LOL My neighbors who kept bitching about my "Support the 2nd Amendment" sign JUST


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."
Wait until they see the cost of their new plans. :lol:

Mixed bag; they could just as easily go down as they could go up. The real question is how long will it be before they actually check it out. The biggest issue is that people are running out of time. The 15th of December is right around the corner.
Remember to point out to them that, if they get a govt subsidy to cut their costs down, that means that someone else is paying the full, unsubsidized costs... PLUS a big chunk of your neighbor's costs.
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."

What does the 2nd amendment have to do with health insurance? :cuckoo:
Wait until they see the cost of their new plans. :lol:

Mixed bag; they could just as easily go down as they could go up. The real question is how long will it be before they actually check it out. The biggest issue is that people are running out of time. The 15th of December is right around the corner.
Why do you keep lying? Seriously, I want to know if you are doing it because you are a true believer, if you get paid for it, or if you are simply pathological.
Remember to point out to them that, if they get a govt subsidy to cut their costs down, that means that someone else is paying the full, unsubsidized costs... PLUS a big chunk of your neighbor's costs.

Instead of paying for them through higher premiums to cover them when they go to the emergency room and never pay their bill. C'mon, we've been paying for the uninsured since day one. Getting people insured and getting them to actually use healthcare on the front end will eventually reduce costs on the back end. The savings will be dramatic. The key is getting them to go for yearly checkups. It's not as easy as it sounds, especially for guys. Guys think they can never get sick, and if they don't feel sick, they don't feel the need to go for a physical. I'm sure some women won't go for reasons of their own, but it is crucial that people do go.

I was one of those who never went to see a doctor. In 26 years, I was never sick enough to see a doctor, in my mind. When I finally did go, I was diagnosed with Hemochromatosis and Cirrhosis of the Liver due to Hemochromatosis. To date, my medical bills have topped $40,000, and it's difficult to say how much more it will cost in the long run. I'm lucky that the cirrhosis was early stage when I was diagnosed. In eight years, there are no signs of progression, so there is a good chance I can still live a full life with this liver of mine. But I do take care of my body now, in every way possible. I eat healthy, I don't drink alcohol, I quit smoking, and I run and/or workout at the gym at least five days per week. I'm probably in better physical condition than 90% of people my age.

To my point though, had I gone for yearly physicals, or even gone once every five years, I would have been diagnosed with Hemochromatosis long before I developed cirrhosis, and I would have a healthy liver today. That $40,000 plus would never have been paid to doctors and hospitals.
Wait until they see the cost of their new plans. :lol:

Mixed bag; they could just as easily go down as they could go up. The real question is how long will it be before they actually check it out. The biggest issue is that people are running out of time. The 15th of December is right around the corner.
Why do you keep lying? Seriously, I want to know if you are doing it because you are a true believer, if you get paid for it, or if you are simply pathological.

I pay for my insurance, all of it. I always have because I'm self-employed. If I had to pay a lot more for worse coverage, do you really think I would be touting this? Seriously? I have stated numerous times that I understand that some people are going to pay more, but not most. Many will pay about the same for the same or better coverage, some will pay less for the same or better coverage, and some will pay more.

I mean seriously, how can you be so blind as not to see this, unless you actually haven't even compared rates because you get your insurance through your employer and haven't even been on your state's exchange?
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."

Clearly a made up story on your part except for the sign in 18 feet letters.
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Remember to point out to them that, if they get a govt subsidy to cut their costs down, that means that someone else is paying the full, unsubsidized costs... PLUS a big chunk of your neighbor's costs.

Little Acorn, although true, I'm not certain what you have said is really telling the WHOLE story and here is why I think this....

The people who qualify to get subsidies on the Exchange are people for the most part, have not had the benefit of group insurance offered by their employer. If a health insurance plan is offered by your employer, then you are not eligible for subsidies...on the exchange.

