LOL, a young woman killed by lion. Rolled down the window......LOL!!!

I hope the lion was shot, along with any other animal that attacks humans. This woman didn't go up to the lion, the lion went after her in a vehicle. Except for having the window down, I don't blame the woman for this at all.

Why didn't the tour guide have a gun and bust a cap in Kitty Cat's ass?

I agree......the park must know that folks will roll down their windows in the African heat. They've also said "of course not" when asked if the lion will be put down....they'll "move" it. I'd say the woman's estate is going to own this park with any kind of competent attorney.

there are signs all over saying keep the windows UP. They also give a flyer to every visitor coming in.
The woman was riding in the passenger seat of an SUV taking photos when a lion jumped through the open window and mauled her, Johannesburg's Eye Witness News reports. The driver, a tour guide, was injured while trying to rescue the woman.

"They had their windows all the way down, which is strictly against policy," Scott Simpson, assistant operations manager at Lion Park told the Associated Press. "The lion bit the lady through the window."



If myopia and misinformation was terminal, you'd be dead right now. My 95-year-old father was a columnist for Safari Club International and also had over 30 safaris under his belt when he retired 10 years ago. He would tell you that what happened was unusual and not the norm. Sort of like when Roy Horn (of Siegfried and Roy in Las Vegas) was attacked and mauled by one of his white tigers after working with them for 30 years.

Grow up and look beneath the surface before you look SO STUPID on this board.
Would be great if we can send a fundy church tour bus through and open the doors!! Althought the last batch of Christians feed to the lions made the lions sick :lol:
I hope the lion was shot, along with any other animal that attacks humans. This woman didn't go up to the lion, the lion went after her in a vehicle. Except for having the window down, I don't blame the woman for this at all.

Why didn't the tour guide have a gun and bust a cap in Kitty Cat's ass?

I agree......the park must know that folks will roll down their windows in the African heat. They've also said "of course not" when asked if the lion will be put down....they'll "move" it. I'd say the woman's estate is going to own this park with any kind of competent attorney.

Good luck with that. She signed her life away when she entered the preserve. Further SHE BROKE the rules. No possible chance at claiming negligence on the part of the Park. It's sad she died, but she was stupid to think that she could trump Mother Nature.
I hope the lion was shot, along with any other animal that attacks humans. This woman didn't go up to the lion, the lion went after her in a vehicle. Except for having the window down, I don't blame the woman for this at all.

Why didn't the tour guide have a gun and bust a cap in Kitty Cat's ass?

I agree......the park must know that folks will roll down their windows in the African heat. They've also said "of course not" when asked if the lion will be put down....they'll "move" it. I'd say the woman's estate is going to own this park with any kind of competent attorney.

Good luck with that. She signed her life away when she entered the preserve. Further SHE BROKE the rules. No possible chance at claiming negligence on the part of the Park. It's sad she died, but she was stupid to think that she could trump Mother Nature.
Good point. Her ticket had loads of waivers. They all do.
We have some real sickos on this board.

Celebrating this death ... People make mistakes and she paid for hers with her life.

Blaming the lion for the woman's mistake? She was in the lion's space and she was only doing what the god saintmichaeldefendthem says he believes in designed her to do.

And of course, the drunk dog washer just has to step over a dead body to add her usual lie. At least she admits she does not believe in equality.
Death usually isn't funny. But, an idiot trying to get up close and real with natural born killers, rolling around with the window down? That's just hilarious. That's two thumbs up. :thup: :thup:
Should she have had her window down? No. Should she have been killed by a lion for having her window down? No. Should you be bitched-slapped because you're laughing at the death of this woman? YES, you sick twisted fuck.
I hope the lion was shot, along with any other animal that attacks humans. This woman didn't go up to the lion, the lion went after her in a vehicle. Except for having the window down, I don't blame the woman for this at all.

Why didn't the tour guide have a gun and bust a cap in Kitty Cat's ass?

You think the lion should be shot . ... for being a lion and doing what lions do?

I hope the lion was shot, along with any other animal that attacks humans. This woman didn't go up to the lion, the lion went after her in a vehicle. Except for having the window down, I don't blame the woman for this at all.

Why didn't the tour guide have a gun and bust a cap in Kitty Cat's ass?

I agree......the park must know that folks will roll down their windows in the African heat. They've also said "of course not" when asked if the lion will be put down....they'll "move" it. I'd say the woman's estate is going to own this park with any kind of competent attorney.
Nonsense. People must know that lions kill. If you don't think you can stand the heat in the vehicle, stay at home and watch National Geographic. That's why we got TV. Use a little common sense. This person went out of her way to get close to killers and one of the killers did what God made her to do. There's no compelling reason for this person to have been where she was. People who treat wild animals as props for their personal entertainment garner no sympathy from me. And anyway, isn't that part of the thrill? Knowing you're face to face with real, live, lions: who can kill you? Well, there you go. She got full value for the price of admission to the show.
Word of advice for future thrill seekers: wild animals don't know how kind and gentle you may be, nor will they bat an eye before mauling you to death. You'd think we'd all know this shit by now.
Apparently not.
I hope the lion was shot, along with any other animal that attacks humans. This woman didn't go up to the lion, the lion went after her in a vehicle. Except for having the window down, I don't blame the woman for this at all.

Why didn't the tour guide have a gun and bust a cap in Kitty Cat's ass?

