lol at the new time magazine cover (putin)

Don't know if it's a new cold war. Basically Putin is an opportunist. He can see the leadership in the USA is weak and he's making his moves now while it's easy and he's pretty sure the only repercussions will be sanctions and a tongue lashing. It's like a parent how keeps threatening a child but never follows through. The child learns that nothing of real consequence is going to happen so he pushes the envelope.

This has basically been the pattern all over the world since Obama took office. Everybody knows the world most likely won't act unless the USA does first and Obama hasn't the stomach for real confrontation. The Putin's and Muslim Brotherhood's of the world will do as they please until a real hardass comes into office Just like they did back when Reagan took over after Carter. And Like back in the day that Hardass will most likely be Republican.

You absolutely hammered the nail on the head.

Putin is taking advantage of a weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President, like any good communist dictator would.

The Islamo-terrorists have also been taking advantage of this weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President since he took office in 2009.

You can bet your favorite pair of jackboots that they won't take advantage of Vladimir Putin.

You can use them as collateral for a bet that the CIA is counting on that, too. :thup:

TruthSeeker56 said:
I would compare Obama to Jimmy Carter in MANY ways. Remember the Iran hostage crisis and the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan during Carter's Presidency, among other things?

Same opportunistic dictators and terrorists, just a different weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President.

Though not myself a fan of his policies, I wouldn't necessarily characterize Obama as "clueless".


Most certainly, yes.

But he's a great deal craftier—slick—than for which a lot of us who aren't his fans give him credit, is Obama.

Russia went into Georgia while Bush II was in office, I see neither as strong. Still, the EU can apply more pressure than the US, no one knows yet whether pro Russian rebels or hotheads in Ukraine fired, if we ever know.
Man, the West is REALLY pushing for a new Cold War or even better, WWIII aren't they?

The WEST is pushing for a new Cold War?

Are you a reporter for one of Putin's propaganda newspapers?

The only thing Obama is capable of "pushing" is a putt to the right of the cup.

Typical Pootarian. Quick to side with Pootin against your own country but you can't name even one thing Obama should be doing differently.

I'd like to see how long any of you traitors would last in Russia.
Don't know if it's a new cold war. Basically Putin is an opportunist. He can see the leadership in the USA is weak and he's making his moves now while it's easy and he's pretty sure the only repercussions will be sanctions and a tongue lashing. It's like a parent how keeps threatening a child but never follows through. The child learns that nothing of real consequence is going to happen so he pushes the envelope.

This has basically been the pattern all over the world since Obama took office. Everybody knows the world most likely won't act unless the USA does first and Obama hasn't the stomach for real confrontation. The Putin's and Muslim Brotherhood's of the world will do as they please until a real hardass comes into office Just like they did back when Reagan took over after Carter. And Like back in the day that Hardass will most likely be Republican.

You absolutely hammered the nail on the head.

Putin is taking advantage of a weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President, like any good communist dictator would.

The Islamo-terrorists have also been taking advantage of this weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President since he took office in 2009.

You can bet your favorite pair of jackboots that they won't take advantage of Vladimir Putin.

You can use them as collateral for a bet that the CIA is counting on that, too. :thup:

TruthSeeker56 said:
I would compare Obama to Jimmy Carter in MANY ways. Remember the Iran hostage crisis and the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan during Carter's Presidency, among other things?

Same opportunistic dictators and terrorists, just a different weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President.

Though not myself a fan of his policies, I wouldn't necessarily characterize Obama as "clueless".


Most certainly, yes.

But he's a great deal craftier—slick—than for which a lot of us who aren't his fans give him credit, is Obama.

Another Pootarian speaks crap.

EXACTLY what would you have him do differently.

Man, the West is REALLY pushing for a new Cold War or even better, WWIII aren't they?

The WEST is pushing for a new Cold War?

Are you a reporter for one of Putin's propaganda newspapers?

