Londonistan: White women are leading the wave of Britons embracing Islam


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

Progressive white women are into pain and self-loathing

Women lead increase in UK converts to Islam


LONDON - The number of Muslim converts in Britain has almost doubled in ten years with an estimated 5,200 men and women adopting Islam last year alone, according to a study by the think tank Faith Matters.

The study found that nearly two-thirds of the converts were women and over 70 per cent were white. The average age at conversion was 27.

The report has been the culmination of 7 months of work.

The key findings of this report are:

- The current figure for converts to Islam in England and Wales could be anything between 90,000 to 100,000 people, (based on a survey of mosques and the 2001 census figures for England and Wales and Scotland),

- That media representations of converts to Islam are negative and a survey undertaken for this report into media representation of converts found that 60.9% of stories linked the convert to terrorism and 15% linked the convert to fundamentalism. These negative portrayals are deeply problematic and further paint a negative picture of a vibrant community driven by social justice,


IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - Women lead increase in UK converts to Islam
Women making the change for the love of their men, I suspect.
I know many white women converts.

Some fall in love with muslim man and convert when married.

Others convert after reading the Quran or coming into contact with muslim people.

Every conversion story is different......... :cool:
I know many white women converts. They have all converted after falling in love with a muslim man, whether or not they marry them.

In my younger days, I dated many muslim men myself. But being a very strong minded woman, they creeped me out before the relationship could develop. However, it didn't stop me from observing the number of women who did become involved with muslim men and the reasons why.

A western woman raised among western men has no defenses against men raised in the islamic traditions. They are bemused, fogged, it is outside their experience. They don't merely fall in love. They develop a slavish devotion. They are suddenly not treated as equals, but as something special. A marvel. Someone to be respected. This isn't found in western men. Equality means they get treated like the drinking buddy. It's like a drug genetically modified to only apply to women. By the time the love and respect starts turning to cruelty, these women can't let go. They are fully emotionally invested.
Good post Katz .
And the same could be written with the gender religions reversed --- albeit for different reasons .
That is one key aspect of successful multiculturism .
The OPs reading sources are unfortunate , extreme and mainly drivel .
The truth is many times more balanced and middle ground .
Multiculturalism is a failure. It's always been a failure and will always be a failure. Muslim women who reject the veil are killed. That's one reason. But there is another reason too. Women who become westernized act very much like the men who become westernized and drink and go to strip clubs. They revert back as soon as they receive community pressure to do so.

Mememe is right, those who support traditional values have nowhere else to go. Those who opposed traditional values, but now recognize that the new values are destructive have nowhere else to go. The path to islam, fundamentalist islam goes right through secularism.
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Multiculturalism is a failure. It's always been a failure and will always be a failure. Muslim women who reject the veil are killed. That's one reason. But there is another reason too. Women who become westernized act very much like the men who become westernized and drink and go to strip clubs. They revert back as soon as they receive community pressure to do so.

Mememe is right, those who support traditional values have nowhere else to go. Those who opposed traditional values, but now recognize that the new values are destructive have nowhere else to go. The path to islam, fundamentalist islam goes right through secularism.

"Muslim women who reject the veil are killed." This is absolutely, categorically NOT TRUE. I know now and have known countless Muslim women; I've lived and worked in Muslim countries. Wearing the abaya or covering is cultural. Most Muslim women around the world do not wear the abaya. Some cover their heads, others don't cover at all and dress the same as modern Western women.

I don't know what your specific experience with Muslim men was, but it was very limited to the whole world of Islam, which is varied as is the Christian world.

I know and have known countless Western women who are married to Muslim men. They are all educated, career women, strong women who are not oppressed. It is no different than any 'mixed' marriage between two people of different faiths. Every Muslim culture is different. I also know and have known countless Muslim women married to Muslim men. They are not oppressed, they are not treated with cruelty. You just do not know what you are talking about. You've had a very limited, apparently bad experience, and you think that is the whole story. It isn't.
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I work for a muslim company that is based in London. All of my associates are muslim, very progressive muslims as a point to make. The women are not treated with cruelty, nor are they oppressed. They are very european as you would expect from someone raised in London. The more fundamentalist the muslim is, the more the women will be treated with cruelty and oppression. The trend is toward muslim fundamentalism. In Paris there are areas that are as fully oppressive as anything found in Afghanistan. Same thing for London and Malmo. These aren't recently arrived immigrants just getting used to multiculturalism. The most fundamental were born in these countries. Raised in these countries. In the United States the effect is felt in Lewiston Maine and Dearborn Michigan.