I agree......the park must know that folks will roll down their windows in the African heat. They've also said "of course not" when asked if the lion will be put down....they'll "move" it. I'd say the woman's estate is going to own this park with any kind of competent attorney.
Nonsense. People must know that lions kill. If you don't think you can stand the heat in the vehicle, stay at home and watch National Geographic. That's why we got TV. Use a little common sense. This person went out of her way to get close to killers and one of the killers did what God made her to do. There's no compelling reason for this person to have been where she was. People who treat wild animals as props for their personal entertainment garner no sympathy from me. And anyway, isn't that part of the thrill? Knowing you're face to face with real, live, lions: who can kill you? Well, there you go. She got full value for the price of admission to the show.
Word of advice for future thrill seekers: wild animals don't know how kind and gentle you may be, nor will they bat an eye before mauling you to death. You'd think we'd all know this shit by now.
Apparently not.

Yes, in some places, stupidity is STILL a capital offense.
Nonsense. People must know that lions kill. If you don't think you can stand the heat in the vehicle, stay at home and watch National Geographic. That's why we got TV. Use a little common sense. This person went out of her way to get close to killers and one of the killers did what God made her to do. There's no compelling reason for this person to have been where she was. People who treat wild animals as props for their personal entertainment garner no sympathy from me. And anyway, isn't that part of the thrill? Knowing you're face to face with real, live, lions: who can kill you? Well, there you go. She got full value for the price of admission to the show.
Word of advice for future thrill seekers: wild animals don't know how kind and gentle you may be, nor will they bat an eye before mauling you to death. You'd think we'd all know this shit by now.
Apparently not.

Your rambling reply doesn't square with how people act. People assume an aura of safety when they're allowed into a venue like this. Not all vehicles have air conditioning and many people crack a window so as not to get over-chilled when it's African hot's not good for you. Add in you get a better picture not shooting through window glass and you have a recipe for this kind of accident. You might also remember her driver was a park tour-guide who knew the rules and dangers and ignored them...."nonsense"? ridiculous.
You know, you RWs' super sniper hero, Chris Kyle, did a really, really stupid thing that caused his death. He took a guy with very serious PTSD to a gun range and gave him a loaded gun. Then he turned his back on the guy. Very, very stupid. Extremely stupid. And it caused his death. According to your reasoning in this thread, Kyle deserved what he got for being so stupid, for doing a stupid thing, for using very poor judgment. I don't remember any threads here with the RW laughing their heads off at Kyle's death. Bloody hypocrites.

Again, another of your heroes, Paul Walker, died in a car crash riding with a driver who drove 100 miles an hour in a 45 mile an hour zone. He was pretty stupid too, choosing to ride with someone, and stay in the car, when the driver drove so recklessly. Again, don't see any of you making fun of his stupidity using such bad judgment and making such a big mistake as to ride with a reckless driver. You are truly the most hypocritical bunch going.
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We have some real sickos on this board.

Celebrating this death ... People make mistakes and she paid for hers with her life.

Blaming the lion for the woman's mistake? She was in the lion's space and she was only doing what the god saintmichaeldefendthem says he believes in designed her to do.

And of course, the drunk dog washer just has to step over a dead body to add her usual lie. At least she admits she does not believe in equality.

You and I rarely agree. But on this you're exactly right. When humans go into the habitat of wild animals we are playing by their rules.

This is THEIR planet too. They went ino the lions world and didnt respect that a lion is a lion.

Lion deserves to be left alone. It did what it was created to do.
The lion is not wild. It's in a park and fed by humans. It should absolutely be killed if it has a propensity to go after people in vehicles. Most lions don't do this and have a healthy respect for man. This one is a menace who now knows what it's like to kill a person and is likely to do it again. Not killing it would be monstrously stupid.

"You can talk the girl outta the honky tonk, but you can't take the honky tonk outta the girl."

All lions are WILD, dude — whether they're in cages or not.
You know, you RWs' super sniper hero, Chris Kyle, did a really, really stupid thing that caused his death. He took a guy with very serious PTSD to a gun range and gave him a loaded gun. Then he turned his back on the guy. Very, very stupid. Extremely stupid. And it caused his death. According to your reasoning in this thread, Kyle deserved what he got for being so stupid, for doing a stupid thing, for using very poor judgment. I don't remember any threads here with the RW laughing their heads off at Kyle's death. Bloody hypocrites.

Again, another of your heroes, Paul Walker, died in a car crash riding with a driver who drove 100 miles an hour in a 45 mile an hour zone. He was pretty stupid too, choosing to ride with someone, and stay in the car, when the driver drove so recklessly. Again, don't see any of you making fun of his stupidity using such bad judgment and making such a big mistake as to ride with a reckless driver. You are truly the most hypocritical bunch going.
I never knew Walker was a conservative or that he was my hero or that Kyle didn't leave himself open to it or that I laughed at the moron in the zoo.

What would we do without your well considered thoughts?
If you firmly believe in equality, a lion is no more dangerous than the cat sleeping in your window.
I hope the lion was shot, along with any other animal that attacks humans. This woman didn't go up to the lion, the lion went after her in a vehicle. Except for having the window down, I don't blame the woman for this at all.

Why didn't the tour guide have a gun and bust a cap in Kitty Cat's ass?

I hope the lion gets more quality time with leftists!

I think Rati might be up for a safari.....
The woman was riding in the passenger seat of an SUV taking photos when a lion jumped through the open window and mauled her, Johannesburg's Eye Witness News reports. The driver, a tour guide, was injured while trying to rescue the woman.

"They had their windows all the way down, which is strictly against policy," Scott Simpson, assistant operations manager at Lion Park told the Associated Press. "The lion bit the lady through the window."



What an idiot. She left her window all the way down and attacted a carnivore. An apex predator. What a fucking idiot.

People are brainless.

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