Longwood Gardens: School Trips [Eco-Hands?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
How do we invest in 'eco-dogma' in TrumpUSA?


Longwood Gardens (Pennsylvania) is a preserved/maintained botanical garden featuring tours, workshops, and special exhibits. It boasts much varied flora and rich exotic flowers and plants and is a favorite place to visit for fans of gardening and/or botany. Longwood Gardens is a nice investment in eco-imaginarium construction.


Imagine therefore if students from a handsome ethnic-minority charter school such as Charles R. Drew School (Georgia) plan a weekend field trip to Longwood Gardens to participate in a George Washington Carver (African-American botanist/agriculturalist) workshop to augment their studies in ecology and conservationism. This would be a terrific feather in American educational investments in eco-consciousness.


The participation of our students in this pluralistic nation in eco-studies and eco-workshops helps us politically (and culturally!) praise America's commitment to conservationism, arguably marketing nature-focused media networks (e.g., National Geographic). Politicians can work closely with education boards to promote/fund activities such as school trips to Longwood Gardens(!).


The incendiary eco-novel The Monkey Wrench Gang (Edward Abbey) promoted awareness of American interests in conservationism-politics, and today's students want to appreciate/understand how social mobilization complements eco-consciousness. So how do we coordinate politics with lifestyle-focused education in TrumpUSA?




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