London mayor is a Muslim Supremacist!

Not only did Isis claim responsibility - the threat level is now raised to critical.

Four Islamic terrorist attacks in England in just six months and something like 20 others foiled in the last couple of years.

Does this constitute 'worrying times', Tammy, or does that still only apply to little known flag waving white supremacist groups with a membership of 40 nationwide - in your opinion???
Not only did Isis claim responsibility - the threat level is now raised to critical.

Four Islamic terrorist attacks in England in just six months and something like 20 others foiled in the last couple of years.

Does this constitute 'worrying times', Tammy, or does that still only apply to little known flag waving white supremacist groups with a membership of 40 nationwide - in your opinion???
We live in worrying times Tilly. It has been so for most of my lifetime. I suspect it will get worse as the brexit fiasco plays out.
Not only did Isis claim responsibility - the threat level is now raised to critical.

Four Islamic terrorist attacks in England in just six months and something like 20 others foiled in the last couple of years.

Does this constitute 'worrying times', Tammy, or does that still only apply to little known flag waving white supremacist groups with a membership of 40 nationwide - in your opinion???
We live in worrying times Tilly. It has been so for most of my lifetime. I suspect it will get worse as the brexit fiasco plays out.
------------------------------------------------------------------ its good times , very interesting to see whats doing on . We have muslim jihadis and the norks to watch plus a rising 'iran' . We see 'europe' and 'england' falling down and being invaded and its all very interesting as i watch from a very nice area in the USA . Course there are problems in the USA but those problems are still mostly confined to the big USA cities Tommy .
Not only did Isis claim responsibility - the threat level is now raised to critical.

Four Islamic terrorist attacks in England in just six months and something like 20 others foiled in the last couple of years.

Does this constitute 'worrying times', Tammy, or does that still only apply to little known flag waving white supremacist groups with a membership of 40 nationwide - in your opinion???
We live in worrying times Tilly. It has been so for most of my lifetime. I suspect it will get worse as the brexit fiasco plays out.
------------------------------------------------------------------ its good times , very interesting to see whats doing on . We have muslim jihadis and the norks to watch plus a rising 'iran' . We see 'europe' and 'england' falling down and being invaded and its all very interesting as i watch from a very nice area in the USA . Course there are problems in the USA but those problems are still mostly confined to the big USA cities Tommy .
And we are still a lot safer over here. The stats prove it.
Not only did Isis claim responsibility - the threat level is now raised to critical.

Four Islamic terrorist attacks in England in just six months and something like 20 others foiled in the last couple of years.

Does this constitute 'worrying times', Tammy, or does that still only apply to little known flag waving white supremacist groups with a membership of 40 nationwide - in your opinion???
We live in worrying times Tilly. It has been so for most of my lifetime. I suspect it will get worse as the brexit fiasco plays out.
------------------------------------------------------------------ its good times , very interesting to see whats doing on . We have muslim jihadis and the norks to watch plus a rising 'iran' . We see 'europe' and 'england' falling down and being invaded and its all very interesting as i watch from a very nice area in the USA . Course there are problems in the USA but those problems are still mostly confined to the big USA cities Tommy .
And we are still a lot safer over here. The stats prove it.

Not only did Isis claim responsibility - the threat level is now raised to critical.

Four Islamic terrorist attacks in England in just six months and something like 20 others foiled in the last couple of years.

Does this constitute 'worrying times', Tammy, or does that still only apply to little known flag waving white supremacist groups with a membership of 40 nationwide - in your opinion???
We live in worrying times Tilly. It has been so for most of my lifetime. I suspect it will get worse as the brexit fiasco plays out.
So, still deflecting. Why am I not surprised?
And Brexit is happening. Get over it :)
Not only did Isis claim responsibility - the threat level is now raised to critical.

Four Islamic terrorist attacks in England in just six months and something like 20 others foiled in the last couple of years.

