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Long Cons: G.O.P.'s Trademark

What about face? Have we gone to war with Syria yet?
I'd say it sounds like you've just been woken from a deep, addled sleep but I hate discovering I've been presumptuous. In any case, yes, Trump was highly critical of B. Obama's and H. Clinton's proxy warmongering in Syria before he supported it. You really didn't know? And yes, in our* crazed lust for never ending military adventure we have been trying to provoke Russia via Syria for many a year now. Add N. Korea, Iran, Yemen... Trump appears quite eager for more involvement in just about any war these days to distract everyone from Mueller's activities. However, I think he's just begun adapting to his core belief structure. Fascist neo-liberalism. Appears yours likely as well. Thus the * on "our". Sure as hell didn't mean "my".

He's been reacting to heavy pressure from both sides of the aisle.

THis is not what he ran on, it is not what his base wants.

Imo, in the absence of pressure for military action, or with countervailing pressure to NOT intervene, Trump would be open to pulling out.
It would be interesting to see how he reacted to that information.
Given his advanced level of brain decay after only 8 horrible years, I doubt anyone could describe his reactions as simply "interesting" after 24.

Considering that he is DEAD, I think it was safe to assume that the question was a hypothetical based on him being alive and healthy.

There is no way that he would support the anti-Russia hysteria going on today, for one thing.
He did not. He had a Republican majority in the Senate-

The composition of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2007) was as follows: Senate: 44 D, 55 R House: 202 D, 231 R The composition of the 110th Congress (2007 - ) is as follows: Senate: 49 D, 49 R House: 233 D, 198 R Reference:

When we have 61 seats, then get back to me.
Did Reagan have a 61 seat majority?

Nope. He had a Democratic Congress and still managed to get what he wanted.

Your excuse is bogus. Totally bogus. It's the excuse of a huckster which you are parroting.

You know how you get shit done? BY HAVING A SUPERIOR PLAN.

Trump and the Republicans have NOTHING. It's all they have had for the past two decades.
Reagan was elected in 2000.

If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.
He did not. He had a Republican majority in the Senate-

The composition of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2007) was as follows: Senate: 44 D, 55 R House: 202 D, 231 R The composition of the 110th Congress (2007 - ) is as follows: Senate: 49 D, 49 R House: 233 D, 198 R Reference:

Did Reagan have a 61 seat majority?

Nope. He had a Democratic Congress and still managed to get what he wanted.

Your excuse is bogus. Totally bogus. It's the excuse of a huckster which you are parroting.

You know how you get shit done? BY HAVING A SUPERIOR PLAN.

Trump and the Republicans have NOTHING. It's all they have had for the past two decades.
Reagan was elected in 2000.

If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!
You’re right. He was better than average. ;)
He did not. He had a Republican majority in the Senate-

The composition of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2007) was as follows: Senate: 44 D, 55 R House: 202 D, 231 R The composition of the 110th Congress (2007 - ) is as follows: Senate: 49 D, 49 R House: 233 D, 198 R Reference:
Reagan was elected in 2000.

If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!
You’re right. He was better than average. ;)
Reagan was elected in 2000.

If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

He was for the wealthy, for the working class, one of the worst!
Yeah, what ever your dear leaders want you to believe, you believe.
You’re right. He was better than average. ;)
If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

He was for the wealthy, for the working class, one of the worst!
Yeah, what ever your dear leaders want you to believe, you believe.
You’re right. He was better than average. ;)
Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

He was for the wealthy, for the working class, one of the worst!

The facts are out there look them up and read them!
He did not. He had a Republican majority in the Senate-

The composition of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2007) was as follows: Senate: 44 D, 55 R House: 202 D, 231 R The composition of the 110th Congress (2007 - ) is as follows: Senate: 49 D, 49 R House: 233 D, 198 R Reference:
Reagan was elected in 2000.

If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

No, it shows that I am not delusional.
Yeah, they are. You should have-

Why did the middle class thrive and have more money under Reagan? proof inside?

