Lol, third in line for VA governor also admits to blackface episode

Meh. In 1980, the democrat Party had a Senate Minority Leader who opposed the Civil Right Bill and was a KKK Grand Kleagle

Why is this a "Thing" all of a sudden?
She was too embarrassed to report it then because she was in his hotel room, right? I woulda bit him.

THANK YOU!! That was exactly what I thought ---------- both parts. Didn't think I'd better say it, but since you've broken the ice ----

Gals: bite him hard, get out of danger, call the police from the hotel lobby. So much for that guy's political career.

And sex life.
I woulda bit him and ran but NOT called the police. And with that decision made back then, I sure wouldn't be bringing it up now.

Well, I know exactly what you mean, but the reason I said that is...…...biting some guy's…..well, thing halfway off, IS sort of assault, and for that reason I would think it best to get my story into authorities right away. Get the self-defense case front and center, and then he's screwed. Appropriately.

Otherwise, yeah, if you decide it's best to let it go for all the usual reasons (drink taken, hotel room, or in your apartment, no real damage, etc.,) they get a free pass. I bet we both know all about that. All women do.

All this has to stop, though. It really does have to stop.

If in the future extremists effectively sway public opinion to declare Parachute Pants or
'X' (feel free to insert whatever you like) are suddenly 'RACIST' ...

Will it then be okay to grab our proverbial 'social justice warrior' pitch forks and torches and go out digging up everyone's past to brand anyone who wore those things in the past - BEFORE THEY WERE DEEMED 'RACIST' - a 'RACIST' and demand they lose their jobs and be shunned / demonized by society?

If in the future extremists effectively sway public opinion to declare Parachute Pants or
'X' (feel free to insert whatever you like) are suddenly 'RACIST' ...

Will it then be okay to grab our proverbial 'social justice warrior' pitch forks and torches and go out digging up everyone's past to brand anyone who wore those things in the past - BEFORE THEY WERE DEEMED 'RACIST' - a 'RACIST' and demand they lose their jobs and be shunned / demonized by society?

Not if you're Republican. Only if you're Democrat.
What I want to know is, (1) Who ratted him out and (2) Why on earth did NBC feel it was appropriate to make this a national news item?

NBC is feeding the frenzy in a most sleazy way, imo.
I dunno. Black face in 1980.... people should know better. Now dressing up like MJ at a party .... that is sort of funny. Inappropriate maybe, but it's not something done to insult an entire race. I mean people do still dress as leprechains, but the drunken Irish deadbeat stereotype is thankfully passé.

But yeah, somebody on the right is feeding this stuff. It's payback for kavenaugh. And I thought Kavenaugh should have just given the BushII generic apology of when I was young and irresponsible I was young and irresponsible. LOL
Bendog, I'm wondering about the Lt. Governor, who is accused of forcing a woman to give him a blow job while visiting him in his hotel room. NBC just reported that he said "Fuck that bitch" about her. Now, to me, that is completely unnecessary information and I think it was cheezy of NBC to even report it. We are hitting all time lows in media behavior with this shit.
I agree. And I just don't don't know why she was in the hotel room. I only recall being in one hotel room, one on one with a couple of women other than my wife. And sex was always an implied invitation.
Conventions are a different world; you all do a bunch of drinkin and partying after all day meetings and then because you're not in your usual routine at home it's like the rules get suspended and you act stupid. At least that's the way conventions always seem. So of course there was sex implied; she just didn't want to give him a blow job. It was not at all nice of him to force her, if he did, but like I said, it's not all that easy to force compliance on that issue either.
Funny timing, story could certainly be true but if it was too embarrassing to tell the police, why would you come out now and tell the whole world?
Leftists always out themselves as anti-female.
Funny, but it doesn't seem like the left that's being anti-female here.
I didn't think of the victimization part because I'm not a black person who has been victimized by the KKK

Neither have 99.9% of the rest of Americans.

Do you get offended when you see a black person with straight blonde hair? Do you call that cultural appropriation or just think "lol that looks stupid" and move on with your life?
But yes, indeed, American blacks have been victimized and frequently still are. Driving While Black. Being denied financial opportunities and jobs because of prejudice. Going to jail or being shot for incidents that a white boy would get away with. It's real. I don't deny it. I just didn't see it in those costumes. Now I get it.

