LOL My neighbors who kept bitching about my "Support the 2nd Amendment" sign JUST

Although it's difficult, try not to celebrate being correct, take the opportunity to show them how fucked up and dishonest those progressives they idolize truly are.
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."

Clearly a made up story on your part except for the sing in 18 feet letters.

Our good boy 2nd Amendment is known to do that
I pay for my insurance, all of it. I always have because I'm self-employed. If I had to pay a lot more for worse coverage, do you really think I would be touting this? Seriously? I have stated numerous times that I understand that some people are going to pay more, but not most. Many will pay about the same for the same or better coverage, some will pay less for the same or better coverage, and some will pay more.

I mean seriously, how can you be so blind as not to see this, unless you actually haven't even compared rates because you get your insurance through your employer and haven't even been on your state's exchange?

Did you ever call Obama out for saying "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan?" How about the lie he spouted to day when he said"I don't think I am so stupid that I would be talking about how great the website would be if I had know it would be this bad?"

I know, without a single doubt, that if you tell me what state you were in, I could find you a plan that was better, and less expensive, than the one you have now. Given the lie you spouted about HIPPA forcing insurance companies to charge everyone at a company the same rate, regardless of their medical conditions, I know you don't have enough brains to pout water out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.
I don't know if HIPPA forced this on group policies at work, but I DO KNOW that it is TRUE that all group policies at your employer cost the exact same for every employee, even if the employee had/has a preexisting condition and that ALL group policies through your employer are available for all employees, with preexisting conditions or not, after a waiting period.

Some don't have a waiting period.
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."

Clearly a made up story on your part except for the sing in 18 feet letters.

Our good boy 2nd Amendment is known to do that

Let's "pretend" that I made this up. Are you claiming that there aren't a large number of Obama worshipers that didn't get letters canceling their health plans they liked?
Well good news. Obammy said their plans don't have to be cancelled. So they can't blame it on the ACA anymore.

The plans will still be cancelled. obama isn't the dictator he thinks he is or you think he is. State Insurance regulators are still forcing insurance companies to cancel plans that don't meet the new standards.
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."

Anyone really believe this story? That any neighbor would even talk to the OP?
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."

Anyone really believe this story? That any neighbor would even talk to the OP?

I kind of agree

2nd Amendment is the type we usually tell our children to keep away from.

"If you see him coming....cross the street"
LOL my neighbors lost their insurance...? I have never saw a group of people so giddy about someone losing their insurance.
Clearly a made up story on your part except for the sing in 18 feet letters.

Our good boy 2nd Amendment is known to do that

Let's "pretend" that I made this up. Are you claiming that there aren't a large number of Obama worshipers that didn't get letters canceling their health plans they liked?

My entire family to include my parents and wife's in-laws are keeping their policies.
received letters from their insurance company, canceling their policy. Their children who were covered by the exact same plan have also been removed.

The great IRONY is that no less than three days ago, they were saying how great Obamacare was going to be, and anyone who is being canceled should be "honored to have an opportunity to sign up for a better health plan" --- in her exact words.

Now while I was putting my garbage out tonight, her husband told me of the letters they received, how they are devastated and "I was right."

Anyone really believe this story? That any neighbor would even talk to the OP?

I kind of agree

2nd Amendment is the type we usually tell our children to keep away from.

"If you see him coming....cross the street"

Interesting, because I've been dating their daughter, openly, she's having a giggle herself. I'm going to buy her health insurance, because now I'm getting a second job --- thanks to Obamacare which knocked over $15,000 out of my yearly income.
Anyone really believe this story? That any neighbor would even talk to the OP?

I kind of agree

2nd Amendment is the type we usually tell our children to keep away from.

"If you see him coming....cross the street"

Interesting, because I've been dating their daughter, openly, she's having a giggle herself. I'm going to buy her health insurance, because now I'm getting a second job --- thanks to Obamacare which knocked over $15,000 out of my yearly income.

You found someone to date you?

Now you are really telling whoppers
The roll out debacle and the far right's foiled attempts to repeal with they hate is forcing the middle to work against the far right and the far left.

ACA is going to remain, albeit in a better form than what it is now.

Both parties are going to have to work together.
The roll out debacle and the far right's foiled attempts to repeal with they hate is forcing the middle to work against the far right and the far left.

ACA is going to remain, albeit in a better form than what it is now.

Both parties are going to have to work together.


What happened to you guys can come along for the ride, but you will have to sit in the back of the bus...........................

Suddenly you want the GOP's help from your screwed up law.........................

A lot of the things the GOP said during the debate are coming to pass. Your side ignored them and told them to get lost. Now you want them to negotiate on how to fix the mess the Dems got us into...................Have to work together from this failure of a law................

Again, 5 million and counting............losing their insurance............I thought the purpose of the law was to get everyone insurance...........................

And now many are paying higher premiums as a result of the law.............But hey, it's going to save everyone 2500 bucks a year................

Only in Liberal Utopia does this happen. It doesn't work in the real world. Nothing is free, and someone or group of people have to pay a price for your Ideology. Now that it is coming to pass, you just make up excuses.

Typical libs.
High Risk Pools for Health Coverage, State and Federal (State Implementation Report)

To aid uninsurable individuals, 35 states implemented high-risk health insurance pools over three decades. The Federal health reform law of 2010 provides $5 billion among all 50 states, for newly created or add-on expanded programs run by states or by a designated insurer, if states choose those options. 27 states had done so by fall 2010. 23 states deferred to the federal government to handle the new programs.

As of July 1, 2013, 17 States (AR, CA, CO, IA, IL, KS, MI, MO, NH, NY, NC, OH, OR, SD, UT, WA) had begun the process of transitioning their state operated Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIPs) to federally operated PCIPs, a process that is coordinated by HHS and CCIIO. Only 10 states (AK, CT, MD, ME, MT, NJ, NM, OK, RI, WI) continue to operate their own, state-only PCIP or high-risk pool.