You can deny it all you want, but the facts are what they are.
Sounds like more and more shawarma and kabab stands will be opening in Londonistan.
I work for a muslim company that is based in London. All of my associates are muslim, very progressive muslims as a point to make. The women are not treated with cruelty, nor are they oppressed. They are very european as you would expect from someone raised in London. The more fundamentalist the muslim is, the more the women will be treated with cruelty and oppression. The trend is toward muslim fundamentalism. In Paris there are areas that are as fully oppressive as anything found in Afghanistan. Same thing for London and Malmo. These aren't recently arrived immigrants just getting used to multiculturalism. The most fundamental were born in these countries. Raised in these countries. In the United States the effect is felt in Lewiston Maine and Dearborn Michigan.

You can deny it all you want, but the facts are what they are.

You can deny it all you want, but I have lived and worked for years in Muslim countries along side Muslim woman and have been very close friends with Muslim women. It is not just those who were raised in the West who are modern, free, strong and free from oppression. None of the women I referred to were raised in the West. Multitudes of woman raised in Muslim countries are free, educated, and strong women who are not oppressed. What you are talking about is poor people, uneducated poor people,who are most often those who immigrate, no matter what country or culture it is. In America we have inner city Asian gangs. Kids whose families came from poor Asian countries, such as Vietnam and Thailand, uneducated, poor people. It isn't just Muslim immigrants who cause problems. Your experience is very, very limited. You just don't want to admit it.
I work for a muslim company that is based in London. All of my associates are muslim, very progressive muslims as a point to make. The women are not treated with cruelty, nor are they oppressed. They are very european as you would expect from someone raised in London. The more fundamentalist the muslim is, the more the women will be treated with cruelty and oppression. The trend is toward muslim fundamentalism. In Paris there are areas that are as fully oppressive as anything found in Afghanistan. Same thing for London and Malmo. These aren't recently arrived immigrants just getting used to multiculturalism. The most fundamental were born in these countries. Raised in these countries. In the United States the effect is felt in Lewiston, Maine and Dearborn Michigan.
I seriously doubt that you have ever ben to Lewiston, Maine......I have.

It's just a small town that was dying a slow death due to unemployment and closing businesses.

After a large amount of Somali refugees were relocated there. The town has been reinvigorated and many businesses have opened.

The somali people have actively participated in the local government and the town's tax base has dramatically increased.

Also, a state junior college as open an auxiliary campus for the community; for both muslims and non muslims.

Isn't Lewiston, Maine an example of what America's supposed to be about??........... :cool:
I work for a muslim company that is based in London. All of my associates are muslim, very progressive muslims as a point to make. The women are not treated with cruelty, nor are they oppressed. They are very european as you would expect from someone raised in London. The more fundamentalist the muslim is, the more the women will be treated with cruelty and oppression. The trend is toward muslim fundamentalism. In Paris there are areas that are as fully oppressive as anything found in Afghanistan. Same thing for London and Malmo. These aren't recently arrived immigrants just getting used to multiculturalism. The most fundamental were born in these countries. Raised in these countries. In the United States the effect is felt in Lewiston, Maine and Dearborn Michigan.
I seriously doubt that you have ever ben to Lewiston, Maine......I have.

It's just a small town that was dying a slow death due to unemployment and closing businesses.

After a large amount of Somali refugees were relocated there. The town has been reinvigorated and many businesses have opened.

The somali people have actively participated in the local government and the town's tax base has dramatically increased.

Also, a state junior college as open an auxiliary campus for the community; for both muslims and non muslims.

Isn't Lewiston, Maine an example of what America's supposed to be about??........... :cool:

Absolutely. Very good example.
I work for a muslim company that is based in London. All of my associates are muslim, very progressive muslims as a point to make. The women are not treated with cruelty, nor are they oppressed. They are very european as you would expect from someone raised in London. The more fundamentalist the muslim is, the more the women will be treated with cruelty and oppression. The trend is toward muslim fundamentalism. In Paris there are areas that are as fully oppressive as anything found in Afghanistan. Same thing for London and Malmo. These aren't recently arrived immigrants just getting used to multiculturalism. The most fundamental were born in these countries. Raised in these countries. In the United States the effect is felt in Lewiston, Maine and Dearborn Michigan.
I seriously doubt that you have ever ben to Lewiston, Maine......I have.

It's just a small town that was dying a slow death due to unemployment and closing businesses.

After a large amount of Somali refugees were relocated there. The town has been reinvigorated and many businesses have opened.

The somali people have actively participated in the local government and the town's tax base has dramatically increased.

Also, a state junior college as open an auxiliary campus for the community; for both muslims and non muslims.

