Lol...another lefty myth busted

Fake article.
Moron, it's guidance from FDA.

How stupid do you have to be to say that?

Take your little half baked trials and put them you know where. The gold standard are large double blind studies.

NYC teachers want to stop the mandate.

Tons of Trump supporters in NYC and among teachers......said no one ever

Oh and I think you need a college degree to be a the hick uneducated narrative bites the dust
Less than 4% unvaccinated.

George Washington mandated vaccines which was far more risky that this one...

Was he an authoritarian dictator?

Could please stop calling George Washington an an authoritarian dictator as some people might take offence...

Ummm, George Washington mandated no vaccines as they didn't even exist when he was president you lying sack of shit.

He stopped being president in 1797, and died in 1799. The first experimental vaccination didn't occur till 1798.
Ummm, George Washington mandated no vaccines as they didn't even exist when he was president you lying sack of shit.

He stopped being president in 1797, and died in 1799. The first experimental vaccination didn't occur till 1798.

In a way, he did. However, it was for military members, something that I have seen no one anywhere actually argue against. MIlitary members simply do not have the same rights, they agree to have almost all of them massively infringed during service.

In a way, he did. However, it was for military members, something that I have seen no one anywhere actually argue against. MIlitary members simply do not have the same rights, they agree to have almost all of them massively infringed during service.

I find it interesting that they claim he order innoculations when the first doesn't happen till a year after he is no longer POTUS.
I find it interesting that they claim he order innoculations when the first doesn't happen till a year after he is no longer POTUS.
The first modern vaccine did not happen yet. Inoculation is not quite the same thing. You can inoculate through exposure as well, it is just not safe. Back then though, almost nothing was safe. The practice of trying to control exposure is FAR older than the nation. I would call them stating vaccine rather than inoculation simply a semantic error. The point remains the same and even somewhat stronger considering inoculation is FAR more dangerous than modern vaccines are.

"Evidence exists that the Chinese employed smallpox inoculation (or variolation, as such use of smallpox material was called) as early as 1000 CE. It was practiced in Africa and Turkey as well, before it spread to Europe and the Americas."

And more on Washington requiring the military to be inoculated from the library of congress using direct statements from Washington:

"Weighing the risks, on February 5th of 1777, Washington finally committed to the unpopular policy of mass inoculation by writing to inform Congress of his plan. Throughout February, Washington, with no precedent for the operation he was about to undertake, covertly communicated to his commanding officers orders to oversee mass inoculations of their troops in the model of Morristown and Philadelphia (Dr. Shippen's Hospital). At least eleven hospitals had been constructed by the year's end."
My mistake, 'They are cures for viruses/diseases'.
They don't initially, and are not cures, they eradicate diseases.
Look at smallpox, the measles, rubella and polio.

'And no, in places like Israel where just about every one is vaccinated, all those hospitalized or dying from covid have been vaccinated'.

September 17, 2021
Unvaccinated adults now account for the majority of severe COVID-19 cases and fatalities in Israel, with over six of every 10 new severe cases recorded on Tuesday linked to this group.

Around 15 percent of eligible Israelis over the age of 12 (some 1,105,000 people) are still unvaccinated. Of this group, 10 percent (755,000 people) are over the age of 20 and constitute nearly all of the country’s serious cases and deaths.

According to Health Ministry data, 63 percent of 57 new serious cases on Tuesday were completely unvaccinated, while 12 had received two shots and nine had gotten a booster. Overall, there are 644 patients in serious condition, of whom 472 (73 percent) were unvaccinated; 123 patients had received two shots, while 49 had received a booster.

Yeah, they must be lying too.

Its hard to tell.
When you look at how these mRNA injections work, it is hard to imagine anyway they could make anything better, since they contain/produce the very spike protein that cause all the deaths.

But it does not look like they work well, and could even be increasing the infections and deaths, once the first batch of antibodies die off in a month.


More Vaccinated People Are Dying of COVID in England Than Unvaccinated – Here’s Why​

TOPICS:COVID-19Infectious DiseasesPopularPublic HealthThe ConversationUniversity Of BathVaccine

But it is getting harder and harder to even find uncensored sites, so it is not that clear to me what is really going on.
Not true. I know a guy that worked for Pepsi that got fired for being seen by his manager buy Coke products.

They can discriminate, just not against protected classes.

So far the courts disagree.

Sexual harassment is against the law, which overrides employer rules.

It is just that a lot of judges and lawyers are badly trained.
Just ask yourself how it could ever be legal to have a half dozen or so "protected classes".
To even have ONE protected class is obviously illegal, because it is unequal protection under the law.
Law by generic nature MUST be "blind justice".
You can not legally specify any group, ever.
The reason the 1965 Civil Rights Act is not illegal is that it is NOT actually doing that.
All it was trying to do was for these historically abused classes to catch up to the norm.
The purpose of the law was NOT to make those classes superior in protection.
But yet that is exactly what you are claiming, and that obviously is illegal.
It is just that a lot of judges and lawyers are badly trained.
Just ask yourself how it could ever be legal to have a half dozen or so "protected classes".
To even have ONE protected class is obviously illegal, because it is unequal protection under the law.
Law by generic nature MUST be "blind justice".
You can not legally specify any group, ever.
The reason the 1965 Civil Rights Act is not illegal is that it is NOT actually doing that.
All it was trying to do was for these historically abused classes to catch up to the norm.
The purpose of the law was NOT to make those classes superior in protection.
But yet that is exactly what you are claiming, and that obviously is illegal.
Oh now Dr Rigby is a lawyer of renown

Get fucked
Its hard to tell.
When you look at how these mRNA injections work, it is hard to imagine anyway they could make anything better, since they contain/produce the very spike protein that cause all the deaths.

