"Look at All of the People Fighting for Me"

There a certain art in conveying complex thought with few words. You should try it.
Riddles are not my thing. I'd rather stick to debate with facts and the truth. You should try that.
You know it's true.

"Look at all those people fighting for me!"

That's exactly what trump would say.
Princeton Report: American Government Isn't a Democracy

"When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy"

The next oligarch-turned-POTUS won't be a semi-literate, brain-dead pathological liar like Trump, and he or she will have a much better shot at ending democracy in the US.
georgephillip is a communist and petrified of capitalists.
Azog, the clueless champion of rich-bitches everywhere.
Oligarchs couldn't exist without useless eaters like you:

Princeton Report: American Government Isn't a Democracy

"When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”
"After systematically reviewing key variables for over 1,779 policy issues, Gilens and Page found that the impact of the everyday citizen is practically negligible.

"It was nearly impossible to find cases where the general populace actually had a true impact. That is not to say that average Americans never get their way:"
Azog, the clueless champion of rich-bitches everywhere.
Oligarchs couldn't exist without useless eaters like you:

Princeton Report: American Government Isn't a Democracy

"After systematically reviewing key variables for over 1,779 policy issues, Gilens and Page found that the impact of the everyday citizen is practically negligible.

"It was nearly impossible to find cases where the general populace actually had a true impact. That is not to say that average Americans never get their way:"
If you hate America so much, move
This is perfectly consistent with everything we know of him and what he did on that day. He’s a narcissistic sociopath.

Trump’s death cult presidency - The Boston Globe
The day I March on behalf of ANY wealthy politician, regardless of party, is the day heck freezes over.
MSM talk a lot about "autocrats" when they should be using the world "oligarch."

Oligarchy - Wikipedia

"Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as meaning rule by the rich,[4] for which another term commonly used today is plutocracy.

"In the early 20th century Robert Michels developed the theory that democracies, like all large organizations, have a tendency to turn into oligarchies.

"In his 'Iron law of oligarchy' he suggests that the necessary division of labor in large organizations leads to the establishment of a ruling class mostly concerned with protecting their own power."
Trump is the piece of shit of the world. And how sad and disgusting it is, that people support that. Scum of the earth these folks.
A lifelong crony-capitalist cuts out the middleman (woman) and conservatives put him in the White House. For centuries conservatives killed and died for the divine right of kings and today they do the same for capital. Maybe that's why so many of them are drawn to a Lost Cause?
A lifelong crony-capitalist cuts out the middleman (woman) and conservatives put him in the White House. For centuries conservatives killed and died for the divine right of kings and today they do the same for capital. Maybe that's why so many of them are drawn to a Lost Cause?
. Instead, she refused Trump’s offer of the National Guard. Why?

I have not seen any credible sourcing on that "refusal"
Does the good poster LoL have some?

When did Trump offer it?
Who was there to witness it?
What did he say?

Of a curious note also: If Don Trump had the power and the ability to provide the National Guard to Nancy Pelosi before the attack, well, did he not have the power and the ability to deploy them during the attack?

And if, as is said, that he "did nothing" for three hours while the attack progressed.....wouldn't that have been an appropiate opportunity to excercise the powers of a Commander in Chief?

I ain't intending to put you on the spot, poster Left, but.......but I think you can understand the utility of these questions.
I have not seen any credible sourcing on that "refusal"
Does the good poster LoL have some?

When did Trump offer it?
Who was there to witness it?
What did he say?

Of a curious note also: If Don Trump had the power and the ability to provide the National Guard to Nancy Pelosi before the attack, well, did he not have the power and the ability to deploy them during the attack?

And if, as is said, that he "did nothing" for three hours while the attack progressed.....wouldn't that have been an appropiate opportunity to excercise the powers of a Commander in Chief?

I ain't intending to put you on the spot, poster Left, but.......but I think you can understand the utility of these questions.
It’s not putting me on the spot. I provided an NPR article that provides some insight on the refusals. Factually, the Capitol Hill Police chief resigned after the riot. Why? Let’s get these questions answered as part of the commission. Put Trump up there, Pelosi,,Bowser, etc.

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