Isn't Lewiston, Maine an example of what America's supposed to be about??........... :cool:

I've been to Dearborn too, excellent kababs and rice there.:eusa_drool:
I work for a muslim company that is based in London. All of my associates are muslim, very progressive muslims as a point to make. The women are not treated with cruelty, nor are they oppressed. They are very european as you would expect from someone raised in London. The more fundamentalist the muslim is, the more the women will be treated with cruelty and oppression. The trend is toward muslim fundamentalism. In Paris there are areas that are as fully oppressive as anything found in Afghanistan. Same thing for London and Malmo. These aren't recently arrived immigrants just getting used to multiculturalism. The most fundamental were born in these countries. Raised in these countries. In the United States the effect is felt in Lewiston, Maine and Dearborn Michigan.
I seriously doubt that you have ever ben to Lewiston, Maine......I have.

It's just a small town that was dying a slow death due to unemployment and closing businesses.

After a large amount of Somali refugees were relocated there. The town has been reinvigorated and many businesses have opened.

The somali people have actively participated in the local government and the town's tax base has dramatically increased.

Also, a state junior college as open an auxiliary campus for the community; for both muslims and non muslims.

Isn't Lewiston, Maine an example of what America's supposed to be about??........... :cool:

I never heard of Lewiston Maine until I was in an airport waiting for my plane and struck up a conversation with a man from Lewiston, who started talking about the absolute misery the somalie immigrants brought to the residents. Now I expect you, as a muslim, would support the islamification of this small American town. However, you should be aware that the Americans who live there don't.
I work for a muslim company that is based in London. All of my associates are muslim, very progressive muslims as a point to make. The women are not treated with cruelty, nor are they oppressed. They are very european as you would expect from someone raised in London. The more fundamentalist the muslim is, the more the women will be treated with cruelty and oppression. The trend is toward muslim fundamentalism. In Paris there are areas that are as fully oppressive as anything found in Afghanistan. Same thing for London and Malmo. These aren't recently arrived immigrants just getting used to multiculturalism. The most fundamental were born in these countries. Raised in these countries. In the United States the effect is felt in Lewiston, Maine and Dearborn Michigan.
I seriously doubt that you have ever ben to Lewiston, Maine......I have.

It's just a small town that was dying a slow death due to unemployment and closing businesses.

After a large amount of Somali refugees were relocated there. The town has been reinvigorated and many businesses have opened.

The somali people have actively participated in the local government and the town's tax base has dramatically increased.

Also, a state junior college as open an auxiliary campus for the community; for both muslims and non muslims.

Isn't Lewiston, Maine an example of what America's supposed to be about??........... :cool:

I've been to Dearborn too, excellent kababs and rice there.:eusa_drool:

As I found out when I moved to rural Nevada, I can't be happy someplace where there isn't kebabs and basmati rice. My son told me that before I left. He said "You won't stay anyplace where the nearest middle eastern and Indian restaurant it two hundred miles away. 6 months later, I was back.
I seriously doubt that you have ever ben to Lewiston, Maine......I have.

It's just a small town that was dying a slow death due to unemployment and closing businesses.

After a large amount of Somali refugees were relocated there. The town has been reinvigorated and many businesses have opened.

The somali people have actively participated in the local government and the town's tax base has dramatically increased.

Also, a state junior college as open an auxiliary campus for the community; for both muslims and non muslims.

Isn't Lewiston, Maine an example of what America's supposed to be about??........... :cool:

I've been to Dearborn too, excellent kababs and rice there.:eusa_drool:

As I found out when I moved to rural Nevada, I can't be happy someplace where there isn't kebabs and basmati rice. My son told me that before I left. He said "You won't stay anyplace where the nearest middle eastern and Indian restaurant it two hundred miles away. 6 months later, I was back.

I am the same way, Persian food is my favorite cuisine. Also, basmati rice is the best rice hands down.
There have been so many Iranians moving to Los Angeles that the map designation for West LA is now Tehrangeles! My Iranian friends tell me it looks just like parts of Tehran. Everything is in Farsi. It used to be that a woman in abeya was an occasional sight. Now it's quite common. If these women are poor and uneducated where do they have the money to shop on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills?

The Iranians were all Iranian Christians, Iranian Jews and some reformist muslims. Now there is a distinct fundamentalist element moving in with sporadic random attacks on businesses.

If you are ever in the area, Sherazade is the very best Iranian restaurant in the City.
I've been to Dearborn too, excellent kababs and rice there.:eusa_drool:

As I found out when I moved to rural Nevada, I can't be happy someplace where there isn't kebabs and basmati rice. My son told me that before I left. He said "You won't stay anyplace where the nearest middle eastern and Indian restaurant it two hundred miles away. 6 months later, I was back.

I am the same way, Persian food is my favorite cuisine. Also, basmati rice is the best rice hands down.

I learned how to MAKE IT!

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