All crap. If what you say is true, why is it a gay black dude signs my paycheck every week? Why does that gay black dude drive a newer and nicer car then me? As for the rest, the stats on shootings don’t match your claims. It’s just silly and I personally believe you are smarter then that, if not a little emotional.
I can only go by what black people tell me, and I have no reason to disbelieve them. The fact that you have a black employer doesn't mean that there is no systemic racism in this country anymore.
But we're getting pretty far from blackface, aren't we? Probably my fault.
I didn't think of the victimization part because I'm not a black person who has been victimized by the KKK

Neither have 99.9% of the rest of Americans.

Do you get offended when you see a black person with straight blonde hair? Do you call that cultural appropriation or just think "lol that looks stupid" and move on with your life?
But yes, indeed, American blacks have been victimized and frequently still are. Driving While Black. Being denied financial opportunities and jobs because of prejudice. Going to jail or being shot for incidents that a white boy would get away with. It's real. I don't deny it. I just didn't see it in those costumes. Now I get it.

All crap. If what you say is true, why is it a gay black dude signs my paycheck every week? Why does that gay black dude drive a newer and nicer car then me? As for the rest, the stats on shootings don’t match your claims. It’s just silly and I personally believe you are smarter then that, if not a little emotional.
I can only go by what black people tell me, and I have no reason to disbelieve them. The fact that you have a black employer doesn't mean that there is no systemic racism in this country anymore.
But we're getting pretty far from blackface, aren't we? Probably my fault.

I’m white, typically long haired, with a long ass beard and heavily tattooed. When I shave all my hair, as I sometimes do I look like a movie depiction of a white power guy. Some treat me like I am before they even speak to me. Would that be systemic racisem? And my boss. HE ain’t my employer. He is a supervisor in the school district I work for. He began working there back around 1979 or so. Dude has an idea of what systemic racisem is. Anyway, it will never go away. We people will always be judged on how we look. It’s not a race issue, it’s a being a no thin skinned adult issue.
She was too embarrassed to report it then because she was in his hotel room, right? I woulda bit him.

THANK YOU!! That was exactly what I thought ---------- both parts. Didn't think I'd better say it, but since you've broken the ice ----

Gals: bite him hard, get out of danger, call the police from the hotel lobby. So much for that guy's political career.

And sex life.
I woulda bit him and ran but NOT called the police. And with that decision made back then, I sure wouldn't be bringing it up now.

Well, I know exactly what you mean, but the reason I said that is...…...biting some guy's…..well, thing halfway off, IS sort of assault, and for that reason I would think it best to get my story into authorities right away. Get the self-defense case front and center, and then he's screwed. Appropriately.

Otherwise, yeah, if you decide it's best to let it go for all the usual reasons (drink taken, hotel room, or in your apartment, no real damage, etc.,) they get a free pass. I bet we both know all about that. All women do.

All this has to stop, though. It really does have to stop.
It's true it has to stop. It's really cool that people are battling for that, but oh man it's a dirty fight.
And he's another Dim of course :laugh:.

And the hysteria continues.

Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to wearing blackface during a college party in 1980, the latest stunning, political bombshell to rock Richmond as the state’s embattled governor and lieutenant governor also find themselves embroiled in scandal.

In a lengthy statement on Wednesday, Herring said he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a black rapper during a party as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia.


"In 1980, when I was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and perform a song,” Herring said. “It sounds ridiculous even now writing it. But because of our ignorance and glib attitudes – and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others – we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup.”
Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party
Duplicate thread, Einstein. I'm not chewing my cabbage twice, but I don't think he did anything wrong.

Yes he did. But he was not busted for racially discriminating against people in his properties and he has not continued to be a racist until this very moment.
I didn't think of the victimization part because I'm not a black person who has been victimized by the KKK

Neither have 99.9% of the rest of Americans.

Do you get offended when you see a black person with straight blonde hair? Do you call that cultural appropriation or just think "lol that looks stupid" and move on with your life?
But yes, indeed, American blacks have been victimized and frequently still are. Driving While Black. Being denied financial opportunities and jobs because of prejudice. Going to jail or being shot for incidents that a white boy would get away with. It's real. I don't deny it. I just didn't see it in those costumes. Now I get it.

All crap. If what you say is true, why is it a gay black dude signs my paycheck every week? Why does that gay black dude drive a newer and nicer car then me? As for the rest, the stats on shootings don’t match your claims. It’s just silly and I personally believe you are smarter then that, if not a little emotional.
I can only go by what black people tell me, and I have no reason to disbelieve them. The fact that you have a black employer doesn't mean that there is no systemic racism in this country anymore.
But we're getting pretty far from blackface, aren't we? Probably my fault.

