Lois Lerner lives in $2.4 million house

But most richies are useless parasites. They're lawyers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, bankers, or as with lois, govt bureaucrats.

I don't think government bureaucrats should become insanely wealthy on our tax dollars - but her husband is a lawyer and I'd guess that much of her home is paid for with his salary.

And people pay those folks you mention what THEY believe they are worth. Educating yourself to make yourself more valuable and/or working hard enough to become very valuable in our economy is the American Dream. I have no problem with it.

While on administrative leave, federal rules allowed [Learner] her to keep collecting a salary, one that reportedly totaled $177,000.
Lerner's Pension Could Be as Much as $102,600/Year, $3.96 Million Lifetime | CNS News

Monthly Payment:$14,391.41

Learner monthly salary: $14,750

Loan Amount:$2,400,000
Interest Rate:5.625 %
Term of Loan:30 year
Mortgage Payment Calculator from Move

Average lawyer annual earnings:

Lawyers make an average annual salary of $130,880,[per month = $10,800 which is substantially more than any other occupation on our list of Best Social Service Jobs.

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This is the party that rants about "income inequality", while they make fortunes being useless govt workers!!

Lois Lerner awaits contempt at her lavish suburban house | The Daily Caller


Ex-IRS official Lois Lerner is living the life of a private citizen at her more-than $2.4 million property in Bethesda, Md. while Republicans consider holding a House floor vote to hold her in contempt of Congress.

Lerner’s secluded house, located on a tree-lined street, has multiple white-painted porches, a long winding driveway, and at least seven windows gazing out over a well-manicured front lawn.

The 6,500-square foot house, built in 2000, is situated on a property assessed at $2,474,520. The home is owned by Lerner and her husband, Michael Miles, a Washington-based corporate insurance lawyer and partner at the politically-connected law firm Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan.

Miles previously served as an attorney in the Office of the Chief Counsel of the IRS.


darrel issa is the richest person in congress.

your point?

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