Lol, third in line for VA governor also admits to blackface episode

I know the democrats created the KKK, they can recruit from where ever I supposed.

The original Triple K was recruited from Confederate veterans. In the late 1860's America was less mobile, and the southlands of America had a lot greater number of those men.

In subsequent years, they became more of nationwide outfit.
moonglow never heard of Robert Byrd I supposed.
I have yet I doubt he organized the KKK after the Civil War.
-------------------------------------- yeah , but 'dem' 'robert byrd' was a bigshot in the 'kkk' ranks as he wasn't just a simple member Moonglow .
So what? Many folks were both repubs and dems....It wasn't just about black people it was about minorities and Papist, nationalism and white pride...I grew up in an area infested with those types.

But yet you turned into a Moon Bat.
I didn't think of the victimization part because I'm not a black person who has been victimized by the KKK

Neither have 99.9% of the rest of Americans.

Do you get offended when you see a black person with straight blonde hair? Do you call that cultural appropriation or just think "lol that looks stupid" and move on with your life?
But yes, indeed, American blacks have been victimized and frequently still are. Driving While Black. Being denied financial opportunities and jobs because of prejudice. Going to jail or being shot for incidents that a white boy would get away with. It's real. I don't deny it. I just didn't see it in those costumes. Now I get it.
The original Triple K was recruited from Confederate veterans. In the late 1860's America was less mobile, and the southlands of America had a lot greater number of those men.

In subsequent years, they became more of nationwide outfit.
moonglow never heard of Robert Byrd I supposed.
I have yet I doubt he organized the KKK after the Civil War.
-------------------------------------- yeah , but 'dem' 'robert byrd' was a bigshot in the 'kkk' ranks as he wasn't just a simple member Moonglow .
So what? Many folks were both repubs and dems....It wasn't just about black people it was about minorities and Papist, nationalism and white pride...I grew up in an area infested with those types.

But yet you turned into a Moon Bat.
No, I didn't go there either...
They’re going to start running out of Democrats who can be governor in VA!
Don't you know the dems are no longer racists. They CHANGED. That is why they specialize in racial division and victimhood. They do it to show they Care.
they know how to be racist so well, that's all they see. Just remember that.
And he's another Dim of course :laugh:.

And the hysteria continues.

Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted to wearing blackface during a college party in 1980, the latest stunning, political bombshell to rock Richmond as the state’s embattled governor and lieutenant governor also find themselves embroiled in scandal.

In a lengthy statement on Wednesday, Herring said he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a black rapper during a party as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia.


"In 1980, when I was a 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend a party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time, like Kurtis Blow, and perform a song,” Herring said. “It sounds ridiculous even now writing it. But because of our ignorance and glib attitudes – and because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others – we dressed up and put on wigs and brown makeup.”
Virginia AG Mark Herring admits wearing blackface at 1980 college party
Duplicate thread, Einstein. I'm not chewing my cabbage twice, but I don't think he did anything wrong.
I agree, but people like him would hound anyone else who did it...that's why this is hilarious......who gives a fuck if you put shoe polish on....that's your stupidity......not a crime
Kasie Hunt (NBC) ^ | 2-7-19 | Kasie Hunt
NBC News has learned that Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax used profane language in a private meeting Monday night, while referring to his accuser, Dr. Vanessa Tyson. Two sources tells us Fairfax said of Tyson: “Fuck thiat bitch"
if i am not mistaken 'kkk' is a legal organization in the USA same as the 'black panthers' , democrat party . , 'aclu' , southern poverty law center , nazis and 'naacp' . ---------------- just saying .

Quite right. Leftists, quit with the Twitter mobs! Not only are all those groups legal, but it's also legal to dress up like a rapper or Michael Jackson for a Halloween party even if you're white!!

I think everyone in the GOP who gets accused of nonsense from the past that doesn't matter should just say, "So sue me."
Do you get offended when you see a black person with straight blonde hair? Do you call that cultural appropriation or just think "lol that looks stupid" and move on with your life?

I have known forever that blonde blacks are doing cultural appropriation; we just didn't have that term till recently. I just thought, they want to look like white women. Lotsa luck, that way. And it wasn't my business, so I never said anything to anyone about it! It IS cultural appropriation, but cultural appropriation is not illegal. Or I couldn't cook Mexican food tonight. Last night was Chinese New Year, so I made chicken stir fry.

So sue me.
Looks like the lt-governor's accuser is about to talk. Remember Dims, we must believe women.
Wonder where the #metoo crowd is ?

Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax's accuser Vanessa Tyson discloses graphic details of alleged sexual assault
  • The woman who has accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexually assaulting her in 2004 on Wednesday released a lengthy statement including details of that alleged attack at the Democratic National Convention.
  • Vanessa Tyson, a California university professor, said Fairfax forced her to engage in oral sex with him after they first engaged in "consensual kissing" in his hotel room.
  • Fairfax has adamantly denied Tyson's claims, which came to light after widespread calls for the resignation of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on the heels of news that his 1984 medical school yearbook page featured a photo of a man in blackface and another man in Ku Klux Klan garb. Fairfax would become governor if Northam resigns.
NBC News has learned that Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax used profane language in a private meeting Monday night, while referring to his accuser, Dr. Vanessa Tyson.

Two sources tells us Fairfax said of Tyson: “Fuck that bitch.”

@GeoffRBennett & @jonallendc

Kasie Hunt (@kasie) February 6, 2019

I think that was the problem: he did.


