"Look at All of the People Fighting for Me"

Zero evidence. Zero insurrection charges. You’re not an American and you worship China so fuck off you fucking troll.
Trump is hiding the evidence in hopes of Republicans taking control of Congress next year. Too bad the DoJ won't change hands until 2025 at the earliest.
18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection
"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
It’s not putting me on the spot. I provided an NPR article that provides some insight on the refusals. Factually, the Capitol Hill Police chief resigned after the riot. Why? Let’s get these questions answered as part of the commission. Put Trump up there, Pelosi,,Bowser, etc.

My query about the "offer to Pelosi" originates in my perception that it has long been de-bunked.

Per credible reporting, Don Trump ...NEVER.....offered Nancy Pelosi the protection of National Guard troops for his lawfully permitted Eclipse rally, nor for his not-lawfully permitted 'march' to the Capitol from the Ellipse. I believe it is a trope originating from the right-wing website 'Revolver'. And, because it seemingly deflected the blame away from the Administration and on to the hated Pelosi it was widely circulated on social media and widely adopted as an article of faith by MAGAHatters.

That the Capitol Police in their functions as building guards for the Capitol were unprepared for the rally to turn into a march ----- directed at them....... almost need not be mention.

But I will.

Trump's planners for his "It-Will-Be-Wild" assembly properly applied for a permit authorizing a rally at the Ellipse. The permit was properly issued....for a rally at the Ellipse. But late in his speech...and after Giuliani loudly stated 'trial-by-combat' was required, and Trump loudly stated the assembly needed to fight to take back the country.....he then directed the crowd to join him on a march to the Capitol to convince the combined legislators to not certify the electoral votes.

Nobody anticipated, nobody prepared for an unlawful march. No permit was requested or issued for a march. Route barricades, vehicles, personnel were not deployed, back-up forces were not alerted....because no march was planned. And at the Capitol itself only light weight barricades (bicycle racks) were deployed across streetside entry as markers to pedestrians and protestors that they were to stay on the streetside of them.

But that's not what happened.
Without adequate staffing for a march, and with insufficient barricading, and with staffing levels not increased, the mob tore through the bicycle rack barricades (often shown in the videos) and they overwhelmed the Capitol guards.

Now.......if.......IF.....Trump's rally team had requested a permit for a march to the Capitol that would have alerted the administrators and law enforcement to a different set of needs. But, per their testimony to the Select Committee the planners had no idea Trump was going to order a march and direct the crowds towards the Capitol.

As far as "Trump's offer to Pelosi".......I'll go with Politifacts' reportage: It didn't happen.


Trump is hiding the evidence in hopes of Republicans taking control of Congress next year. Too bad the DoJ won't change hands until 2025 at the earliest.
18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection
"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
Why hasn’t one person been charged with insurrection? Why did the FBI state there is no evidence of a planned insurrection? You live in an Islamist fantasy world.
It's really getting old seeing this topic in thread after thread after thread!
Why are you wasting time, bandwidth, and attention by posting on these threads?

Are you worried over the prospect that Trump will die like Jeff?
MSM talk a lot about "autocrats" when they should be using the world "oligarch."

Oligarchy - Wikipedia

"Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as meaning rule by the rich,[4] for which another term commonly used today is plutocracy.

"In the early 20th century Robert Michels developed the theory that democracies, like all large organizations, have a tendency to turn into oligarchies.

"In his 'Iron law of oligarchy' he suggests that the necessary division of labor in large organizations leads to the establishment of a ruling class mostly concerned with protecting their own power."
And the 60% you mention Would still be better than 99% in many countries. So stop your communist bullshit. If you don’t like it here, move!
Why hasn’t one person been charged with insurrection? Why did the FBI state there is no evidence of a planned insurrection? You live in an Islamist fantasy world.
Because no one involved in the planning of Trump's Seditious Conspiracy has been charged yet.

When did the FBI "state there is no evidence of a planned insurrection", before or after the DoJ completes its investigation?
Because no one involved in the planning of Trump's Seditious Conspiracy has been charged yet.

When did the FBI "state there is no evidence of a planned insurrection", before or after the DoJ completes its investigation?
"Trump's Seditious Conspiracy".

