London mayor is a Muslim Supremacist!

Now Londoners have to pay the bloody price for electing a Muslim mayor: a terror attack basically every month.

Dafuck does he have to do with it? Explain.

It's the muslims, of course. Wherever they go, same story. Even ultra liberal George Clooney saw the light. And if he can't afford to hire enough security to keep himself and his family safe, then I guess it's pretty bad for the average Brit. Main reason I voted for Trump. The demorats want to bring vast numbers of muslims here for diversity and all that other insanity.

Pro-refugee George Clooney moving family back to U.S. over fears England has become too unsafe with too many terrorists
big deal , bomber was a muslim and thats good enough if he was a muslim Tommy .


Leftist Hypocrisy:

The Pro-Islamist Leftist Talking Point Memo, remember EVERY TIME a Kebab mows multitudes of people down, Nice, the London Bridge....Barcelona, the Pro-Islamist Leftist Propagandists have the apologies and deflection at the ready. Where was the SAME standard AFTER Charlottesville? Oh yes that's right, it was the hypocritical double standard that was employed.


Now Londoners have to pay the bloody price for electing a Muslim mayor: a terror attack basically every month.

Dafuck does he have to do with it? Explain.

It's the muslims, of course. Wherever they go, same story. Even ultra liberal George Clooney saw the light. And if he can't afford to hire enough security to keep himself and his family safe, then I guess it's pretty bad for the average Brit. Main reason I voted for Trump. The demorats want to bring vast numbers of muslims here for diversity and all that other insanity.

Pro-refugee George Clooney moving family back to U.S. over fears England has become too unsafe with too many terrorists

I'm not aware of any source that tells us the religious practices of political terrorist, nor one that tells us that of whatever "vast numbers" the "demorats want to bring".


Btw "Muslim" is a proper adjective -- gets a capital letter. You know, like "George Clooney".
big deal , bomber was a muslim and thats good enough if he was a muslim Tommy .

View attachment 149357

Leftist Hypocrisy:

The Pro-Islamist Leftist Talking Point Memo, remember EVERY TIME a Kebab mows multitudes of people down, Nice, the London Bridge....Barcelona, the Pro-Islamist Leftist Propagandists have the apologies and deflection at the ready. Where was the SAME standard AFTER Charlottesville? Oh yes that's right, it was the hypocritical double standard that was employed.

I've had many kebabs. None have mowed anybody down. Theoretically you could stab yourself in the mouth but you gotta watch where you're going. I know a good Turkish restaurant in Georgia for kebabs.

What's this got to do with Charlottesville? They had kebabs?
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted? "Never be defeated" isn't enough?
I was there during the IRA bombings.
Hey the Brits have balls 1000 x times our pantywaists here
Yep.....its too late for those stoopid people of England. They're fucked............some know it, but the rest will soon enough. You knew it 5 years ago when they spent millions on British jails to re-install the toilets so that the toilets faced Mecca when Muslim prisoners were taking a dump. Its gonna be a hoot to watch this culture go down in flames over the next 20 years.

Keep waiting foul mouth
They own 1/2 of Manhattan.
At least they can spell.
College again?
and yeah , english , brits or whatever are pretty stupid , they were disarmed in 1996 , think it was and after that they allow tiny little 'blighty' to be overrun by muslim refugee and regular imported muslim invaders . Anyway , Manhattan will continue to be a place in the USA . 'muslims' might own some of Manhattan but that is simply a money thing . Same concern was being voiced back in the 80s with the Japanese buying up a lots of real estate all over big city USA . Only thing that matters is that muslims are only 1 to 2 percent of the USA population and the goal is to keep it low or get it even lower for MY lifetime '3Iron' .
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All these experts never lived in the uk for any length of time.
Prefer Mississippi , lots of white supremists there.
Don't know a Muslim invented their iPhone!
and yeah , english , brits or whatever are pretty stupid , they were disarmed in 1996 , think it was and after that they allow tiny little 'blighty' to be overrun by muslim refugee and regular imported imported muslim invaders . Anyway , Manhattan will continue to be a place in the USA . 'muslims' might own some of Manhattan but that is simply a money thing . Same concern was being voiced back in the 80s with the Japanese buying up a lots of real estate all over big city USA . Only thing that matters is that muslims are only 1 to 2 percent of the USA population and the goal is to keep it low or get it even lower for MY lifetime '3Iron' .
So how many years have you lived in the UK?
Prefer a white supremist, slave based country?
Know the Muslim content of the U.K.? Look it up
Know Muslims here have better education, earn more, pay more taxes than our white boys?
and yeah , english , brits or whatever are pretty stupid , they were disarmed in 1996 , think it was and after that they allow tiny little 'blighty' to be overrun by muslim refugee and regular imported muslim invaders . Anyway , Manhattan will continue to be a place in the USA . 'muslims' might own some of Manhattan but that is simply a money thing . Same concern was being voiced back in the 80s with the Japanese buying up a lots of real estate all over big city USA . Only thing that matters is that muslims are only 1 to 2 percent of the USA population and the goal is to keep it low or get it even lower for MY lifetime '3Iron' .
No, the royals etc own a bunch of Manhattan
Know the old joke?
American "Brits say we don't get irony"
Brit "evidentially "
At least the Muslims increase the IQ of our white high school boy population
Now Londoners have to pay the bloody price for electing a Muslim mayor: a terror attack basically every month.

Life in EU may be pretty but only until some refugee/ terrorist decides to blow you up, to run you over in a stolen truck, to stab you with a knife or just to sexually harass you. Wherever he wants and as many as you as he can.

I feel very sorry for old good Europe.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- probably long time muslims in 'londonistan' along with pacifist english lefties that elected the mayor . They don't call it 'londonistan' for no reason Stratford .
Pathetic, 2 nd grade insults, dead giveaway for zero education
All these experts never lived in the uk for any length of time.
Prefer Mississippi , lots of white supremists there.
Don't know a Muslim invented their iPhone!
---------------------------------------------------------------- all i said was that muslims are a small part of USA population so we 'yanks' can thank Christian God for that . Don't have to live in the 'uk' to know that the 'uk'ers' are stupid as they allow pedophile muslim girl grooming gangs into 'blighty' . Also , as i said , YOU 'uk'ers' allowed yourselves to be disarmed and now your muslim imports are arming up and killing you wankers with guns , knives , bombs , cars . Heard on the news today that your muslims have killed 36 of you 'brits' in 5 attacks just this year '3iron' .
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let your 'royals' own anything they like , its just a money thing in a free country of the USA and its called buying and selling ' 3Iron' . We'll just kick you ' brit subjects ' and 'royals' back to 'blighty' AGAIN if the need for us YANKS to kick your azzes back across the pond ever arises again '3Iron' !!
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No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted? "Never be defeated" isn't enough?
I was there during the IRA bombings.
Hey the Brits have balls 1000 x times our pantywaists here
Ph3 gets six Katyushas...clueless fag.
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted? "Never be defeated" isn't enough?
I was there during the IRA bombings.
Hey the Brits have balls 1000 x times our pantywaists here
Ph3 gets six Katyushas...clueless fag.

Fag Black and Tans learned quickly don't piss with the Irish

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