Why do they keep acting like there is nothing to be afraid of yet engage in massive fear-mongering...
Well that is it isn't it.
It is easy to lump this off as just another politician "do what I say not what I do"... but this is much-much-much more serious.
Everyone is greatly understating the economic havoc the Covid restrictions have caused simply because the left media doesn't report on it.
So the Pelosicrats have placed down some of the harshest restrictions in the country... killing small businesses literally... but goes and secretly gets her hair done at a salon.

one rule for the public but no rules for her

Salty has some fun.

San Francisco USED to be a big tourist destination. I predict that it won't be anymore between the rampant homelessness and the direct damage from democrat rule people are going to spend their tourism dollars elsewhere. SF was already very expensive to visit thanks to the taxes on tourism.
Tucker was right...most Dem politicians behave like 17th century nobility. They live the high life while their constituents scrabble in the dirt.
You have to believe in the movement. Like it courses through your veins in every waking moment. Most Progs do not. They can break the rules. It looks worse when resources run low. And it can happen here.
Busted is a poor choice of words. Hypocrite democrats might be caught on camera but they are never "busted".
/——/ Breaking:
A defiant House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday claimed she was “set up” and a hair salon in San Francisco “owes” her an “apology” after it was revealed the California Democrat visited the business despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Pelosi fights back: 'The salon owes me an apology for setting me up'
Pelosi wants to avoid arrest for breaking the law and instead wants to punish the owner who tattled...

I have to hand it to the owner of the salon.

I would have told the bitch NO!

Instead she played it cool, did piglosis hair...and sent the security video to fox news :laughing0301:

take THAT piglosi! HA!
If that was Drumpf his dumb fucking supporters would be claiming he did nothing wrong.

Except that it isn't Trump who is mandating that everyone wears a mask, it isn't Trump who supports closing down businesses, and it isn't Trump who hypocritically patronized those businesses on the sly, without a mask, and getting caught with his pants down like Pelosi did.

She says that she "wasn't aware" of the business closings and mask mandates in her district. That's probably why she's also not aware of her district's sidewalks littered with used needles and feces, and their drug addiction and crime problems.
Instead of the beauty shop she should of went to the cleaners and had her face pressed.

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