That's truly humorous. Please don't ever go away. You are far too entertaining to lose.
Because no one involved in the planning of Trump's Seditious Conspiracy has been charged yet.

When did the FBI "state there is no evidence of a planned insurrection", before or after the DoJ completes its investigation?
Google is your friend. Look it up. So it’s been over a year and no charges. Hmmm..your Trump hatred is yummy. You didn’t even know what the FBI concluded and yet you make your claims like the idiot Islamist that you are. Go back to making suicide vests.
And the 60% you mention Would still be better than 99% in many countries
Got any evidence for that claim?

What percentage of those foreign workers labor under an economic order that requires them to go into debt to obtain basic needs like housing, education, and medical care?
Got any evidence for that claim?

What percentage of those foreign workers labor under an economic order that requires them to go into debt to obtain basic needs like housing, education, and medical care?
Georgie the Antisemite, there are 650mil people in India without running water who poop outside. Want to talk about China? Africa? No one is denied healthcare in America. Stop your nonsense. You are able to post here are you not? So you have Internet access, do you not?

My query about the "offer to Pelosi" originates in my perception that it has long been de-bunked.

Per credible reporting, Don Trump ...NEVER.....offered Nancy Pelosi the protection of National Guard troops for his lawfully permitted Eclipse rally, nor for his not-lawfully permitted 'march' to the Capitol from the Ellipse. I believe it is a trope originating from the right-wing website 'Revolver'. And, because it seemingly deflected the blame away from the Administration and on to the hated Pelosi it was widely circulated on social media and widely adopted as an article of faith by MAGAHatters.

That the Capitol Police in their functions as building guards for the Capitol were unprepared for the rally to turn into a march ----- directed at them....... almost need not be mention.

But I will.

Trump's planners for his "It-Will-Be-Wild" assembly properly applied for a permit authorizing a rally at the Ellipse. The permit was properly issued....for a rally at the Ellipse. But late in his speech...and after Giuliani loudly stated 'trial-by-combat' was required, and Trump loudly stated the assembly needed to fight to take back the country.....he then directed the crowd to join him on a march to the Capitol to convince the combined legislators to not certify the electoral votes.

Nobody anticipated, nobody prepared for an unlawful march. No permit was requested or issued for a march. Route barricades, vehicles, personnel were not deployed, back-up forces were not alerted....because no march was planned. And at the Capitol itself only light weight barricades (bicycle racks) were deployed across streetside entry as markers to pedestrians and protestors that they were to stay on the streetside of them.

But that's not what happened.
Without adequate staffing for a march, and with insufficient barricading, and with staffing levels not increased, the mob tore through the bicycle rack barricades (often shown in the videos) and they overwhelmed the Capitol guards.

Now.......if.......IF.....Trump's rally team had requested a permit for a march to the Capitol that would have alerted the administrators and law enforcement to a different set of needs. But, per their testimony to the Select Committee the planners had no idea Trump was going to order a march and direct the crowds towards the Capitol.

As far as "Trump's offer to Pelosi".......I'll go with Politifacts' reportage: It didn't happen.


Rather than rely on biased media and get into a pissing match over who or what is credible sources, all the more reason Pelosi should welcome the opportunity to debunk this officially as part of the commission hearings..
"all the more reason Pelosi should welcome the opportunity to debunk this officially as part of the commission hearings.."

I am quite OK to have Nancy Pelosi, Don Trump, Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, and any others that the Select Committee believes has useful information to bring 'em in ---willingly or under subpoena ---and get their responses under oath on record.

The most important value that I am looking for is that the investigation be as complete, thorough, and accurate as is humanly possible.

From my perspective ---the American people must know what happened, how it happened, what were its antecedents, and was there communication or cooridination attached to mendacious intent.
It’s not putting me on the spot. I provided an NPR article that provides some insight on the refusals. Factually, the Capitol Hill Police chief resigned after the riot. Why? Let’s get these questions answered as part of the commission. Put Trump up there, Pelosi,,Bowser, etc.
are you referring to this?

only the two sergeants at arms has authority to call the national guard, but Trump could have overriden that, but instead just sat there watch it on TV.
are you referring to this?

only the two sergeants at arms has authority to call the national guard, but Trump could have overriden that, but instead just sat there watch it on TV.
Let’s investigate. Let’s get testimonials under oath and not rely solely on media.

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