LOL....80% of Mann's climate surface stations were defective!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
No wonder this idiot Mann is getting sued......all the data he collected to come up with the bogus hockey stick was taken from data that had HUGE errors!!!

This guy is a total fraud......didn't take into account data that was waaaaaaaaay off. No wonder we ended up with that stoopid hockey stick!!

Check this shit out >>>>


Something for Everyone: Fall et al. 2011 - Climate Abyss
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Dude, is there any debunked WUWT myth that you haven't fallen for?

And what is this about "Mann's climate surface stations"? Apparently, the conspiracy now says that the diabolical Dr. Mann maintains his own personal network of weather stations.
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How about a link that supports your charge of "HUGE errors" when your reference actually says

"The two effects are roughly equal and opposite so the mean temperature is rising at about the same rate across sites of different quality while the diurnal temperature range shows the biggest difference across sites.

On the one hand, this seems to be confirmation of the quality of the temperature record. All types of sites show the same mean temperature trend, so there’s no change necessary to our estimates of observed historical temperature trends in the United States."
This is hardly the first study of the USHCN station siting and it seems to have come to precisely the same conclusion that NOAA got. Besides which, the vast bulk of Mann's data is PROXY, not instrument data. The man is a dendrochronologist. His specialty is tree rings.

Another stupid Skooks thread.
Cherry picking the data/information is gay. The fascist AGW bozo's are expert at it.

I have not spent one microsecond in this forum trying to change the mind of the folks with thought processing disorders. Im merely providing information to the curious who wander in here looking for information outside the msm matrix.

And shit.......I provide that in omnipotent fashion.:rock::rock::rock::coffee:
The funny thing is that the AGW cultists still believe in the Hockey Stick after it has been shown to be a fraud time and time again.
The funny thing is that the AGW cultists still believe in the Hockey Stick after it has been shown to be a fraud time and time again.

Maybe if we write the bible on a hockey stick an wallop em good in the temple they'll turn they're powers of belief towards a path of good and righteousness! :laugh:

Oh those damn libturds if only it were that simple...
Oh well a least of true AGW believers trolls have checked in and have shown that AGW is a cult.

Gotta love it when a plan comes together.
There's no green house effect
No global warming
The temperature data is inaccurate crock of shit
The models are crap
The scientist are on drugs and are in it for money.

And more proof that the extremists reside in the far left as well as the AGW cult.
There's no green house effect
No global warming
The temperature data is inaccurate crock of shit
The models are crap
The scientist are on drugs and are in it for money.

And more proof that the extremists reside in the far left as well as the AGW cult.

God damn right! This is ARE planet and we can do WHATEVER the FUCK we want to with it!!!

Go back to Canadia LIBTARDS!!! And take Obummer with you!
The denialist kooks just keep getting stupider and crazier, as they trot out ever more conspiracy theories that keep making progressively less sense. It's like they all speak a special 'tard language that only their fellow 'tard-cultists can understand.

Denialists, do you really not understand how the planet correctly views you as dishonest and retarded cultists? If that fact has failed to penetrate your skulls, allow me to be the one to stage the intervention here. But it probably won't help. Y'all all stupid-addicts, and like most addicts, you'll need to hit rock-bottom before you can start climbing back out.

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