The Reagan expansion years marked a period of economic progress for middle class Americans. Middle class income increased 11 percent after adjustment for inflation, while nearly 20 million new jobs were created. Nonetheless, there are those, such as Secretary Reich, who have attempted to portray the 1980s as a period of economic hardship and decline for most Americans.

This paper will rely on data from the Census Bureau to analyze the income growth of the 1980s. The evidence shows that the percentage of households in the low income category declined during the 1980s, while the proportion of high income households increased. Furthermore, while the middle class shrank as a share of all households, the reason for this is upward, not downward, mobility.

Middle Class "Shrinking" Upward

The graph below shows the percentage of all households in low, middle, and high income categories. During economic decline, household income tends to fall, while during economic progress, household incomes tend to increase. The 1982-89 expansion conforms to the expected pattern of income growth during an economic upturn.

The percentage of households in the low income category dropped during the 1980s. This group comprised 27.5 percent of all households in 1980, 28.5 percent in 1982, and only 25.3 percent by 1989. As a share of all households, the proportion of those with low incomes became less prominent by the end of the 1980s.

Meanwhile, the percentage of households with incomes over $50,000 jumped from 17.6 percent in 1980 and 1982, to 23.5 percent in 1989. This remarkable increase in the proportion of high income households is another sign of solid income growth.

Notice how the strong upward mobility has affected the middle category. This group comprised 55 percent of all households in 1980, 53.8 percent in 1982, and 51.1 percent by 1989. In this one sense, the middle class did indeed shrink during the 1980s. Is this good or bad?

If the middle class shrinkage had resulted from massive income losses resulting in expansion of the low income group, it would clearly signal that something was seriously wrong. However, a review of the data shows that the reverse was happening. Income gains were pushing a greater proportion of middle class households into the high income category. Of the 4 percentage point reduction in the middle class percentage between 1980 and 1989, all of it is accounted for by net upward movement into the high income category.


Liberal critics of the 1980s who argue that the middle class withered are half right for the wrong reasons. The proportion of middle class Americans did indeed decline, but this reflected an upward movement of households into the high income category. Meanwhile, the proportion of low income households declined, as more became middle class. The income growth of the Reagan years boosted the fortunes of Americans at all income levels.


Unfortunately, the page was taken down during the Obama admin.
But no fear, here is another to help back up its assertions of fact-

When President Reagan entered office in 1981, he faced actually much worse economic problems than President Obama faced in 2009. Three worsening recessions starting in 1969 were about to culminate in the worst of all in 1981-1982, with unemployment soaring into double digits at a peak of 10.8%. At the same time America suffered roaring double-digit inflation, with the CPI registering at 11.3% in 1979 and 13.5% in 1980 (25% in two years). The Washington establishment at the time argued that this inflation was now endemic to the American economy, and could not be stopped, at least not without a calamitous economic collapse.

All of the above was accompanied by double -igit interest rates, with the prime rate peaking at 21.5% in 1980. The poverty rate started increasing in 1978, eventually climbing by an astounding 33%, from 11.4% to 15.2%. A fall in real median family income that began in 1978 snowballed to a decline of almost 10% by 1982. In addition, from 1968 to 1982, the Dow Jones industrial average lost 70% of its real value, reflecting an overall collapse of stocks.

President Reagan campaigned on an explicitly articulated, four-point economic program to reverse this slow motion collapse of the American economy:

1. Cut tax rates to restore incentives for economic growth, which was implemented first with a reduction in the top income tax rate of 70% down to 50%, and then a 25% across-the-board reduction in income tax rates for everyone. The 1986 tax reform then reduced tax rates further, leaving just two rates, 28% and 15%.

2. Spending reductions, including a $31 billion cut in spending in 1981, close to 5% of the federal budget then, or the equivalent of about $175 billion in spending cuts for the year today. In constant dollars, nondefense discretionary spending declined by 14.4% from 1981 to 1982, and by 16.8% from 1981 to 1983. Moreover, in constant dollars, this nondefense discretionary spending never returned to its 1981 level for the rest of Reagan’s two terms! Even with the Reagan defense buildup, which won the Cold War without firing a shot, total federal spending declined from a high of 23.5% of GDP in 1983 to 21.3% in 1988 and 21.2% in 1989. That’s a real reduction in the size of government relative to the economy of 10%.