Outside of the very young, many of these people buying on the exchange have been working and paying taxes for decades, AND THEY have been paying taxes at a MUCH HIGHER RATE per dollar, than any of us that have gotten our health insurance through our employers, because THEY have not had the benefit of reducing their taxable income by the cost of their share of the health care premiums.

So for decades, these people that are being cut a "break" NOW, with subsides to help pay for their healthcare....have been PAYING for YOUR tax break, year after year, that they were not privileged to take...

Matt and I for over a decade, have been taking the gvt tax break, of not taxing us on our income we earned and spent for the health care premiums we pay through work....the full amount just gets wiped out and no taxes are due on it, even if we only file the short form at tax time, with no other deductions....these people having to buy individual insurance cuz they have gotten nothing through their employer or these people without insurance altogether due to in-affordability, are working class people paying taxes, and as said, paying taxes at a higher rate than you and me and matt and others getting healthcare through work.....

so ALL THESE YEARS, it is really us, that have been sucking off of their taxes, with our tax break and on top of that, with the tax break given to our employer for the portion they pay of our healthcare...

so WHAMMY, these people that are FINALLY getting a gvt tax break/ subsidy...deserve it!!!! They've been paying for my "tax break/subsidy" for my health care through work, all along.

Also, the same can be said for soooo many things where taxes and healthcare are concerned...for example, smokers are paying for the healthcare costs of children, their cig tax pays for they are forced to pay higher and higher taxes each and every year, with absolutely no benefit to themselves, but to other people's children.

And all of us are hit with the cost of the Medicare Pill Bill...Medicare Part D, which was added during the president Bush years, and not a one of us, unless over 65 get any benefit from Medicare Part D, so we, the tax payer are funding this portion of medicare out of our income taxes and not Medicare tax....

And then there is the Medicare tax which we ALL have been paying since we held out first job, and will not receive a penny in benefits until, if and when, we reach the age of 65 years old...

I think one of the reasons (eventually) the Medicare tax was acceptable and Social Security tax was and is acceptable to most people, is because all of them will get part of that benefit some day...and maybe that is the problem with Obamacare...too many people are "thinking like you", and are envious in a way, becausethey think THEY are not getting these gvt subsidies, but as I mentioned, in truth, THEY have been GETTING taxbreaks/subsidies ALL along....
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Mixed bag; they could just as easily go down as they could go up. The real question is how long will it be before they actually check it out. The biggest issue is that people are running out of time. The 15th of December is right around the corner.
Why do you keep lying? Seriously, I want to know if you are doing it because you are a true believer, if you get paid for it, or if you are simply pathological.

I pay for my insurance, all of it. I always have because I'm self-employed. If I had to pay a lot more for worse coverage, do you really think I would be touting this? Seriously? I have stated numerous times that I understand that some people are going to pay more, but not most. Many will pay about the same for the same or better coverage, some will pay less for the same or better coverage, and some will pay more.

I mean seriously, how can you be so blind as not to see this, unless you actually haven't even compared rates because you get your insurance through your employer and haven't even been on your state's exchange?

Did you ever call Obama out for saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan?" How about the lie he spouted to day when he said"I don't think I am so stupid that I would be talking about how great the website would be if I had know it would be this bad?"

I know, without a single doubt, that if you tell me what state you were in, I could find you a plan that was better, and less expensive, than the one you have now. Given the lie you spouted about HIPPA forcing insurance companies to charge everyone at a company the same rate, regardless of their medical conditions, I know you don't have enough brains to pout water out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.
Why do you keep lying? Seriously, I want to know if you are doing it because you are a true believer, if you get paid for it, or if you are simply pathological.

I pay for my insurance, all of it. I always have because I'm self-employed. If I had to pay a lot more for worse coverage, do you really think I would be touting this? Seriously? I have stated numerous times that I understand that some people are going to pay more, but not most. Many will pay about the same for the same or better coverage, some will pay less for the same or better coverage, and some will pay more.

I mean seriously, how can you be so blind as not to see this, unless you actually haven't even compared rates because you get your insurance through your employer and haven't even been on your state's exchange?

