Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...

She has good genes and here hoping she lives after tramp is voted out.
Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...

She has good genes and here hoping she lives after tramp is voted out.
Her family had better bodyguards.
Hey, how about that rally on the South Lawn of the White House Grounds when Trump accepted the nomination of his flock; a flock which ignored social distancing and the vast majority didn't wear masks?
Social Distancing is of The Devil as Christians are commanded to great one another with a hug. Social distancing and face coverings are a cultural norm in Islam. Are you a Muslim?
Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...

She has good genes and here hoping she lives after tramp is voted out.
What good is a long life when you end up in Hell after it is over?
I guess basically it's like this.

The elite don't think you and I should breath the same air they breath. They hate the very air that we breath. They think we pollute their space.

ETA: The only real satisfaction I can see coming from this is knowing that the odds are in my favor that I'll get to see that snot nosed bitch laying in a box during my lifetime.
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Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...

She has good genes and here hoping she lives after tramp is voted out.
What good is a long life when you end up in Hell after it is over?

She will go to everlasting bliss, its tramp who is going to go away in shame.
Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...

She has good genes and here hoping she lives after tramp is voted out.
What good is a long life when you end up in Hell after it is over?

She will go to everlasting bliss, its tramp who is going to go away in shame.

She is proof the good die young.
Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...

She has good genes and here hoping she lives after tramp is voted out.

Trump will be term limited out, but not voted out. Piglosi, the first female speaker will always be remembered by losing that position twice.
Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...
Me thinks she is scheming to be appointed Emperor first right before she dies if she can subvert our Democracy and block the results from being declared official.

With Donald Trump as President, YOU could be dead in the next 6 months, since the deaths of everyday Americans really doesn't matter to the President.
LOL..there were so many threads on Pelosi and her hair dresser this morning, I was surprised that no ads for Clairol popped up on my screen.
Hey, how about that rally on the South Lawn of the White House Grounds when Trump accepted the nomination of his flock; a flock which ignored social distancing and the vast majority didn't wear masks?

How about the Democrats picking a Californian to be speaker who has to leave huge carbon footprints flying back and forth across the entire country all the time?
Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...

She has good genes and here hoping she lives after tramp is voted out.
What good is a long life when you end up in Hell after it is over?

She will go to everlasting bliss, its tramp who is going to go away in shame.
She supports the Baby Killing of 60 Million African Americans at the Hands of the DemNazi KKK Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps.

Shes going to fry.

No Masks
Mo Muzzles
No Mandates
No Marxism
Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...
Me thinks she is scheming to be appointed Emperor first right before she dies if she can subvert our Democracy and block the results from being declared official.

With Donald Trump as President, YOU could be dead in the next 6 months, since the deaths of everyday Americans really doesn't matter to the President.
60 Million African Americans killed by The KKK DemNazi Party at Planned Parenthood Death Camps.

You love that shit, don't you?
LOL..there were so many threads on Pelosi and her hair dresser this morning, I was surprised that no ads for Clairol popped up on my screen.
You mean she is coloring her hair from grey. Then she is "The Vamp"!
Pelosi's nothing more than another idiot, hypocrite liberal.

The average life expectancy for a woman in the United States is 81.1 years old.

Pelosi will turn 81 in March.

Hell, that gash could be dead within six months of the start of Trump's second term.

Oh, to dream...

She has good genes and here hoping she lives after tramp is voted out.

She's a vampire, nourished by the blood of innocent children.
With Donald Trump as President, YOU could be dead in the next 6 months, since the deaths of everyday Americans really doesn't matter to the President.

Well, your point falls flat on its stupid liberal face, considering the fact that Trump has been President for the better part of four years and I'm still kickin'...
Can it be that the speaker of the house and leader of half the congress and the democratic party now needs the law explaided to her by a breaty shop operator? From what she said, that's apparently so.

I've heard lame excuses before but this one takes first prize! Fact is when they're caught cold democrats will tell any lie regardless of how outrageous it is because their followers are such clueless drooling fools they're all too stupid to question it.
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