Does this constitute 'worrying times', Tammy, or does that still only apply to little known flag waving white supremacist groups with a membership of 40 nationwide - in your opinion???
We live in worrying times Tilly. It has been so for most of my lifetime. I suspect it will get worse as the brexit fiasco plays out.
------------------------------------------------------------------ its good times , very interesting to see whats doing on . We have muslim jihadis and the norks to watch plus a rising 'iran' . We see 'europe' and 'england' falling down and being invaded and its all very interesting as i watch from a very nice area in the USA . Course there are problems in the USA but those problems are still mostly confined to the big USA cities Tommy .
And we are still a lot safer over here. The stats prove it.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- safer , SAFER , safer Subjects , safer to live as 'subjects' being interested only in 'face sitting' protests eh Tommy .
All these experts never lived in the uk for any length of time.
Prefer Mississippi , lots of white supremists there.
Don't know a Muslim invented their iPhone!
---------------------------------------------------------------- all i said was that muslims are a small part of USA population so we 'yanks' can thank Christian God for that . Don't have to live in the 'uk' to know that the 'uk'ers' are stupid as they allow pedophile muslim girl grooming gangs into 'blighty' . Also , as i said , YOU 'uk'ers' allowed yourselves to be disarmed and now your muslim imports are arming up and killing you wankers with guns , knives , bombs , cars . Heard on the news today that your muslims have killed 36 of you 'brits' in 5 attacks just this year '3iron' .
36 mr pantywaist?!!!
No problem with our 30000 gun deaths a year?
The other joke is that July 4 is celebrated as thanksgiving day there
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted? "Never be defeated" isn't enough?
I was there during the IRA bombings.
Hey the Brits have balls 1000 x times our pantywaists here
Ph3 gets six Katyushas...clueless fag.

Fag Black and Tans learned quickly don't piss with the Irish
Well, most of the IRA funds came from the USA
Brave bunch from 3000 miles away.
Yup, as they say, a great country, ruined by booze
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted? "Never be defeated" isn't enough?
I was there during the IRA bombings.
Hey the Brits have balls 1000 x times our pantywaists here
Ph3 gets six Katyushas...clueless fag.

Fag Black and Tans learned quickly don't piss with the Irish
Well, most of the IRA funds came from the USA
Brave bunch from 3000 miles away.
Yup, as they say, a great country, ruined by booze

You're shut up
Yep.....its too late for those stoopid people of England. They're fucked............some know it, but the rest will soon enough. You knew it 5 years ago when they spent millions on British jails to re-install the toilets so that the toilets faced Mecca when Muslim prisoners were taking a dump. Its gonna be a hoot to watch this culture go down in flames over the next 20 years.

It was a couple mr foul mouth.
Didn't tell you context in high school?
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted
No doubt. He failed to specifically condemn radical Islamic terrorists for the London train attack. Words matter....don't they....

Sadiq Khan slams 'hideous' Parsons Green terror saying 'we'll never be defeated'
He personally called you and admitted? "Never be defeated" isn't enough?
I was there during the IRA bombings.
Hey the Brits have balls 1000 x times our pantywaists here
Ph3 gets six Katyushas...clueless fag.

Fag Black and Tans learned quickly don't piss with the Irish
Well, most of the IRA funds came from the USA
Brave bunch from 3000 miles away.
Yup, as they say, a great country, ruined by booze

You're shut up
Very instructive as usual.
Thanks I learned a lot again.
PSA --- plus i will simply remember that this 'ph3iron' is a youngster at 28 years of age and he shouldn't be taken seriously . I'll just remember because he / she removed that info from his profile page [chuckle] , its just funny 'ph3iron' !!
I'm not aware of any source that tells us the religious practices of political terrorist, nor one that tells us that of whatever "vast numbers" the "demorats want to bring".


Btw "Muslim" is a proper adjective -- gets a capital letter. You know, like "George Clooney".

Leave it to a Lazy Liberal to demand others do their work (find a link) for them. Does work really hurt all that much.

but, in any case, Muslim or muslim takes back seat to the good old-fashioned "mohammeden".

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