I’m white, typically long haired, with a long ass beard and heavily tattooed. When I shave all my hair, as I sometimes do I look like a movie depiction of a white power guy. Some treat me like I am before they even speak to me. Would that be systemic racisem? And my boss. HE ain’t my employer. He is a supervisor in the school district I work for. He began working there back around 1979 or so. Dude has an idea of what systemic racisem is. Anyway, it will never go away. We people will always be judged on how we look. It’s not a race issue, it’s a being a no thin skinned adult issue.
"We will always be judged on how we look." Okay, as humans we do tend to fit our new experiences into existing knowledge. It's what makes us smarter than gerbils. But when a white guy's existing "knowledge" of black people is stereotypical and negative, it allows for unfair interactions. Black people can't grow their hair or shave it in order to get away from that perception of themselves. They're stuck with it, so whites are the ones who have to be careful what they're basing their decisions on. No, in the most elemental sense, it will never go away. But it can be modified. That's what brains do.
She was too embarrassed to report it then because she was in his hotel room, right? I woulda bit him.

THANK YOU!! That was exactly what I thought ---------- both parts. Didn't think I'd better say it, but since you've broken the ice ----

Gals: bite him hard, get out of danger, call the police from the hotel lobby. So much for that guy's political career.

And sex life.
I woulda bit him and ran but NOT called the police. And with that decision made back then, I sure wouldn't be bringing it up now.

Well, I know exactly what you mean, but the reason I said that is...…...biting some guy's…..well, thing halfway off, IS sort of assault, and for that reason I would think it best to get my story into authorities right away. Get the self-defense case front and center, and then he's screwed. Appropriately.

Otherwise, yeah, if you decide it's best to let it go for all the usual reasons (drink taken, hotel room, or in your apartment, no real damage, etc.,) they get a free pass. I bet we both know all about that. All women do.

All this has to stop, though. It really does have to stop.
It's true it has to stop. It's really cool that people are battling for that, but oh man it's a dirty fight.

Only because y’all watch. Racist are dead. Sure there is a grumpy d hold out here and there, but it’s nothing like it was. When you were 5. What would happen if a black dude was walking down the street holding a white girls hand?
She was too embarrassed to report it then because she was in his hotel room, right? I woulda bit him.

THANK YOU!! That was exactly what I thought ---------- both parts. Didn't think I'd better say it, but since you've broken the ice ----

Gals: bite him hard, get out of danger, call the police from the hotel lobby. So much for that guy's political career.

And sex life.
I woulda bit him and ran but NOT called the police. And with that decision made back then, I sure wouldn't be bringing it up now.

Well, I know exactly what you mean, but the reason I said that is...…...biting some guy's…..well, thing halfway off, IS sort of assault, and for that reason I would think it best to get my story into authorities right away. Get the self-defense case front and center, and then he's screwed. Appropriately.

Otherwise, yeah, if you decide it's best to let it go for all the usual reasons (drink taken, hotel room, or in your apartment, no real damage, etc.,) they get a free pass. I bet we both know all about that. All women do.

All this has to stop, though. It really does have to stop.
It's true it has to stop. It's really cool that people are battling for that, but oh man it's a dirty fight.

Only because y’all watch. Racist are dead. Sure there is a grumpy d hold out here and there, but it’s nothing like it was. When you were 5. What would happen if a black dude was walking down the street holding a white girls hand?
Circe and I were talking about #metoo.
And he's another Dim of course :laugh:.

And the hysteria continues.

Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to wearing blackface during a college party in 1980, the latest stunning, political bombshell to rock Richmond as the state’s embattled governor and lieutenant governor also find themselves embroiled in scandal.

In a lengthy statement on Wednesday, Herring said he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a black rapper during a party as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia.


"In 1980, when I was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and perform a song,” Herring said. “It sounds ridiculous even now writing it. But because of our ignorance and glib attitudes – and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others – we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup.”
Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party
Duplicate thread, Einstein. I'm not chewing my cabbage twice, but I don't think he did anything wrong.

Yes he did. But he was not busted for racially discriminating against people in his properties and he has not continued to be a racist until this very moment.
What did he do wrong IM2?
I didn't think of the victimization part because I'm not a black person who has been victimized by the KKK

Neither have 99.9% of the rest of Americans.

Do you get offended when you see a black person with straight blonde hair? Do you call that cultural appropriation or just think "lol that looks stupid" and move on with your life?
But yes, indeed, American blacks have been victimized and frequently still are. Driving While Black. Being denied financial opportunities and jobs because of prejudice. Going to jail or being shot for incidents that a white boy would get away with. It's real. I don't deny it. I just didn't see it in those costumes. Now I get it.

