Longevity and Fasting


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Just found this article on fasting at youtube, selected for me by my opening another page for a few minutes, and when I came back to youtube, this was playing. I'm intrigued. The claim is made that after a person fasts for 9 hours, during the next few hours the body begins healing itself, and even named the process. I may try this because I frequently have autoimmune issues and wondered if there is a solution outside conventional diets that would make some ailments subside. Anyone noticed an improved outlook and subsidence of issues after fasting for a couple of days?

Try it ... but let your body tell you if it helps ... and don't forget to eat healthy foods when you do eat ... otherwise you're wasting your time ... McDonald's once week at most ...
F that...who wants to get hit by a bus and killed while you are hungrier than shit?.....
F that...who wants to get hit by a bus and killed while you are hungrier than shit?.....
Kind of reminds me of the people that run or ride bicycles to stay healthy that die young due to accidents (hit by a bus).
Not sure I'd be much help BUT...…..in the summer, when I'm busy outside, physically active I only eat once a day as suggested in the video title. In the winter I'm less active, eat more and spend less time outside.

My biggest health issues are or have been Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Arthritis/Bone Degeneration especially in the lumbar, with nerve pain & issues that may stem from that... and Bipolar/Depression.

The BC is now officially gone, but the others are issues I deal with daily and are usually worse in the winter. That may be (and probably is) because of activity levels and exposure to sunshine/Vitamin D....but that's speculation on my part.

But I will say overall.....I don't catch cold or flu or whatever other croup is going around that most people suffer from......or if by odd chance I do catch something, it's not as bad or last as long. It's your guess as good as mine if one has anything to do with the other.
Not sure I'd be much help BUT...…..in the summer, when I'm busy outside, physically active I only eat once a day as suggested in the video title. In the winter I'm less active, eat more and spend less time outside.

My biggest health issues are or have been Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Arthritis/Bone Degeneration especially in the lumbar, with nerve pain & issues that may stem from that... and Bipolar/Depression.

The BC is now officially gone, but the others are issues I deal with daily and are usually worse in the winter. That may be (and probably is) because of activity levels and exposure to sunshine/Vitamin D....but that's speculation on my part.

But I will say overall.....I don't catch cold or flu or whatever other croup is going around that most people suffer from......or if by odd chance I do catch something, it's not as bad or last as long. It's your guess as good as mine if one has anything to do with the other.

Should also include here, the quality or types of food eaten. Luckily we eat a wide variety of foods, especially vegetables. Most meals include protein, starch/carb and atleast one vegetable and/or salad for a good balance. By 'Luckily', I mean there's little or few that we don't eat. Plus I add some powdered veggies or greens that also help boost vitamins & health benefits whenever I can, depending on the meal.

One health issue I almost forgot, is high triglycerides (the other bad cholesterol number) and the fact I don't take any meds for anything and chose 'diet' to help and/or control my health issues. I can usually tell when my system is off and make adjustments accordingly...….which is usually making better or healthier choices of what to stuff my face with, when I'm bored.
F that...who wants to get hit by a bus and killed while you are hungrier than shit?.....
When people toss the idea that 3 meals a day and routine exercise did not stop them from gaining weight, and begin fasting, there comes a point when healing influences also stop them from craving carbs. Many fast-food carbohydrates are called by cued-in nutritionists "empty calories." And the video acknowledges that the consumption of carbs increases the craving for eating shortly afterward. The video explains your complaint completely. Fasting seems to be thought of as entering a non-food dominating life that can reverse some disorders such as clouded thinking and hunger pain. I was just curious if anyone has had that kind of experience with fasting.
F that...who wants to get hit by a bus and killed while you are hungrier than shit?.....
When people toss the idea that 3 meals a day and routine exercise did not stop them from gaining weight, and begin fasting, there comes a point when healing influences also stop them from craving carbs. Many fast-food carbohydrates are called by cued-in nutritionists "empty calories." And the video acknowledges that the consumption of carbs increases the craving for eating shortly afterward. The video explains your complaint completely. Fasting seems to be thought of as entering a non-food dominating life that can reverse some disorders such as clouded thinking and hunger pain. I was just curious if anyone has had that kind of experience with fasting.

Our craving to eat carbohydrates is biological. It's a protection from the days when our meals were irregular and we didn't eat every day.

Carbohydrates are the foods easiest to break down into Glycogen in the body and easiest to be stored as adipose tissue. When your meals don't come regularly, you need a food that can be stored in the body.

Regular meals are a relatively new thing in human evolution. Our bodies are still not adapted to it.
I understand that assassination was Ghandi's grim reaper. His fast did not kill him. Three bullets from an assassin accomplished his demise.

Important safety tip here ... don't get assassinated during your fasting period ...

If you're lethargic from lack of food, you can't fight back.
If you were full of fun and energy, 3 bullets that enter the heart, brain, or pierce the carotid artery or aorta can result in death with little chance of fighting back in the blink of an eye.
Not sure I'd be much help BUT...…..in the summer, when I'm busy outside, physically active I only eat once a day as suggested in the video title. In the winter I'm less active, eat more and spend less time outside.

My biggest health issues are or have been Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Arthritis/Bone Degeneration especially in the lumbar, with nerve pain & issues that may stem from that... and Bipolar/Depression.

The BC is now officially gone, but the others are issues I deal with daily and are usually worse in the winter. That may be (and probably is) because of activity levels and exposure to sunshine/Vitamin D....but that's speculation on my part.

But I will say overall.....I don't catch cold or flu or whatever other croup is going around that most people suffer from......or if by odd chance I do catch something, it's not as bad or last as long. It's your guess as good as mine if one has anything to do with the other.
Did you watch the video? What do you think of the man who weighed almost 500 pounds and in 385+ days, he got his weight down to 180? His diet was only vitamins and water, and several health problems he had related to overweight went away early on. I realize that some people can have true problems arise such as bulemia and anorexia nervosa, but in the video, a tribe in South America that does not have strong educational backgrounds live to a ripe old age frequently where eating is an option of way less than 3 squares a day, which intrigues me, that's all.
Just found this article on fasting at youtube, selected for me by my opening another page for a few minutes, and when I came back to youtube, this was playing. I'm intrigued. The claim is made that after a person fasts for 9 hours, during the next few hours the body begins healing itself, and even named the process. I may try this because I frequently have autoimmune issues and wondered if there is a solution outside conventional diets that would make some ailments subside. Anyone noticed an improved outlook and subsidence of issues after fasting for a couple of days?

Yes, there are benefits -- and potential dangers.

Look into intermediate fasting. Much safer and it Carries a lot of benefits.


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