Long after death, Confederate spy honored in Ark.

The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution made secession illegal, and the restoration of the Union justifiable.

Your full of crap, let's see if you can come up with a rational justification for that assertion. I'll bet you can't.

What did you say about pins dropping? Come on hero, you said it, back it up.

The Supremacy Clause prohibits a state from making laws that conflict with federal, or to disregard federal law as it applies to the states.

Secession by its nature does both,

and the sworn duty of the President to defend the Constitution, plus his constitutional authority to enforce federal/constitutional law gives him the power act against any state that secedes.
So I'm supposed to just take a guess at what is in the EU agreement between the nations?

Ok I'll let you wimp out on this, how about you explain how the supremacy clause prohibits succession. I would really be interested in that, just to help you out you can find that clause in Article 6, Clause 2. Please don't wimp out on this one.

It took 3/4's to form the Union and it should take 3/4's to dissolve it. The Supreme Court ruled that a State may NOT leave the Union and that the only acceptable avenue is through act of Congress.

Every State that left the Union left because of Slavery. They codified that in their Succession proclamations. Claiming other wise is simple a lie.

Where would SCOTUS get that reasoning from the Constitution? The Constitution was a contract between the states that created the federal government, at the time of ratification Virginia said if the feds started overreaching they reserved the right to withdraw. A party to any contract has a right to terminate that contract if the terms are not being upheld. SCOTUS has screwed the pooch throughout our history, the latest example was Moabamacare, where they said inactivity can constitute a trigger for a tax, that is unpresidented in our history. At the same time they authorized an unconstitutional direct tax that in not covered under the 16th amendment, I think will be overturned when the tax takes effect. If you would like other fine examples read Men in Black.
There was only 13 original states so 3/4 of that would be 4? So yeah the confederacy had enough states...claiming they left because of slavery is a lie. Lincoln himself was asked why not let the south go...he said then who would pay all the bills....they were taxing the south to death....then he provoked a war by sending in troops and arms to ft sumter.

They left because they wanted the freedom to take someone else's freedom.
Long after death, Confederate spy honored in Ark. - Yahoo! News

As he should be. Great men who fought for the right to determine our own fate,interesting how 150 years later we still have morons in the msm who still think the war was fought over slavery...wonder why they don't make such a huge fuss over white slaves from Britain? I don't agree with slavery and indeed my family as far as I know never owned a slave just like a good majority of Confederate soldiers did not they fought for their homeland and their freedom...today more than ever I do wish we had succeeded.

Arkansas...like Texas, but with more inbreeding.
This thread is one of the worst discussions on this subject I have ever seen. The confederate proxies on this one are clueless copy pasting know nothings.
The confeds on this thread have not an idea about history or the Constitution or racism.
Long after death, Confederate spy honored in Ark. - Yahoo! News

As he should be. Great men who fought for the right to determine our own fate,interesting how 150 years later we still have morons in the msm who still think the war was fought over slavery...wonder why they don't make such a huge fuss over white slaves from Britain? I don't agree with slavery and indeed my family as far as I know never owned a slave just like a good majority of Confederate soldiers did not they fought for their homeland and their freedom...today more than ever I do wish we had succeeded.

Arkansas...like Texas, but with more inbreeding.

Now there's a smart statement...gee ya got me there...mental midget...go troll somewhere else bitch.
No state has talked seriously about seceding since the Civil War.

It requires the approval of the other states.

Won't happen.
Your full of crap, let's see if you can come up with a rational justification for that assertion. I'll bet you can't.

What did you say about pins dropping? Come on hero, you said it, back it up.

The Supremacy Clause prohibits a state from making laws that conflict with federal, or to disregard federal law as it applies to the states.

Secession by its nature does both,

and the sworn duty of the President to defend the Constitution, plus his constitutional authority to enforce federal/constitutional law gives him the power act against any state that secedes.

The supreme court never mentioned the supremacy clause, but is it not unconstitutional to wage war against a state, and by the federal government doing so and operating outside their constitutional authority, would that not nullify the constitution?
No state has talked seriously about seceding since the Civil War.

It requires the approval of the other states.

Won't happen.

Where is that wirtten, except in federal documents, the feds were not a part or a signator to the constitution, only the states were. Even a contract that was intended to be perpetual can be broken and nullified.
Oh, what a broken headed bunch our modern confeds evidence. Buncha mush heads.
They have plugged all arguments that support the legality of secession either though amendment or precedent, we all stand or fall together, the confederacy is dead as Elvis and we will not allow another bunch of malcontents to steal a chunk of territory and make war on the rest of us. Still feel strongly about it? Fuck the constitution and simply rebel and take your chances with the largest military in the world.
Nah, no need for the military. The local police will put them against the wall and put paid to them.
What did you say about pins dropping? Come on hero, you said it, back it up.

The Supremacy Clause prohibits a state from making laws that conflict with federal, or to disregard federal law as it applies to the states.

Secession by its nature does both,

and the sworn duty of the President to defend the Constitution, plus his constitutional authority to enforce federal/constitutional law gives him the power act against any state that secedes.

The supreme court never mentioned the supremacy clause, but is it not unconstitutional to wage war against a state, and by the federal government doing so and operating outside their constitutional authority, would that not nullify the constitution?

It is constitutional to suppress an insurrection.
The CSA was not an independent nation. It was an insurrection. Its leaders should have been summarily executed on capture. Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman were far too lenient to the craven losers.

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