All crap. If what you say is true, why is it a gay black dude signs my paycheck every week? Why does that gay black dude drive a newer and nicer car then me? As for the rest, the stats on shootings don’t match your claims. It’s just silly and I personally believe you are smarter then that, if not a little emotional.
I can only go by what black people tell me, and I have no reason to disbelieve them. The fact that you have a black employer doesn't mean that there is no systemic racism in this country anymore.
But we're getting pretty far from blackface, aren't we? Probably my fault.

I’m white, typically long haired, with a long ass beard and heavily tattooed. When I shave all my hair, as I sometimes do I look like a movie depiction of a white power guy. Some treat me like I am before they even speak to me. Would that be systemic racisem? And my boss. HE ain’t my employer. He is a supervisor in the school district I work for. He began working there back around 1979 or so. Dude has an idea of what systemic racisem is. Anyway, it will never go away. We people will always be judged on how we look. It’s not a race issue, it’s a being a no thin skinned adult issue.

What you described was prejudice not racism or systemic racism.
And he's another Dim of course :laugh:.

And the hysteria continues.

Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to wearing blackface during a college party in 1980, the latest stunning, political bombshell to rock Richmond as the state’s embattled governor and lieutenant governor also find themselves embroiled in scandal.

In a lengthy statement on Wednesday, Herring said he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a black rapper during a party as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia.


"In 1980, when I was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and perform a song,” Herring said. “It sounds ridiculous even now writing it. But because of our ignorance and glib attitudes – and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others – we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup.”
Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party
Duplicate thread, Einstein. I'm not chewing my cabbage twice, but I don't think he did anything wrong.

Yes he did. But he was not busted for racially discriminating against people in his properties and he has not continued to be a racist until this very moment.
What did he do wrong IM2?

The blackface.

It's a caricature of black life.

Before the pre-electronic area, before television, radio and even film, it was — blackface minstrelsy was one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the United States in the 19th and early 20th century. And it always was about making a mockery of black folks, dehumanizing black folks.

Unmasking the racist history of blackface
Meh. In 1980, the democrat Party had a Senate Minority Leader who opposed the Civil Right Bill and was a KKK Grand Kleagle

Why is this a "Thing" all of a sudden?

Ask the Dimocrat party and feminists. They are the ones on this witch hunt.
And he's another Dim of course :laugh:.

And the hysteria continues.

Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to wearing blackface during a college party in 1980, the latest stunning, political bombshell to rock Richmond as the state’s embattled governor and lieutenant governor also find themselves embroiled in scandal.

In a lengthy statement on Wednesday, Herring said he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a black rapper during a party as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia.


"In 1980, when I was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and perform a song,” Herring said. “It sounds ridiculous even now writing it. But because of our ignorance and glib attitudes – and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others – we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup.”
Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party
Duplicate thread, Einstein. I'm not chewing my cabbage twice, but I don't think he did anything wrong.

Yes he did. But he was not busted for racially discriminating against people in his properties and he has not continued to be a racist until this very moment.
What did he do wrong IM2?

The blackface.

It's a caricature of black life.

Before the pre-electronic area, before television, radio and even film, it was — blackface minstrelsy was one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the United States in the 19th and early 20th century. And it always was about making a mockery of black folks, dehumanizing black folks.

Unmasking the racist history of blackface
I was talking about Herring, who dressed as a rapper. Same as my son's buddies dressed as Michael Jackson on Halloween and moonwalked back in the 70's. Was that also "blackface?" I understand the objection to blackface. Is any white person dressing as a black person considered "blackface" now?
And he's another Dim of course :laugh:.

And the hysteria continues.

Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party

Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party
Duplicate thread, Einstein. I'm not chewing my cabbage twice, but I don't think he did anything wrong.

Yes he did. But he was not busted for racially discriminating against people in his properties and he has not continued to be a racist until this very moment.
What did he do wrong IM2?

The blackface.

It's a caricature of black life.

Before the pre-electronic area, before television, radio and even film, it was — blackface minstrelsy was one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the United States in the 19th and early 20th century. And it always was about making a mockery of black folks, dehumanizing black folks.

Unmasking the racist history of blackface
I was talking about Herring, who dressed as a rapper. Same as my son's buddies dressed as Michael Jackson on Halloween and moonwalked back in the 70's. Was that also "blackface?" I understand the objection to blackface. Is any white person dressing as a black person considered "blackface" now?

Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party

We aren't talking about the clothes Herring wore.

Here s a black Elvis impersonator. He s wearing clothes like Elvis.


But he has not painted himself white.

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