

May none of your children, your children's children or your children's children's children ever be mentally disabled.

May anyone you ever love never get in a car accident or are hurt in some way where their mental abilities are damaged.

Grow up.

May none of your children, your children's children or your children's children's children ever be mentally disabled.

May anyone you ever love never get in a car accident or are hurt in some way where their mental abilities are damaged.

Grow up.

I have taught mentally disabled children and adults. They're among the best people we have on this planet. Regardless, I'm not so sensitive that I'm merely offended by the word retarded. Making fun of them directly; that's a bit of a different story. I will speak-up at that point. That said, this dude is acting like a 10-year-old child; and not a very fun one.
Personally, my opinion is that mentally disabled children and adults are in reality, God's Angels in Disguise.
With that said....I was enjoying this thread very much. Not so much any more. It gets old with pic after pic making fun of "retards".

May none of your children, your children's children or your children's children's children ever be mentally disabled.

May anyone you ever love never get in a car accident or are hurt in some way where their mental abilities are damaged.

Grow up.

None of my children, but one cousin suffered brain damage from a fall on a job we were doing about ten years ago.

My Grand father was left half the man he was from a stroke.

And another relative was borne with down syndrome.

All were and are Carlos Mencia fans. Check him out, and get over it. Lots worse has been posted even before the gasbag blew a self righteous gasket.
It's offensive to me. Sorry to hear about your loved ones.
But yes. I will try to ignore your additions from now on even though I don't consider myself self righteous nor a gasbag. The term and usage just bugs me. So I said so.

May none of your children, your children's children or your children's children's children ever be mentally disabled.

May anyone you ever love never get in a car accident or are hurt in some way where their mental abilities are damaged.

Grow up.

I have taught mentally disabled children and adults. They're among the best people we have on this planet. Regardless, I'm not so sensitive that I'm merely offended by the word retarded. Making fun of them directly; that's a bit of a different story. I will speak-up at that point. That said, this dude is acting like a 10-year-old child; and not a very fun one.

It's offensive to me. Sorry to hear about your loved ones.
But yes. I will try to ignore your additions from now on even though I don't consider myself self righteous nor a gasbag. The term and usage just bugs me. So I said so.

You would not say you were sorry for them in their presence. So you know, I spent a good deal of time gimped up on the couch after being hit by a car. I have complete and utter respect for the folks normal people call disabled. My jabs are a sign of respect. Weird respect, but respect nonetheless. Besides, its critters, I left out humans this time.
It's offensive to me. Sorry to hear about your loved ones.
But yes. I will try to ignore your additions from now on even though I don't consider myself self righteous nor a gasbag. The term and usage just bugs me. So I said so.

You would not say you were sorry for them in their presence. So you know, I spent a good deal of time gimped up on the couch after being hit by a car. I have complete and utter respect for the folks normal people call disabled. My jabs are a sign of respect. Weird respect, but respect nonetheless. Besides, its critters, I left out humans this time.

People know when they're being respected and disrespected and in your case when there is just a lack of self respect. Grow up. We can't do it for you.

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