For millions of Americans with a pre-existing medical condition, health insurance can be an unattainable goal. In the absence of laws requiring insurers to provide individual coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, many of these people joined the ranks of the uninsured. These uninsurable individuals have sought coverage, but have been unable to purchase it because they have been rejected or because they have been offered coverage only at unaffordable, high premium rates. Because of their often complex or costly health conditions, uninsurable individuals are the segment of the larger uninsured population that most needs health insurance coverage.

In response to the problems of uninsurable individuals, 35 states set up high-risk health insurance pools over a 25 year span, from 1976 to 2009. Across these 35 states, the national enrollment was 221,879 by December 31, 2010. This compared to 200,047 as of December 2007. This is about 1.8 percent of the individual market enrollment, but is up to 25 percent of the individual market documented to be subject to denials or "adverse underwriting" restrictions due to pre-existing medical conditions.

Walk down memory lane here. Do any remember this discussion during the debate..............................

How the GOP offered to expand the PCIP in the states by 25 BILLION, to assist those with HIGH COST medical conditions..................

These are people with Cancer and etc. who quite frankly are uninsurable. These were the people that the Dems wanted to help. Well, the clock is ticking for these people as well. Because this program is done this year. And if they can't sign up by the end of the year they are hosed....................

Why was targeting the high cost groups DIRECTLY WRONG by the GOP........................
To take those directly out of the pool via the PCIP program. And subsidize it directly to lower costs. The argument back in the day, was that these types of situations DRIVE UP COSTS for everyone. So take them out of the regular insurance plans and put them in Subsidized pools with increased funding directly to these HIGH COST PATIENTS..........

Wasn't the purpose of the law to reduce rates and protect those who needed the help the most.............................

Where will these people be when the system continues to be screwed up as they lose their benefits at the end of the year.....................

Where are the stop gap measures to ensure they are left out when the magical date comes up............................

Show me where they are fixing this..........................
The roll out debacle and the far right's foiled attempts to repeal with they hate is forcing the middle to work against the far right and the far left.

ACA is going to remain, albeit in a better form than what it is now.

Both parties are going to have to work together.


What happened to you guys can come along for the ride, but you will have to sit in the back of the bus...........................

Suddenly you want the GOP's help from your screwed up law.........................

A lot of the things the GOP said during the debate are coming to pass. Your side ignored them and told them to get lost. Now you want them to negotiate on how to fix the mess the Dems got us into...................Have to work together from this failure of a law................

Again, 5 million and counting............losing their insurance............I thought the purpose of the law was to get everyone insurance...........................

And now many are paying higher premiums as a result of the law.............But hey, it's going to save everyone 2500 bucks a year................

Only in Liberal Utopia does this happen. It doesn't work in the real world. Nothing is free, and someone or group of people have to pay a price for your Ideology. Now that it is coming to pass, you just make up excuses.

Typical libs.

beakbreath, you can break wind through your throat all you want.

Both sides are being forced to work together which infuriates the ends (look at you)
Tort reform...................

Something the Dems wouldn't include in the ACA. Why..........Because they didn't want to tick off their campaign funders. Again, a major cost of higher prices. Why wasn't this included in the law.............

Same old story, on how the Conservatives and GOP wanted to take from the people to not allow justice in Malpractice cases. But again, even after shown that it has worked in States they refused to listen. The laws in those states were reasonable, and LIMITED LAWYERS AWARDS in the cases.

If you ask the Doctors and Hospitals about this, they would tell you it is a major expense and drives up the costs of doing business, which includes ordering procedures to cover their butts in case they are sued.

Again, the Dems ignored this and went their own way. Some of them even admitted they couldn't take on the Lawyers if they tried this.
30 Hour mandate.............

Again, the GOP warned that business would adapt by writing this into law. Saying that the law should be across the board with no limits on hours worked. Telling them that this would effect jobs.

Again, IGNORED BY THE DEMS. They didn't heed this warning and now businesses are doing EXACTLY WHAT THE GOP SAID DURING THE DEBATE...................

Again, refusing to accept reality of what the hell they were trying to pass. Again, the Dems are proved to be WRONG.

And now they want others to help fix their INCREDIBLY STUPID WRITTEN LAW....................
The roll out debacle and the far right's foiled attempts to repeal with they hate is forcing the middle to work against the far right and the far left.

ACA is going to remain, albeit in a better form than what it is now.

Both parties are going to have to work together.


What happened to you guys can come along for the ride, but you will have to sit in the back of the bus...........................

Suddenly you want the GOP's help from your screwed up law.........................

A lot of the things the GOP said during the debate are coming to pass. Your side ignored them and told them to get lost. Now you want them to negotiate on how to fix the mess the Dems got us into...................Have to work together from this failure of a law................

Again, 5 million and counting............losing their insurance............I thought the purpose of the law was to get everyone insurance...........................

And now many are paying higher premiums as a result of the law.............But hey, it's going to save everyone 2500 bucks a year................

Only in Liberal Utopia does this happen. It doesn't work in the real world. Nothing is free, and someone or group of people have to pay a price for your Ideology. Now that it is coming to pass, you just make up excuses.

Typical libs.

beakbreath, you can break wind through your throat all you want.

Both sides are being forced to work together which infuriates the ends (look at you)

BS............We have no reason to negotiate with a side that has refused to listen all along. If you want this chit fixed you have to come to the table and be ready to compromise.

If not, we will continue to push for full repeal. The people will agree as they are ticked off by Obamacare if you haven't noticed.

Of course you'll deny this, and SAY IT'S GREAT, buts that is all BS.

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