London mayor is a Muslim Supremacist!

Ah, the Phrase Police are on the case before the bandages come off.

"Waaah! He won't read my script!!" :crybaby:
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Yep.....its too late for those stoopid people of England. They're fucked............some know it, but the rest will soon enough. You knew it 5 years ago when they spent millions on British jails to re-install the toilets so that the toilets faced Mecca when Muslim prisoners were taking a dump. Its gonna be a hoot to watch this culture go down in flames over the next 20 years.
be patient mates-------so little information is either known or RELEASED-----maybe it was
"something else"-------like St Elmo's fire
Now Londoners have to pay the bloody price for electing a Muslim mayor: a terror attack basically every month.

Life in EU may be pretty but only until some refugee/ terrorist decides to blow you up, to run you over in a stolen truck, to stab you with a knife or just to sexually harass you. Wherever he wants and as many as you as he can get.

I feel very sorry for old good Europe.
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Now Londoners have to pay the bloody price for electing a Muslim mayor: a terror attack basically every month.

Dafuck does he have to do with it? Explain.

Poor sadiq----KNEW what he was getting into. ---------he is a brave man-----he is trying to handle
it as well as he can------it is silly to BLAME him for it--------I do agree that his statement which was
something like-----"well ----get used to it folks-----that's life in the big city" -----was STUPID
Now Londoners have to pay the bloody price for electing a Muslim mayor: a terror attack basically every month.

Life in EU may be pretty but only until some refugee/ terrorist decides to blow you up, to run you over in a stolen truck, to stab you with a knife or just to sexually harass you. Wherever he wants and as many as you as he can.

I feel very sorry for old good Europe.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- probably long time muslims in 'londonistan' along with pacifist english lefties that elected the mayor . They don't call it 'londonistan' for no reason Stratford .
But terrorism is such a small price to pay for the wonderful diversity that is happening. According to Mayor Khan (rhymes with Con) Londoners just have to get used to terrorist attacks and accept them.
But terrorism is such a small price to pay for the wonderful diversity that is happening. According to Mayor Khan (rhymes with Con) Londoners just have to get used to terrorist attacks and accept them.
Freedom comes at a price...for instance, here in America, we put up with ridiculous amounts of gun violence to preserve a freedom.
Now Londoners have to pay the bloody price for electing a Muslim mayor: a terror attack basically every month.

Dafuck does he have to do with it? Explain.

Poor sadiq----KNEW what he was getting into. ---------he is a brave man-----he is trying to handle
it as well as he can------it is silly to BLAME him for it--------I do agree that his statement which was
something like-----"well ----get used to it folks-----that's life in the big city" -----was STUPID

Actually Londoners are already used to it. First time I was in London almost 40 years ago everybody was used to the IRA running the same thing. Security checking backpacks in the train station, that sort of thing.

Weird that nobody stopped to ask what the religion of the mayor was then, innit?
big deal , bomber was a muslim and thats good enough if he was a muslim Tommy .

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