Forced her to do oral sex, she is saying...……...but yeah.

Okay, Republicans are going to have to fix this "destroy everyone" meme, but could we please wait until the whole Democratic Party is dead on the battlefield, killed by each other?

Normally I would say it's not illegal, or surprising, to swear in such a situation. But now I'd better say, "Oh, that's TERRIBLE! Racist! Sexist! Ableist! Cis-preferring! Against animals!! Probably we should keep this going until they start in on Republicans, then shut it down.
Wonder where the #metoo crowd is ?

Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax's accuser Vanessa Tyson discloses graphic details of alleged sexual assault
  • The woman who has accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexually assaulting her in 2004 on Wednesday released a lengthy statement including details of that alleged attack at the Democratic National Convention.
  • Vanessa Tyson, a California university professor, said Fairfax forced her to engage in oral sex with him after they first engaged in "consensual kissing" in his hotel room.
  • Fairfax has adamantly denied Tyson's claims, which came to light after widespread calls for the resignation of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on the heels of news that his 1984 medical school yearbook page featured a photo of a man in blackface and another man in Ku Klux Klan garb. Fairfax would become governor if Northam resigns.
The filthy ass Democrats getting all huffy and up on their high horse about Kavanugh was sure to come back and bite them in the ass. Karma baby!

It is amazing to see how quite the same Democrats that bitched about Kavanugh and racism are now as they see their Democrat leadership in Virginia turning into a dumpster fire.

Even if all three of the assholes don't resign this will be a big deal in the next election.
Kasie Hunt (NBC) ^ | 2-7-19 | Kasie Hunt
NBC News has learned that Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax used profane language in a private meeting Monday night, while referring to his accuser, Dr. Vanessa Tyson. Two sources tells us Fairfax said of Tyson: “Fuck thiat bitch"
What I want to know is, (1) Who ratted him out and (2) Why on earth did NBC feel it was appropriate to make this a national news item?

NBC is feeding the frenzy in a most sleazy way, imo.
Do you get offended when you see a black person with straight blonde hair? Do you call that cultural appropriation or just think "lol that looks stupid" and move on with your life?

I have known forever that blonde blacks are doing cultural appropriation; we just didn't have that term till recently. I just thought, they want to look like white women. Lotsa luck, that way. And it wasn't my business, so I never said anything to anyone about it! It IS cultural appropriation, but cultural appropriation is not illegal. Or I couldn't cook Mexican food tonight. Last night was Chinese New Year, so I made chicken stir fry.

So sue me.
I do know that many of the pro black athletes like young white females.
Wonder where the #metoo crowd is ?

Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax's accuser Vanessa Tyson discloses graphic details of alleged sexual assault
  • The woman who has accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexually assaulting her in 2004 on Wednesday released a lengthy statement including details of that alleged attack at the Democratic National Convention.
  • Vanessa Tyson, a California university professor, said Fairfax forced her to engage in oral sex with him after they first engaged in "consensual kissing" in his hotel room.
  • Fairfax has adamantly denied Tyson's claims, which came to light after widespread calls for the resignation of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on the heels of news that his 1984 medical school yearbook page featured a photo of a man in blackface and another man in Ku Klux Klan garb. Fairfax would become governor if Northam resigns.
She was too embarrassed to report it then because she was in his hotel room, right? I woulda bit him.
Wonder where the #metoo crowd is ?

Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax's accuser Vanessa Tyson discloses graphic details of alleged sexual assault
  • The woman who has accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexually assaulting her in 2004 on Wednesday released a lengthy statement including details of that alleged attack at the Democratic National Convention.
  • Vanessa Tyson, a California university professor, said Fairfax forced her to engage in oral sex with him after they first engaged in "consensual kissing" in his hotel room.
  • Fairfax has adamantly denied Tyson's claims, which came to light after widespread calls for the resignation of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam on the heels of news that his 1984 medical school yearbook page featured a photo of a man in blackface and another man in Ku Klux Klan garb. Fairfax would become governor if Northam resigns.
the same place they went when keith ellison's ex-girlfriend said he beat her.

More evidence that the #metoo movement is anti republican movement instead.
Kasie Hunt (NBC) ^ | 2-7-19 | Kasie Hunt
NBC News has learned that Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax used profane language in a private meeting Monday night, while referring to his accuser, Dr. Vanessa Tyson. Two sources tells us Fairfax said of Tyson: “Fuck thiat bitch"
What I want to know is, (1) Who ratted him out and (2) Why on earth did NBC feel it was appropriate to make this a national news item?

NBC is feeding the frenzy in a most sleazy way, imo.
I dunno. Black face in 1980.... people should know better. Now dressing up like MJ at a party .... that is sort of funny. Inappropriate maybe, but it's not something done to insult an entire race. I mean people do still dress as leprechains, but the drunken Irish deadbeat stereotype is thankfully passé.

But yeah, somebody on the right is feeding this stuff. It's payback for kavenaugh. And I thought Kavenaugh should have just given the BushII generic apology of when I was young and irresponsible I was young and irresponsible. LOL
She was too embarrassed to report it then because she was in his hotel room, right? I woulda bit him.

THANK YOU!! That was exactly what I thought ---------- both parts. Didn't think I'd better say it, but since you've broken the ice ----

Gals: bite him hard, get out of danger, call the police from the hotel lobby. So much for that guy's political career.

And sex life.

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