Did you ever call Obama out for saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan?" How about the lie he spouted to day when he said"I don't think I am so stupid that I would be talking about how great the website would be if I had know it would be this bad?"

I know, without a single doubt, that if you tell me what state you were in, I could find you a plan that was better, and less expensive, than the one you have now. Given the lie you spouted about HIPPA forcing insurance companies to charge everyone at a company the same rate, regardless of their medical conditions, I know you don't have enough brains to pout water out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.
I don't know if HIPPA forced this on group policies at work, but I DO KNOW that it is TRUE that all group policies at your employer cost the exact same for every employee, even if the employee had/has a preexisting condition and that ALL group policies through your employer are available for all employees, with preexisting conditions or not, after a waiting period.
Why do you keep lying? Seriously, I want to know if you are doing it because you are a true believer, if you get paid for it, or if you are simply pathological.

I pay for my insurance, all of it. I always have because I'm self-employed. If I had to pay a lot more for worse coverage, do you really think I would be touting this? Seriously? I have stated numerous times that I understand that some people are going to pay more, but not most. Many will pay about the same for the same or better coverage, some will pay less for the same or better coverage, and some will pay more.

I mean seriously, how can you be so blind as not to see this, unless you actually haven't even compared rates because you get your insurance through your employer and haven't even been on your state's exchange?

Did you ever call Obama out for saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan?" How about the lie he spouted to day when he said"I don't think I am so stupid that I would be talking about how great the website would be if I had know it would be this bad?"

I know, without a single doubt, that if you tell me what state you were in, I could find you a plan that was better, and less expensive, than the one you have now. Given the lie you spouted about HIPPA forcing insurance companies to charge everyone at a company the same rate, regardless of their medical conditions, I know you don't have enough brains to pout water out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.

Yea, I never said HIPAA forces insurance companies to charge everyone the same amount for employer based insurance, but that is how it works. Insurance companies look at the age of each employee and also account for their medical condition as well as how many smoke and how many do not. Then they come up with a premium for anyone in the company who wants that particular plan. They don't say that the rate for the 25 year old smoker is $200 per month and that is what the employer is to charge, and then the rate for the 64 year old is $1500 and that is how much the employer must pay for that employee. What I did say about HIPAA was that employees cannot be denied company sponsored insurance. They can be denied coverage for their particular pre-existing condition for up to 12 months, but only if they had no prior insurance coverage. If they moved from out of state and previously had insurance, then there is no waiting period on coverage for pre-existing conditions. In the private market, they just deny you.
Well good news. Obammy said their plans don't have to be cancelled. So they can't blame it on the ACA anymore.
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."

Clearly a made up story on your part except for the sing in 18 feet letters.

that's quite ironic coming from a made-up person.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.................................

Ummmm I didn't really say that, If you have a substandard plan you will naturally get a better plan under the ACA............................

5 Million and counting cancellation notices............................

You can keep it, I have ORDERED THE INSURANCE COMPANIES to allow you to keep your plan another year............You can REALLY REALLY REALLY KEEP YOUR PLAN.....................

Somewhere in Kenya a Village is missing an Idiot.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.................................

Ummmm I didn't really say that, If you have a substandard plan you will naturally get a better plan under the ACA............................

5 Million and counting cancellation notices............................

You can keep it, I have ORDERED THE INSURANCE COMPANIES to allow you to keep your plan another year............You can REALLY REALLY REALLY KEEP YOUR PLAN.....................

Somewhere in Kenya a Village is missing an Idiot.

nothing quite like forcing people into government dependency

the last time we did that it turned out real well for these people

[ame=]Pine Ridge Reservation Disaster Area - YouTube[/ame]
The Obamacare Exchange Scorecard: Around 100,000 Enrollees And Five Million Cancellations - Forbes

Hell of a batting average you've got their Obama.................

Is this the change we can believe in.......................

Midas had the Golden touch......................

What happens to everything Obama touches..........................

It turns to chit.................

the prezbo says the fix is real easy

simply make the people dependent on the government

for all their needs

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