The only thing Obama is capable of "pushing" is a putt to the right of the cup.

Typical Pootarian. Quick to side with Pootin against your own country but you can't name even one thing Obama should be doing differently.

I'd like to see how long any of you traitors would last in Russia.

One is NOT a "traitor" for criticizing the President in this country(.)
Don't know if it's a new cold war. Basically Putin is an opportunist. He can see the leadership in the USA is weak and he's making his moves now while it's easy and he's pretty sure the only repercussions will be sanctions and a tongue lashing. It's like a parent how keeps threatening a child but never follows through. The child learns that nothing of real consequence is going to happen so he pushes the envelope.

This has basically been the pattern all over the world since Obama took office. Everybody knows the world most likely won't act unless the USA does first and Obama hasn't the stomach for real confrontation. The Putin's and Muslim Brotherhood's of the world will do as they please until a real hardass comes into office Just like they did back when Reagan took over after Carter. And Like back in the day that Hardass will most likely be Republican.

You absolutely hammered the nail on the head.

Putin is taking advantage of a weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President, like any good communist dictator would.

The Islamo-terrorists have also been taking advantage of this weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President since he took office in 2009.

I would compare Obama to Jimmy Carter in MANY ways. Remember the Iran hostage crisis and the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan during Carter's Presidency, among other things?

Same opportunistic dictators and terrorists, just a different weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President.

Oh, so you're also an historical revisionist.

Pootin isn't a Communist.

But yes, he is


But then, that's why you traitors worship him and why you side with him against your own country.
You absolutely hammered the nail on the head.

Putin is taking advantage of a weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President, like any good communist dictator would.

The Islamo-terrorists have also been taking advantage of this weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President since he took office in 2009.

You can bet your favorite pair of jackboots that they won't take advantage of Vladimir Putin.

You can use them as collateral for a bet that the CIA is counting on that, too. :thup:

TruthSeeker56 said:
I would compare Obama to Jimmy Carter in MANY ways. Remember the Iran hostage crisis and the USSR's invasion of Afghanistan during Carter's Presidency, among other things?

Same opportunistic dictators and terrorists, just a different weak, gutless, clueless U.S. President.

Though not myself a fan of his policies, I wouldn't necessarily characterize Obama as "clueless".


Most certainly, yes.

But he's a great deal craftier—slick—than for which a lot of us who aren't his fans give him credit, is Obama.

Another Pootarian speaks crap.

EXACTLY what would you have him do differently.



Everyone's favorite one-trick-pony partisan RETARD has finally shown up.

If you aren't here to talk about the thread's topic, GET THE FUCK OUT, bitch.
obama needs controversy with Putin because blaming Bush isn't working like it used to.
Examples of "Luddly Logic":

1. If you call Obama weak, clueless, and gutless, the left wingnut conclusion is that you are a supporter of Vladimir Putin.

2. Vladimir Putin is the former head of the KGB. Vladimir Putin talks like a communist, rules Russia like a communist, shoots down civilian airliners like a communist, and invades neighboring countries like a communist. But Putin is NOT a communist.
Examples of "Luddly Logic":

1. If you call Obama weak, clueless, and gutless, the left wingnut conclusion is that you are a supporter of Vladimir Putin.

2. Vladimir Putin is the former head of the KGB. Vladimir Putin talks like a communist, rules Russia like a communist, shoots down civilian airliners like a communist, and invades neighboring countries like a communist. But Putin is NOT a communist.

[sarcasm]She's also really big on our First Amendment Right to free—not viewpoint-based—speech. Talk about one's First Amendment Right say, to support a political cause that is anathema to gay marriage without that person's losing his job because of his/ her supporting that political cause, and watch the resident loquacious one-trick-pony retard come running to defend that person's Right.[/sarcasm]

Dunno why she hates Putin so much, 'cause it's actually she who needs to move to Russia — not us. :badgrin:

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