London Muslim Terrorist binged on hookers and crack...I can't believe these guys are hypocrites!

He had an extensive criminal record including several knife attacks before he converted. Guy was a common thug.
He's always been an extremist according to what I've seen....from his school days parents and fellow students complained about him
The "MUSLIMS" who flew the planes on 9-11 were going to strip clubs in South Florida while they were in flight school....making it clear to the instructors they only wanted to learn how to navigate in the air...they did not need to learn how to take off or land...and the fucking instructors didn;'t think that was fucking weird and alert authorities.

It's OK to abandon all that Islam strands long as you are going to murder others in the name of Islam.

Why aren't more Muslims mad at these sick assholes "HIJACKING" (pun intended) their religion.

They may be smarter than you think. They're trained to blend in with decadent 'Kafirs.' Their goal is to go unnoticed till they carry out their attacks. It's something often overlooked by most folks. Most assume these Terrorists are all dumb. But actually, many of them are very well-educated.

I'd argue it's dumb to blow yourself up for Allah, but I do understand your point.

I'm not sure one NEEDS to frequent strip clubs and smoke crack to "BLEND IN", though.

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