"Long Live Zimmerman"

"Justice is best served cold" can come in many forms and 'revenge' is not always a product of another. GZ killed an unarmed teenager, he was judged not guilty of murder by a jury, but the universe has yet to have its say.
That's a book I'm buying.

I followed the trial pretty closely but the article is really an eye-opener.

Sorry you were put in the position, George, but thanks for culling the herd of one worthless thug.
"Justice is best served cold" can come in many forms and 'revenge' is not always a product of another. GZ killed an unarmed teenager, he was judged not guilty of murder by a jury, but the universe has yet to have its say.

Newsflash for the moron!!! In cases of self defense it matters not whether the aggressor was armed or not....this fallacious argument of a 'unarmed teenager' was circulated by the dumb ass libtards from the gitgo....demonstrating not only legal incompetence but a total disregard for reality aka.....how many black teenagers have beaten white people to death with nothing more than their fists aka the widespread 'knockout game' now underway.

Something else the libtard forgets or wants everyone else to forget.....the hundreds of black teenagers now serving lengthy prision terms for muder...I suppose the judges paid no attention to the fact they were just 'teenagers' like that is somehow supposed to exonerate them. yeh right.........heh heh.
Justice was served.

The perp is dead and the victim is leading a good life with huge financial rewards in store when NBC loses the lawsuite Z has filed against them....even already Z is reaping just financial rewards....he just sold a painting on E bay for around a hundred thousand dollars....just a simple painting of the American Flag....shows the high regard many have for Z. I love it.
Justice was served.

The perp is dead and the victim is leading a good life with huge financial rewards in store when NBC loses the lawsuite Z has filed against them....even already Z is reaping just financial rewards....he just sold a painting on E bay for around a hundred thousand dollars....just a simple painting of the American Flag....shows the high regard many have for Z. I love it.

The problem with people like you is that you have tunnel vision on everything. It makes you ignorant. The verdict was the correct one based on the evidence; that is all that can be said. Zimmerman is not a "Great American" though. The guy is a loose cannon who will most likely end up hurting an innocent person in the future if he doesn't get some help. He has shown, by his actions since his acquittal, that he is most likely unstable and probably should not be carrying a firearm.

It cracks me up whom some people choose to make their heroes.
Justice was served.

The perp is dead and the victim is leading a good life with huge financial rewards in store when NBC loses the lawsuite Z has filed against them....even already Z is reaping just financial rewards....he just sold a painting on E bay for around a hundred thousand dollars....just a simple painting of the American Flag....shows the high regard many have for Z. I love it.

The problem with people like you is that you have tunnel vision on everything. It makes you ignorant. The verdict was the correct one based on the evidence; that is all that can be said. Zimmerman is not a "Great American" though. The guy is a loose cannon who will most likely end up hurting an innocent person in the future if he doesn't get some help. He has shown, by his actions since his acquittal, that he is most likely unstable and probably should not be carrying a firearm.

It cracks me up whom some people choose to make their heroes.

It sounds like to me George is someone most would like to have around when there is a problem or an emergency.....he is willing to risk his life for the good of society aka....................George Zimmerman grabs fire extinguisher, pulls family from overturned SUV | The Daily Caller
I bet this really galls the libtards butts>>>>>>>>>>>>George Zimmerman Painting Sells for $100,000 on eBay | TIME.com

Aka......the key woid being 'apparantly'.......the reports says zimmermans painting 'apparantly' was worth one hundred thousand dollars.

Who is to say what anything is worth? The bottom line the painting sold for a hundred thousand dollars.....here is a question for the times........is any work of art actually worth the thousands...hundreds of thousands or millions they routinely sell for?

It is all about demand......if someone is willing to pay the price etc and so on and so forth.....I am sure times magazine understands this....obviously they are just taking a underhanded swipe at george...."apparantly the painting is worth $100,000 dollars......now if a painting happened to surface that trayvon painted and it was auctioned off for $100,000 dollars....would time headline their story with the woid 'Apparantly' of course not...their storyline in such a scenariou would most likely be what a great genius trayvon was......bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so the beat goes on and the media cannot be relied upon to report the truth.........they always gotta spin it....and make it politically correct......how obnoxious of them.
Justice was served.

The perp is dead and the victim is leading a good life with huge financial rewards in store when NBC loses the lawsuite Z has filed against them....even already Z is reaping just financial rewards....he just sold a painting on E bay for around a hundred thousand dollars....just a simple painting of the American Flag....shows the high regard many have for Z. I love it.

The problem with people like you is that you have tunnel vision on everything. It makes you ignorant. The verdict was the correct one based on the evidence; that is all that can be said. Zimmerman is not a "Great American" though. The guy is a loose cannon who will most likely end up hurting an innocent person in the future if he doesn't get some help. He has shown, by his actions since his acquittal, that he is most likely unstable and probably should not be carrying a firearm.

It cracks me up whom some people choose to make their heroes.

What actions are you referring to? Stopping to help people in an overturned vehicle? Or do you mean painting a painting and selling it on eBay? It must be one of those two because those are the only things he's done recently. Everything else has been found to be lies.
Zimmerman is alive and free, a worthless thug is dead. Justice was served.
The entire thing was a fiasco. All the race baiters did was spotlight black violence. You can't swing a dead cat without hearing some news of Trayvon-like thugs.
A must read for those interested in understanding America's number one problem.........one that will eventually (and not that far down the road) destroy America.
Justice for Zimmerman | American Renaissance

All it looks like is a whole lot of trash, recyled trash that has hashed and rehashed over and over again a million times. And the book is totally biased. Garbage. It's an abuse of good paper to waste it on crap like this.
"Justice is best served cold" can come in many forms and 'revenge' is not always a product of another. GZ killed an unarmed teenager, he was judged not guilty of murder by a jury, but the universe has yet to have its say.

Newsflash for the moron!!! In cases of self defense it matters not whether the aggressor was armed or not....this fallacious argument of a 'unarmed teenager' was circulated by the dumb ass libtards from the gitgo....demonstrating not only legal incompetence but a total disregard for reality aka.....how many black teenagers have beaten white people to death with nothing more than their fists aka the widespread 'knockout game' now underway.

Something else the libtard forgets or wants everyone else to forget.....the hundreds of black teenagers now serving lengthy prision terms for muder...I suppose the judges paid no attention to the fact they were just 'teenagers' like that is somehow supposed to exonerate them. yeh right.........heh heh.

Get back to us when it is your unarmed teenage son who has been murdered by a vigilantee with a gun.
The entire thing was a fiasco. All the race baiters did was spotlight black violence. You can't swing a dead cat without hearing some news of Trayvon-like thugs.

Don't forget, they also wasted hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to try a case when the original police investigators made the correct decision days after the event.

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