3. Anti-inflation monetary policy restraining money supply growth compared to demand, to maintain a stronger, more stable dollar value.

4. Deregulation, which saved consumers an estimated $100 billion per year in lower prices. Reagan’s first executive order, in fact, eliminated price controls on oil and natural gas. Production soared, and aided by a strong dollar the price of oil declined by more than 50%.

These economic policies amounted to the most successful economic experiment in world history. The Reagan recovery started in official records in November 1982, and lasted 92 months without a recession until July 1990, when the tax increases of the 1990 budget deal killed it. This set a new record for the longest peacetime expansion ever, the previous high in peacetime being 58 months.

During this seven-year recovery, the economy grew by almost one-third, the equivalent of adding the entire economy of West Germany, the third-largest in the world at the time, to the U.S. economy. In 1984 alone real economic growth boomed by 6.8%, the highest in 50 years. Nearly 20 million new jobs were created during the recovery, increasing U.S. civilian employment by almost 20%. Unemployment fell to 5.3% by 1989.

The shocking rise in inflation during the Nixon and Carter years was reversed. Astoundingly, inflation from 1980 was reduced by more than half by 1982, to 6.2%. It was cut in half again for 1983, to 3.2%, never to be heard from again until recently. The contractionary, tight-money policies needed to kill this inflation inexorably created the steep recession of 1981 to 1982, which is why Reagan did not suffer politically catastrophic blame for that recession.

Real per-capita disposable income increased by 18% from 1982 to 1989, meaning the American standard of living increased by almost 20% in just seven years. The poverty rate declined every year from 1984 to 1989, dropping by one-sixth from its peak. The stock market more than tripled in value from 1980 to 1990, a larger increase than in any previous decade.

Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures

Maybe research rather than believe everything you are told.

Yeah, what ever your dear leaders want you to believe, you believe.
You’re right. He was better than average. ;)
You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

He was for the wealthy, for the working class, one of the worst!

The facts are out there look them up and read them!
Wow, even the New York Times recognized it in a 1990 article-

We don't know whether historians will call it the Great Expansion of the 1980's or Reagan's Great Expansion, but we do know from official economic statistics that the seven year period from 1982 to 1989 was the greatest, consistent burst of economic activity ever seen in the U.S. In fact, it was the greatest economic expansion the world has ever seen - in any country, at any time.

The two key measures that mark a depression or expansion are jobs and production. Let's look at the records that were set. Creation of jobs. From November 1982, when President Ronald Reagan's new economic program was beginning to take effect, to November 1989, 18.7 million new jobs were created. It was a world record: Never before had so many jobs been created during a comparable time period. The new jobs covered the entire spectrum of work, and more than half of them paid more than $20,000 a year. As total employment grew to 119.5 million, the rate of unemployment fell to slightly over 5 percent, the lowest level in 15 years. Creation of wealth.

The amount of wealth produced during this seven year period was stupendous - some $30 trillion worth of goods and services. Again, it was a world record. Never before had so much wealth been produced during a comparable period. According to a recent study, net asset values - including stocks, bonds and real estate - went up by more than $5 trillion between 1982 and 1989, an increase of roughly 50 percent.

There are other important measures. Steady economic growth. As we begin the decade of the 1990's, we are in our 86th straight month of economic growth - a new record for peacetime, five months longer than the wartime growth of World War II and only 23 months short of the wartime record set during the Vietnam War in the 1960's. Most experts now predict that it will last right through 1990, and perhaps beyond.

Income tax rates, interest rates and inflation.

Under President Reagan, top personal income tax rates were lowered dramatically, from 70 percent to 28 percent. This policy change was the prime force behind the record breaking economic expansion. Interest rates and inflation also fell sharply and, so far, have stayed comfortably low - a further indication of the power and pervasiveness of Mr. Reagan's economic policies. The stock market. Perhaps the key indicator of an economy's booms and busts is the stock market, the bottom line economic report card. And here the record has been striking. During the period from 1970 to 1982, the stock market barely moved. The Standard & Poor's index of 500 stocks inched up about 35 percent during that entire period. But starting in late 1982, just as Reaganomics began to work, the stock market took off like a giant skyrocket. Since then, the Standard & Poor's index has soared, reaching a record high of 360, almost triple what it was in 1982.

