LOLTeacher Who Sought to 'Demolish' Tea Party Placed Administrative Leave From School


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Now that's comedy!!!!!

An Oregon teacher who announced his intention to "dismantle and demolish the Tea Party" has been placed on administrative leave until his school district finishes its investigation into whether his political activity crossed the line.

The state's Teacher Standards & Practices Commission is also conducting an investigation into Jason Levin, a media teacher at Conestoga Middle School in Beaverton.

"Jason is on paid administrative leave," Maureen Wheeler, the school district's spokeswoman, told She described the suspension as "standard practice during an internal investigation."

Levin has come under fire for saying he'd do anything short of throwing rocks to bring down the Tea Party. In the last two days, the Beaverton School District has received thousands of e-mails and phone calls from people across the country who said they were outraged at his behavior.
The school district is defending Levin's right to free speech, but it's investigating whether he used district computers to spread his political message or worked on his "Crash the Tea Party" Web site during school hours. - Teacher Who Sought to 'Demolish' Tea Party Placed on Leave From School

Looks like HE's the one getting "brought down." :lol::lol::lol:

I know liberals will just go hysterical and say it's his "free speech" being restricted. Of course the tea partiers don't have free speech, right? They deserve anything they get, right liberals? :lol::lol::lol:

Liberals just can't handle that we no longer cowtow to them. There didn't used to be real conservatives. In the 60s it was just Rockefeller Republicans who anytime a liberal raised his voice the Republican would say "Oh I wasn't judging you!"

That all changed with Reagan and the rise of the conservative revolution. That's one of the reasons liberals HATE Reagan.

I can remember the first time (about 1989/90) when some liberal said to me, "don't you wave your flag in my face!"

And I replied, "Why not? You sure are waving yours in mine!"

He was just stunned. He expected me to immediately back down and say "Oh I wasn't waving my flag in your face."

But I didn't. Liberals still can't handle it. They aren't very intelligent. They have very fixed ways of thinking and they are incable of changing them. That's why I can run rings around them. It's not that I'm that "brilliant." It's just they aren't, and I know what they are going to say before they do. They haven't changed since they were apologists for Stalin in the 60s. :lol:

Thus, they never have been able to adapt to the fact those days of being cowtowed to are gone.

But it's still fun to watch them try.

Why don't you whiney bitches in the Tea Bag movement just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps like you have been advocating to others in distress for the last three decades?
He shouldn't have been doing/saying any of those things on school property, or with school equipment.
So he was fired for political reasons?

No put on administrative leave, because they suspect he was using schoool property for political reasons.

That is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. If he is found innocent, (and I supspect even if he's guilty as hell, they will find him innocent) he will be reinstated.

But I applaud the emails and the calls. People have a right to fight back against such a smear tactic.

It would be one thing if he said he was taking cameras to DOCUMENT examples of racism.

But to say he wants people to infiltrate with signs of racism to "prove" the tea party is racist, would be like me "infiltrating" an MLK rally with a swastika to prove some pernicious "crime" in the black community.

It's ludicrious. It doesn't prove anything but the intolerance of this teacher for anyone who thinks differently from him.
Why don't you whiney bitches in the Tea Bag movement just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps like you have been advocating to others in distress for the last three decades?

Yeah, fighting back against the left isn't pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps?

Keep spinning.

He shouldn't have been doing/saying any of those things on school property, or with school equipment.

Damn Skippy!!!! A school is no place for teaching freedom of speach!!!! :clap2::clap2:

Hon, it's speech, not speach. And no, he shouldn't have been allowed to make his political viewpoints on school property. If he was saying how much he loved Bush and Sarah Palin you'd be having a fit.

And this is one of those nasty "liberals" the OP hates so much saying this.
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He shouldn't have been doing/saying any of those things on school property, or with school equipment.

Damn Skippy!!!! A school is no place for teaching freedom of speach!!!! :clap2::clap2:

I love the left. They are such laughable hypocrites.

I mean the tea party wasn't practicing freedom of speech? Noooooooooooo.

