Longtime GOP insider Cheri Jacobus: America is "not going to recover from Donald Trump"

Clearly is a one word answer… “moral” or “immoral”. You respond with word salads and question which I won’t read until you actually answer my question. Then I’ll be more than happy to answer yours
You just don't understand English very well. That's not my problem Lefty Dupe. Sucks to be you. You can continue to find ways to forward your lefty propaganda elsewhere, but not at my expense.
Word salad for “I am ignorant”.
The sore loser words of an uneducated useful idiot who carries propaganda for the left when they are defeated and have no real rebuttals.

Let's be honest. None of you lefty DemNazi assholes are here to debate anything. You are here to spread your disease of hatred through your Marxist Propaganda and nothing more.
This ugly period has demonstrated that a large segment of America can fall head over heals for a blatant, juvenile orange con man.

A flamboyant, fast-talking, hypersensitive, makeup-caked, manicured, hair sprayed, childish, gold-plated, obvious con man.

America has demonstrated that we're no longer "exceptional". Many people thought we were much better than this. Wrong.
It is difficult to understand how the duopoly can recover from its two-barreled catastrophes. Nevertheless, people doggedly continue their devotion to this vile division of the nation.
You just don't understand English very well. That's not my problem Lefty Dupe. Sucks to be you. You can continue to find ways to forward your lefty propaganda elsewhere, but not at my expense.
I understand English just fine... Still not seeing an answer... MORAL or IMMORAL. You can't give a direct answer can you? What a joke
This ugly period has demonstrated that a large segment of America can fall head over heals for a blatant, juvenile orange con man.

A flamboyant, fast-talking, hypersensitive, makeup-caked, manicured, hair sprayed, childish, gold-plated, obvious con man.

America has demonstrated that we're no longer "exceptional". Many people thought we were much better than this. Wrong.
Have you checked out Chris Cuomo's new podcast?
Check out his talk with Yang... Its pretty good. Address the two party duopoly and ways to move away from it.
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it’s 100 percent true the american left won’t recover from Trump

he has exposed them for the tyrannical stalinist demafasict they are. Over 85 percent of the population believes, rightful, they are taking our country in the wrong direction…the only people left supporting the. are cultist
Have you checked out Chris Cuomo's new podcast? Which out his talk with Yang... Its pretty good. Address the two party duopoly and ways to move away from it.
I love the way the Forward Party is getting started -- not trying to go national right away, but building slowly and locally.

The question is whether we can get big enough before this system destroys us, y'know?
it’s 100 percent true the american left won’t recover from Trump

he has exposed them for the tyrannical stalinist demafasict they are. Over 85 percent of the population believes, rightful, they are taking our country in the wrong direction…the only people left supporting the. are cultist
Trump and the Republicans were VOTED out of power only two years ago. Thats the voice of America. He hasn't exposed anything. He has failed. All he is doing now is slandering and name calling. Its what he does best. He lives in the peanut gallery.
I understand English just fine... Still not seeing an answer... MORAL or IMMORAL. You can't give a direct answer can you? What a joke
You are a joke and a fraud and have the debating skills of a Chinese Washer Woman. Go get bent. You got your answer. You just didn't like the answer because it exposes your hypocrisy and you could not bend my answer to benefit your agenda and continue your mission of propaganda. Go cry to Uncle EmperorShitzHizPantz, Snowflake. Maybe he'll sniff your hair and make you feel better.
That or take a shower with you and his daughter. Which do you prefer? Maybe Hunter and one of his paintings can join you. I'm sure a Billionaire like Joe has a big shower and you can all fit in it. He had to spend all those years of bribes some place....so a big shower for him and his daughter and you and Hunter and his paintings sounds like the right thing to do.
I love the way the Forward Party is getting started -- not trying to go national right away, but building slowly and locally.

The question is whether we can get big enough before this system destroys us, y'know?
Yeah, I'm super curious how it progresses but I love the idea and hope it gets traction and support. Not just the Forward Party but hopefully a few others. What would be awesome is to disband Republicans and Democrats... Make them scatter and start new factions.... Thats blowing up the system and something I'd LOVE to see
Trump and the Republicans were VOTED out of power only two years ago. Thats the voice of America. He hasn't exposed anything. He has failed. All he is doing now is slandering and name calling. Its what he does best. He lives in the peanut gallery.
yep it only took you demafasict two years to sxrew things up bigly and wake the people
True, I didn't like the answer because I didn't see the answer. Because you DIDN'T answer. The answer and only be one of two things. Moral or Immoral and you haven't said either. What a weakling you are.
You should go back to divining corn kernels from Joe's diaper and making policy decisions based on that. I am sure you'd do a much better job than the morons and their senile puppet are doing now. Couldn't be any worse, snowflake.
Tree makes a lot of Salad... I'm starting to think he is married to PoliticalChic and all they do is rant on the internet all day
Just a test to see if you are still the liar readers know you to be:

a. Who did a better job with the economy, Trump or the Democrats?

b. Who was better containing the southern border, Trump or the Democrats?

c. Who contained inflation better, Trump or the Democrats?

d. When was there more peace in the world, under Trump or under the Democrat?

e. When did we have better gas prices, under Trump or under the Democrats?

f. Where did we get the truth about Russian Collusion, from Trump or from the Democrats?

g. Who provided the Taliban with over $30 billion in weapons, Trump or the Democrats?

h. Who, contrary to the Constitution, allowed courts and attorneys general to alter the menthods of elections, Trump or the Democrats?

i. Who is in favor of censorship of views they don't like, Trump or the Democrats???

j. Who insistes on nuclear-arming the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, Trump or the Democrats?
yep it only took you demafasict two years to sxrew things up bigly and wake the people
It’s the same pendulum of power that’s been swinging since the beginning dude. Don’t get caught up in the hyper partisan talking points.
You should go back to divining corn kernels from Joe's diaper and making policy decisions based on that. I am sure you'd do a much better job than the morons and their senile puppet are doing now. Couldn't be any worse, snowflake.
Still no answer. Youre weak

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