London Muslim Terrorist binged on hookers and crack...I can't believe these guys are hypocrites!

He had an extensive criminal record including several knife attacks before he converted. Guy was a common thug.
They actually let them do whatever they want to do prior to their committing suicide.

They are magically absolved of their sins past present and future before they set out on their suicide pact.

The 911 Hijackers did the same.
All is permissible in the name of Islam. The Koran sanctions Murder, Rape, Pedophilia, Torture, Slavery and even Homosexual Acts with Young Boys so long as it is to advance the cause of Islam.

It's a strange and weird religion that mixes Theology And Governance of a People. Islam is not necessarily a religion in my opinion though.

It is an Ideology for Social & Political Domination to advance the spread of the Ultimate Theocratic State!

Which Brings me to a question:

Why do Liberals defend a dogma that is Tyrannical and Oppressive, Intolerant, and Oppresses Women, Minorities, Children and anyone different than it's adherents, but more importantly does not recognize a Separation of Church and State which Liberals declare as a Pillar of Their Foundational Platform?

Knowing this, why do they advocate importation of such a Foreign Ideology that refuses to assimilate in to any culture and stands in Opposition to All Liberal Values?
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This is very common.

Even in the actual IS, they take speed so they don't sleep, they make their wives take birth control so they don't have children, which would make the husbands less prone to commit suicide attacks, and also make the widowed women marry again soon without being allowed the traditional mourning period according to Islam.

I read an article about it.
This is very common. Even in the actual IS, they take speed so they don't sleep, they make their wives take birth control so they don't have children, which would make the husbands less prone to commit suicide attacks, and also make the widowed women marry again soon without being allowed the traditional mourning period according to Islam.
Typical of religious kooks. The more religious the person , the worse the human.
He had an extensive criminal record including several knife attacks before he converted. Guy was a common thug.
A common thug inspired by Islam to kill. Something that is way to common.

Looking at his record he didn't need much inspiration.

No excuse for the motive behind the killings. And until you take Islam seriously and their message of hate nothing will be accomplished.
He had an extensive criminal record including several knife attacks before he converted. Guy was a common thug.

When he was just a common thug, he didn't commit suicide by cop in exchange for the chance to mow down innocent people with a car...people he never met...Islam did that.

Jackboot, your Excuse for Muslim Lunatics #549 is your probably your weakest yet.
Be very skeptical of these kinds of reports. The CIA and other Intelligence Agencies often plant this type of propaganda in the MSM. It's a form of psychological operations. This story could be absolute Bullshite. It's a propaganda war going on. Both sides use it as much as possible.
He had an extensive criminal record including several knife attacks before he converted. Guy was a common thug.

"Common" murderer of 4 and injured of 40...yea, he's pretty much like a guy who steal cigarettes from a convenienc store.

He is you're run of the mill common murderer of 4 innocent people walking along a bridge. It happens....whoops.

Thank GOD England has those tough gun laws.

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