Why it's perfectly acceptable for this guy to have people bring racists signs to the tea party to smear them as supposed racists.

Like I said. It woud be like me bringing a sign to a MLK rally that had a swastika on it, or read "kill all white people" to "prove" some pernicious thing about the black community.

If I did the the left would scream I was trying to stop free speech by undermining the rights of these black people at the right, AND THEY WOULD BE RIGHT.

But if the left does something like this to the tea party, it's the guy orchestrating the smear who's rights are being infringed???????

The left. They always were laughable hypocrites.

He shouldn't have been doing/saying any of those things on school property, or with school equipment.

Damn Skippy!!!! A school is no place for teaching freedom of speach!!!! :clap2::clap2:

A school is no place for political indoctrination.

The teacher was perfectly free to work on his project at home on his own computer. Using school resources for political advocacy is thoroughly inappropriate.
He shouldn't have been doing/saying any of those things on school property, or with school equipment.

Damn Skippy!!!! A school is no place for teaching freedom of speach!!!! :clap2::clap2:

Hon, it's speech, not speach. And no, he shouldn't have been allowed to make his political viewpoints on school property. If he was saying how much he loved Bush and Sarah Palin you'd be having a fit.

And this is one of those nasty "liberals" the OP hates so much saying this.

I hate to break it to you, but I don't hate liberals. I just don't agree with them, and I know what they are about. I'm married to a life long Democrat and he thinks Obama is pretty good. Or at least if he doesn't think Obama is good, he hasn't said so. :lol:

We don't agree on politics. Just on love.

But as for what you are saying, you are absolutely right. If he was using school property, for his politics, regardless of what those politics are, then he was in the wrong, and should be fired.
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He shouldn't have been doing/saying any of those things on school property, or with school equipment.

Damn Skippy!!!! A school is no place for teaching freedom of speach!!!! :clap2::clap2:

A school is no place for political indoctrination.

The teacher was perfectly free to work on his project at home on his own computer. Using school resources for political advocacy is thoroughly inappropriate.


He shouldn't have been doing/saying any of those things on school property, or with school equipment.

Damn Skippy!!!! A school is no place for teaching freedom of speach!!!! :clap2::clap2:

Hon, it's speech, not speach. And no, he shouldn't have been allowed to make his political viewpoints on school property. If he was saying how much he loved Bush and Sarah Palin you'd be having a fit.

And this is one of those nasty "liberals" the OP hates so much saying this.

[ame=]YouTube - THE BEATLES - WILD HONEY PIE[/ame]

I don't consider using a computer in any location abuse. The internet is free therefore not a reasonable complaint as to misusing school funds. Was he trying to indoctrinate his students in an environment outside a political science class where it would be approriate to cover such material?
Damn Skippy!!!! A school is no place for teaching freedom of speach!!!! :clap2::clap2:

Hon, it's speech, not speach. And no, he shouldn't have been allowed to make his political viewpoints on school property. If he was saying how much he loved Bush and Sarah Palin you'd be having a fit.

And this is one of those nasty "liberals" the OP hates so much saying this.

[ame=]YouTube - THE BEATLES - WILD HONEY PIE[/ame]

I don't consider using a computer in any location abuse. The internet is free therefore not a reasonable complaint as to misusing school funds. Was he trying to indoctrinate his students in an environment outside a political science class where it would be approriate to cover such material?

Shockingly schools expect teachers to teach, not create their own sites, unrelated to school classes.

He was not teaching political science, in fact he is a media teacher. If he's using those classes to be indoctrinating students in the guise of creating websites, that would be wrong.
I don't consider using a computer in any location abuse. The internet is free therefore not a reasonable complaint as to misusing school funds. Was he trying to indoctrinate his students in an environment outside a political science class where it would be approriate to cover such material?

The internet is not free. Schools purchase computer equipment and pay for online access.

It's not surprising that you do not GROK that resources and services cost money.
If you nit pickers want perfect spelling then provide a spell check that one doesn't have to sign up for. Till then...

I doubt you held that point of view regarding Dan Quayle.
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