

Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Bye-Bye London

January 23, 2013
By Caroline Glick

In an interview with Haaretz in November 2010, British novelist Martin Amis said the following about discussions of Israel in his motherland:

I live in a mildly anti-Semitic country, and Europe is mildly anti-Semitic, and they hold Israel to a higher moral standard than its neighbors. If you bring up Israel in a public meeting in England, the whole atmosphere changes. The standard left-wing person never feels more comfortable than when attacking Israel. Because they are the only foreigners you can attack. Everyone else is protected by having dark skin, or colonial history, or something. But you can attack Israel. And the atmosphere becomes very unpleasant. It is traditional, snobbish, British anti-Semitism combined with present-day circumstances.

After participating last week in a debate in London about Israeli communities beyond the 1949 armistice lines organized by the self-consciously pretentious Intelligence Squared debating society, I can now say from personal experience that Amis is correct. The public atmosphere in England regarding Israel is ugly and violent.

One positive note, I had a breakfast discussion last Wednesday morning with activists from the Zionist Federation of Britain. The people I met are committed, warm, hardworking Zionists. I wish them all the best, and mainly that means, that I hope that these wonderful people and their families make aliyah.

While their work is worthwhile, there is no future for Jews in England.

Bye-Bye London
The British people don't feel that way. Britian has become infested with muslim jihadists who feel that way. They are shoving the British people out of their own country. And, they are doing it with the full approval of the British left.
Q. Guess who coined the term in the OP?

A. Jewess author called Melanie Phillips.

What a surprise...

Melanie Phillips (born 4 June 1951) is a British journalist and author. She started on the left of the political spectrum, writing for The Guardian and New Statesman. During the 1990s she moved to the right, and she currently writes for the Daily Mail, covering political and social issues from a conservative perspective. She defines herself as a liberal who has "been mugged by reality".[1]

Melanie Phillips - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That explains why the left hates her...
Can you explain why you use Martin Amis, of all people, as a source?

Which books of his have you read, and how familiar are you with his work?
Can you explain why you use Martin Amis, of all people, as a source?

Which books of his have you read, and how familiar are you with his work?

"What difference does it make", your going to get all wee weed up anyway...


The man from Helstinki is pegging out da meter...:dunno:
AJ -

Ok, so you don't know who Martin Amis, and you haven't read any of his books.

That's excellent posting, dude.

Again I use that great quote from Hillary C "What difference does it make"

But, but if you want to play da roll of the progressive professor go right ahead. Fill us all in on Marti Amis. I know we could google it but rather hear from you, let's have that book report. Oh Ya in da future I might ask you did you read all the books and bio's on who ever your talking about, I'll be there to throw it in yo face...maybe, maybe


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For the last several years the most popular name for a baby boy in London has been Mohammed. That should tell you something about the shift in demographics and the anti-semitism.

Britain Is No Place for Jews

January 30, 2013
By Caroline Glick

Since I came home from London, subsequent events have borne out my dim assessment of England, and done so at break-neck pace. As one of Britain’s great righteous gentiles Douglas Murray wrote in an essay published yesterday by the Gatestone Institute, England is no longer even trying to hide its anti-Semitism. At this point, to live well in the kingdom, Jews are required to accept or at least express minimal objection to the dominant narrative that Israel is the current Nazi Germany.

Back in 2005, I felt it was a mistake for Israel to push for the UN to establish an international Holocaust remembrance day. What did we need it for?

The UN emerged at the 2001 Durban conference as the epicenter of global anti-Semitism. Why should we give it an out for its hostility towards live Jews by letting it pretend it isn’t an anti-Semitic institution because it mourns dead Jews?


Britain Is No Place for Jews
Tea rooms and restaurants have been replaced by takeaway chicken shops and halal supermarkets serving the new arrivals”...
Why have the white British left London?
19 February 2013 - Something quite remarkable happened in London in the first decade of the new millennium. The number of white British people in the capital fell by 620,000 - equivalent to the entire population of Glasgow moving out.
The consequence, as revealed by the latest census, is that white Brits are now in a minority in London, making up just 45% of its residents. So where have they gone to - and why did they leave? I've been analysing and mapping the census data, and what emerges is a much more positive story than some headlines would make you think. The movement of the white British is often characterised as white flight - the indigenous population forced out of their neighbourhoods by foreign migrants. That may be part of the story, but I think the evidence suggests it is also about working class aspiration and economic success.

Trying to track internal migrants is never easy. Just because the population of one place has fallen and another has risen does not mean residents moved between them. But there are some clues as to where London's white British migrated to between the censuses of 2001 and 2011. While the capital's white British population fell by 620,000, the white British population in the rest of England and Wales increased by 220,000. (The overall fall of 400,000 is explained by a low birth rate and emigration.) These maps show the change to the white British population in local authorities in England and Wales between 2001 and 2011. (Click between the three headings to see how the white British population is seemingly shifting around the country.)


London's dramatic loss of white British residents is represented by a splash of yellow and orange. Outside the capital, the dominant blues tell a story of an increasing white British population. In some places the rise is quite marked.

London's dramatic loss of white British residents is represented by a splash of yellow and orange. Outside the capital, the dominant blues tell a story of an increasing white British population. In some places the rise is quite marked. The dozen authorities with the highest percentage increase in the white British population are almost all found in eastern England. Only mid-Devon falls outside a horseshoe of largely rural authorities extending south and east from the Fens. It would appear that, in the first decade of the 21st Century, the dream of escaping to the country became a reality for tens of thousands of urban white Britons. But did they leave willingly or were they forced to move?

To find out, I have been to Barking and Dagenham, a London borough which has seen a phenomenal change in its cultural make-up over the past decade or so. In 2001, the census records that more than 80% of residents were white British. By 2011, it was statistically in the minority - just 49% of people in the area described themselves as white and British. The story of Barking and Dagenham is the story of the white working class EastEnders. In the 1920s and 30s, tens of thousands of families were moved out of the inner city slums and into the huge council estates which had been built in the borough. The 27,000 houses on the Becontree estate were described as homes for heroes, often allocated to the families of World War I servicemen. Another wave of Cockney sparrows built their nests in the area, having been bombed out of the East End during the Blitz in WWII.

More BBC News - Why have the white British left London?
London and the Midlands are full of virulent Muslim anti-Semites, who apart from hating the Jews also hate everybody else!

They are the main culprits for any overt outbreak of anti-Semitism.

The UK situation is grim for everybody except the muslisms and the UK as we know it is long, long gone.
The public atmosphere in England regarding Israel is ugly and violent.

That seems fair, Israel is ugly and violent. :)

I love Muslim dogs like you. Israel bad, yet Syria, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Pakistan and your shit holed country of Indonesia can ethnically cleanse religious minorities, slaugther and oppress their own people, stomp on freedom of the Press, shit on gay and women's rights, deny democracy and are backwater shit hole third world countries and even Latin America says, well at least we aren't one of those shithole Muslim countries!

The Muslim judgement day is coming and it will be a glorious day! :eusa_pray:

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