There were other consequences of the expansion. Annual Federal spending on public housing and welfare, and on Social Security, Medicare and health all increased by billions of dollars. The poverty rate has fallen steadily since 1983.

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever
Reagan was elected in 2000.

If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

No, it shows that I am not delusional.

Correct you are way past that.
As you ignore the facts posted. Lol. That is delusional, trying to keep up the charade.
If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

No, it shows that I am not delusional.

Correct you are way past that.
If only that were true.

President Reagan, from 19 fucking 80, to 20 fucking 04.

That would have been GLORIOUS.


Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

No, it shows that I am not delusional.

Correct you are way past that.

Depotoo was kind enough to post some links demonstrating President Reagan's record.

Your delusional, and insane denial of reality is revealed for all to see.
As you ignore the facts posted. Lol. That is delusional, trying to keep up the charade.
Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

No, it shows that I am not delusional.

Correct you are way past that.

There are many other pieces written stating the opposite. I truely do not know how to post them using my phone. Have tried many times before but can not figure it out.
Gloriously broke, you do know Raygun is the only president to ever triple the debt don't you? Also his tax plan was the greatest transfer of wealth from the working class to the Uber wealthy in the history of the world! Yup we need more of that!

You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

No, it shows that I am not delusional.

Correct you are way past that.

Depotoo was kind enough to post some links demonstrating President Reagan's record.

Your delusional, and insane denial of reality is revealed for all to see.

See above.
Honey, they can write all they want. The figures don’t lie. Geeesh.
As you ignore the facts posted. Lol. That is delusional, trying to keep up the charade.
You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

No, it shows that I am not delusional.

Correct you are way past that.

There are many other pieces written stating the opposite. I truely do not know how to post them using my phone. Have tried many times before but can not figure it out.
You being unable to properly say the name of the President the won the Cold War without it going hot,

shows you to lack all credibility.

Really lol, you believing that Raygun was even an average President shows your lack of credibility!

No, it shows that I am not delusional.

Correct you are way past that.

Depotoo was kind enough to post some links demonstrating President Reagan's record.

Your delusional, and insane denial of reality is revealed for all to see.

See above.

The economic boom, and the Fall of the Soviet Union, are clear. Any links that deny that, is garbage.
Not that the Dems have anything to crow about, but the Repugs sure do take the cake here:
We unpack alotta long cons on today's BradCast, some of them decades in the making. Among them: Trump's new position on U.S. war in places like Syria, versus his position before he became President; GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan's position on deficit spending before he and Congressional Republicans exploded the deficit and he announced on Wednesday he's retiring from the U.S. House; And, Royal Dutch Shell's position on the dangers of global warming before a new, recently revealed treasure trove of internal company documents going back to the 50's revealed their realposition on the matter.
Any G.O.P. apologists care to try and defend any of this?

Hey...blame CNN.

They elected the guy by giving him 24/7 coverage during the Republican primaries. If they had just shut up, Ted Cruz would be POTUS and leftist would have some substance to complain about.
Not that the Dems have anything to crow about, but the Repugs sure do take the cake here:
We unpack alotta long cons on today's BradCast, some of them decades in the making. Among them: Trump's new position on U.S. war in places like Syria, versus his position before he became President; GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan's position on deficit spending before he and Congressional Republicans exploded the deficit and he announced on Wednesday he's retiring from the U.S. House; And, Royal Dutch Shell's position on the dangers of global warming before a new, recently revealed treasure trove of internal company documents going back to the 50's revealed their realposition on the matter.
Any G.O.P. apologists care to try and defend any of this?

Hey...blame CNN.

They elected the guy by giving him 24/7 coverage during the Republican primaries. If they had just shut up, Ted Cruz would be POTUS and leftist would have some substance to complain about.

They spent 24/7 attacking him.

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