Pure speculation on your part. We will never know how much "lockdowns" helped to reduce death, especially since the vast majority of deaths occurred in people who had compromised immune systems or underlying health problems.

Average age is, IIRC, 80.

I don't think that's true.

Coronavirus: COVID Deaths in U.S. by Age, Race | American ...
Jun 23, 2020 · Here's the coronavirus mortality data by age group: As shown, deaths in young people (from babies to college students) are almost non-existent. The first age group to provide a substantial contribution to the death toll is 45-54 years, who contribute nearly 5% of all coronavirus deaths. More than 80% of deaths occur in people aged 65 and over.
The reaction to the Rona virus is a reminder that the public is extremely bad at science, overly trusting of authority and easily stampeded.

Lockdowns and mask mandates showed us just how many Americans are just selfish morons....and which way they primarily lean politically.
The reaction to the Rona virus is a reminder that the public is extremely bad at science, overly trusting of authority and easily stampeded.

Lockdowns and mask mandates showed us just how many Americans are just selfish morons....and which way they primarily lean politically.
How can you be believed when in every other way to live you believe anything goes? Diseases caused by it, death, expensive hospitalizations and medical treatments abound. That does not even include expensive medicines for the way of living. 1,000,000 abortions a year. Most of everything I typed by irresponsible ways of living. But you draw the line at masks. I say this to you now. Whatever issue comes up, you will be on the other side of Non Progs. I didn't type Repubs, but Non Progs.
Odd. Quarantine is the only thing that has worked historically to reduce the spread of disease. It’s in the Bible. It is historical fact. The spread of disease is predictable and you can reduce it. But now this historically proven technique is bad science.

Yes, people that are sick or exposed.....not the entire State. I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where the entire Roman Empire was in lock down

Lepers were always isolated.
Yep....the sick were....not the entire state....that's the pointCoo

Travel is so much easier now.. People commute 80 miles a day for work.
True...it's much easier....doesn't change the point.

Yes, it does. It would take 4 days to travel 80 miles before cars and buses and interstates.
Cool, but that has nothing to do with the topic.

The Romans didn't have state wide lockdowns....they only quarantined the sick and those exposed....that's the point.

You can spread an epidemic world wide in a matter of days.. That's the point.
well that's why it's important to quarintine the sick or exposed.....not lock down entire States.

I could fly to KSA in 12 hours non stop and infect 200 people on their way to other countries in South East Asia before I was diagnosed with covid.
well, no because trump shut down international travel lke that...but when you came back, you'd be quarantined...they work, lock downs don't
The reaction to the Rona virus is a reminder that the public is extremely bad at science, overly trusting of authority and easily stampeded.

Lockdowns and mask mandates showed us just how many Americans are just selfish morons....and which way they primarily lean politically.
Yes, it was. Sacrificing the mental health of millions of children who stand no chance of dying from the ChiCom Flu so Leftist adults could have the illusion of safety is the ultimate in selfishness.
The reaction to the Rona virus is a reminder that the public is extremely bad at science, overly trusting of authority and easily stampeded.

I don't know why Trump was such a weakling....

It's almost like Democrats were really the president the whole time and forced us all to have lockdowns....
The reaction to the Rona virus is a reminder that the public is extremely bad at science, overly trusting of authority and easily stampeded.

I don't know why Trump was such a weakling....

It's almost like Democrats were really the president the whole time and forced us all to have lockdowns....
Trump ordered no lockdowns, but he should have canned Fauci.
The reaction to the Rona virus is a reminder that the public is extremely bad at science, overly trusting of authority and easily stampeded.

Dubious stuff from people of questionable credibility...

Some background:
Odd. Quarantine is the only thing that has worked historically to reduce the spread of disease. It’s in the Bible. It is historical fact. The spread of disease is predictable and you can reduce it. But now this historically proven technique is bad science.

That's because you typically quarantine the sick, not the healthy.

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