But it does not look like they work well, and could even be increasing the infections and deaths, once the first batch of antibodies die off in a month.


More Vaccinated People Are Dying of COVID in England Than Unvaccinated – Here’s Why​

TOPICS:COVID-19Infectious DiseasesPopularPublic HealthThe ConversationUniversity Of BathVaccine

But it is getting harder and harder to even find uncensored sites, so it is not that clear to me what is really going on.
Too many nutball lies?
It is just that a lot of judges and lawyers are badly trained.
Just ask yourself how it could ever be legal to have a half dozen or so "protected classes".
To even have ONE protected class is obviously illegal, because it is unequal protection under the law.
Law by generic nature MUST be "blind justice".
You can not legally specify any group, ever.
The reason the 1965 Civil Rights Act is not illegal is that it is NOT actually doing that.
All it was trying to do was for these historically abused classes to catch up to the norm.
The purpose of the law was NOT to make those classes superior in protection.
But yet that is exactly what you are claiming, and that obviously is illegal.

I am claiming what the facts are.

I happen to disagree with protected classes and anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the Govt...but the FACT is that the courts do not view it that way and they are the ones that really count. Nobody cares waht you or I think
I find it interesting that they claim he order innoculations when the first doesn't happen till a year after he is no longer POTUS.

Not sure I get your point since the innoculations were ordered in 1777.
On the 6th of January 1777, George Washington wrote to Dr. William Shippen Jr., ordering him to inoculate all of the forces that came through Philadelphia. He explained that: "Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy." The urgency was real. Troops were scarce and encampments had turned into nomadic hospitals of festering disease, deterring further recruitment. Both Benedict Arnold and Benjamin Franklin, after surveying the havoc wreaked by Variola in the Canadian campaign, expressed fears that the virus would be the army's ultimate downfall. (Fenn 2001, 69)

If you mean Trump, vaccinations started in late December, and Trump did not leave office until January 20.
Oh now Dr Rigby is a lawyer of renown

Get fucked

So you believe discrimination is legal, and we can have special "protected" classes under the law, totally eliminating Blind Justice?
I am claiming what the facts are.

I happen to disagree with protected classes and anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the Govt...but the FACT is that the courts do not view it that way and they are the ones that really count. Nobody cares waht you or I think

What is legal or not is not a popularity contest.
It is based on fact, just like physics.
Once basic principles like Blind Justice are recognized, than you can have "protected classes" listed, but only to redress past discrimination.
It is illegal to elevate those classes above anyone else.
If you can not discriminate against them, then you can not discriminate against anyone.
Those who do not agree, simply are ignorant of the law.
When it finally comes down to the SCOTUS, they usually get it right.
For example, the SCOTUS did say that in general bakers can not refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings.
They only allowed this one baker off the hook because his religious rights were not properly considered.
It was a procedural error by the original board.
Not sure I get your point since the innoculations were ordered in 1777.
On the 6th of January 1777, George Washington wrote to Dr. William Shippen Jr., ordering him to inoculate all of the forces that came through Philadelphia. He explained that: "Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy." The urgency was real. Troops were scarce and encampments had turned into nomadic hospitals of festering disease, deterring further recruitment. Both Benedict Arnold and Benjamin Franklin, after surveying the havoc wreaked by Variola in the Canadian campaign, expressed fears that the virus would be the army's ultimate downfall. (Fenn 2001, 69)

If you mean Trump, vaccinations started in late December, and Trump did not leave office until January 20.

The FIRST INNOCULATION EVER, was in 1798. How can you order something that has never been done? The first EXPERIMENTAL innoculation was in 1796.

Get your facts straight.

"It’s said that Jenner was psychologically scarred by that experience, some of his motivation was just how horrific he'd found it,” says Owen Gower, manager of Dr Jenner’s House Museum. “He was thinking, ‘I want to find an alternative, something that's safer, that's less terrifying’.”

In 1796, after gathering some circumstantial evidence from farmers and milkmaids, Jenner decided to try an experiment. A potentially fatal experiment. On a child.

He took some pus from cowpox lesions on the hands of a young milkmaid, Sarah Nelms, and scratched it into the skin of eight-year old James Phipps. After a few days of mild illness, James recovered sufficiently for Jenner to inoculate the boy with matter from a smallpox blister. James did not develop smallpox, nor did any of the people he came into close contact with.

Although the experiment worked, by today’s standards it was ethically problematic."
What is legal or not is not a popularity contest.
It is based on fact, just like physics.

That is just stupid.

What is legal is based upon what the courts say is legal, that is all that really matters in the end.

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