Longest un-schedule load shedding for 10 Hrs at SOLDIER BAZAR on Sunday 26, 2011


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Longest un-schedule load shedding for 10 Hrs at SOLDIER BAZAR on Sunday 26, 2011 by careless and shameless KESC

I still do not understand why KESC strictly follow the correct load shedding of all areas and do not extend or reduce load shedding during due to own wish or mood. Never realized those who are elderly, women’s, infants and kids and patient force to stay in hot condition. They are not a common Muslims otherwise they have feeling or pain for others?

I give you details of 3 days of load shedding conducted by KESC IN our Area of Soldier Bazar, Karachi you see how load shedding time being changed and even extended which IRK and keeping un-pleasant to consumers. But totally shameless and careless KESC management and staff never realized what problem being faced when load shedding hours extended.

Every come man knows that UPS have running capacity of 3 to 5 hours but its run when fulled charged otherwise run half duration.

Friday Jun 24, 11

Load shedding duration Total Hours
10.30 AM to 12.30 NOON 2 Hours
2.30 Noon to 4.30 Evening 2 Hours
5.30 Evening to 6.30 “ 1 Hour
7.30 Evening to 9.30 Night 2 Hours
Total 7 Hours

Saturday Jun 25, 11

Load shedding duration Total Hours
10.30 AM to 12.30 NOON 2 Hours
4.30 Evening to 6.30 Evening 2 Hours
8.30 Evening to 10.30 Night 2 Hours
Total 6 Hours

Sunday Jun 26, 11

Load shedding duration Total Hours
11.30 AM to 1.30 NOON 2 Hours
2.30 Noon to 12.30 mid night 10 Hours
Total 12 Hours

I have right to ask question from KESC management and staff why they treat or consider as “second citizen” or “ step mother”. Secondly why select our area SOLDIER Bazar, Karachi for the longest hour load shedding on Sunday. Please do not consider us as ANIMAL but we are also “human beings” as you people.

Why torture and punishment always design and allocated for the honest and sincere consumers? Do you think to punish or expose those who are ill legal using KESC which is huge losses of KESC revenue but why KESC management remain BLIND, DEAF and DUMP in this issue.

If you people do as un-justice but never punished or take notice from your management but remember all of you those who are doing intentionally load shedding without any problem are all questionable from God and never skip from punishment from God.

More painful and regret why KESC management or staff always act as careless and do not attend consumer complain at earliest possible time but un-necessary delay by making lamp excuses ( our delivery van not available ) or ( sacked KESC staff disturbing the repair works ).

Introduce to lodge complain in KESC 13 digit is very difficult for those who are un-educated to lodge complain. I consider this is waste of time and making consumer foolish that their complain registered with KESC. Please MAKE an official record on web site which is accessible by higher authority of KESC and NEPRA after registered a complain how many hours KESC will take to rectify the problem or faculty? Any record maintains to proof the consumers this 13 digit complain is working error and tension free?

Pray to God why giving spare time to such black sheep, dis-honest and careless who are working in KESC from Junior staff to top management , clean all bad eggs but using silent stick so the people of Karachi saved from load shedding problems.

I appeal to Governor of Sind, Chief Minister, KESC chief executive and NEPRA head what reasons since last 3 years load shedding problems day by day increasing and become a hurdle for all people. On return KESC sending consumption bill more than the DOUBLE consumption. Even I lodge complain with WMS, Governor of Sind, Nepra and KESC not result and consider waste of time.

Thanking You.

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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